View Full Version : 3d printed Blood Angels. quality improving

10-31-2014, 12:41 PM

GW might just be pissing in their pants right now. The quality is still crap, but holy crap is that getting pretty solid.

You are now better off buying a printer than an army price wise. You sacrifice quality, but who really cares? Maybe buy your characters?

(Mod note, this seemed the best area to discuss the 3d printed army, please move if wrong sub)

10-31-2014, 12:43 PM
Games Workshop has repeatedly said that their head is firmly planted in the sand as it relates to 3D printing.

10-31-2014, 12:47 PM
Games Workshop has repeatedly said that their head is firmly planted in the sand as it relates to 3D printing.

Lol that is fantastic.

10-31-2014, 02:08 PM
My bet, GW will start selling pre-built 3D models of their product so you can print the models as home.

The quality of those models in the photo is crap. You'd be better off with wadded-up Post-it notes and magic markers. I doubt the portion of players that really enjoy the craft of the hobby will ever want to play with printed models.

10-31-2014, 02:15 PM
My bet, GW will start selling pre-built 3D models of their product so you can print the models as home.

The quality of those models in the photo is crap. You'd be better off with wadded-up Post-it notes and magic markers. I doubt the portion of players that really enjoy the craft of the hobby will ever want to play with printed models.

I think the vehicles are close, hell that Rhino chasis is decent.

There are not enough people who will pay the prices GW demands when an ok alternative is there. Just look at the knock off market.

10-31-2014, 02:23 PM
I think the vehicles are close, hell that Rhino chasis is decent.

There are not enough people who will pay the prices GW demands when an ok alternative is there. Just look at the knock off market.

Yeah, the vehicles are pretty good. A boxy rhino seems like a good model to print yourself.

I know there are a lot of people willing to go the knockoff/papercraft/lego/cardboard cutout route, but despite the GW cost, availability of knockoffs, and ease of other entertainment/hobby options, GW is still in business.

I think the painting and modeling crowd will keep enough demand around for high-quality models.

10-31-2014, 03:09 PM
Yeah, the vehicles are pretty good. A boxy rhino seems like a good model to print yourself.

I know there are a lot of people willing to go the knockoff/papercraft/lego/cardboard cutout route, but despite the GW cost, availability of knockoffs, and ease of other entertainment/hobby options, GW is still in business.

I think the painting and modeling crowd will keep enough demand around for high-quality models.

This really is the crux of the situation. I can guarantee that GW will not grow with their current pricing model. I think they can survive and make decent money going after the modellers and painters. If they were not a public company they would be way better off to weather this storm. Time will tell, but I wouldn't put money down on it.

10-31-2014, 06:40 PM
I can guarantee that GW will not grow with their current pricing model.

I've been hearing that constantly since 1987.
I notice they're still in business though...

10-31-2014, 06:56 PM
I've been hearing that constantly since 1987.
I notice they're still in business though...

ummm GW haven't been growing for like 5-6 years now atleast

amybe actually reading the comment and comprehending before you get condescending

- - - Updated - - -

Lol that is fantastic.

if you think thats funny go read the annual report for last year, its hilariously bad

10-31-2014, 08:16 PM
if you think thats funny go read the annual report for last year, its hilariously bad

They turned a profit. I bet plenty of other companies wish their hilariously bad years were that bad.

10-31-2014, 08:25 PM
They turned a profit. I bet plenty of other companies wish their hilariously bad years were that bad.

never said they didn't I bet their are plenty of companies that think bragging about not doing market research is a joke

10-31-2014, 10:00 PM
Mind you, those marines aren't even resin quality, look at Creature Caster's prints:

GW ought to shaking in their boots, seeing as how they can be easily replaced.

Mr Mystery
11-01-2014, 02:40 AM
Games Workshop has repeatedly said that their head is firmly planted in the sand as it relates to 3D printing.

Except where they have said they're looking into it, and do indeed make some use of it in their prototyping stage - and they don't currently feel any given machine currently offers the right combination of price, speed and detailing to really appeal to a widespread buying public.

11-01-2014, 06:49 AM
Geez those BA's look terribad. I mean, if you have no idle care for how your models look on the table then have at it. And if they're WYSIWYG, sure I'll play them but I'm not going to enjoy playing you because having to look at those things is going to make me really not like you for forcing these things upon my eyeballs.

11-01-2014, 08:19 AM
At the moment the companies that use 3D printing use it to print their masters, then do some work touching up those masters, then cast from them. At the moment the limiting factor is the price of printers (and individual prints) that can match home cast models. That'll be the point that GW really needs to sit up and take notice, even if plastic injection is still going to be superior in both price-per-model and quality at that moment.

And it won't be just GW that'll have a major erk moment once that point gets reached, it'll be many other companies in the same boat.

Mr Mystery
11-01-2014, 12:48 PM
At the moment the companies that use 3D printing use it to print their masters, then do some work touching up those masters, then cast from them. At the moment the limiting factor is the price of printers (and individual prints) that can match home cast models. That'll be the point that GW really needs to sit up and take notice, even if plastic injection is still going to be superior in both price-per-model and quality at that moment.

And it won't be just GW that'll have a major erk moment once that point gets reached, it'll be many other companies in the same boat.

Except they're already keeping an eye on it.

Chairman's preamble, this year.

11-01-2014, 06:02 PM
I think it's a shame so many people out there who seem to look forward to the day GW fold. Yes the prices have gone up, yes their results haven't been as good as they might've been over the last few years. But it is still a company started by like-minded geeks who have given us some of the best sci-fi or fantasy universes in the world right now. Yes they have 'borrowed' many core ideas from other places, but no sci-fi was ever created that wasn't already based on historical facts, names & events. I would be gutted if they folded because of a bunch of chinese / russian bootleggers, chin-stroking anti-establishment types with access to a 3d printer, or their own - admittedly poor - recent pricing and licensing decisions.

Stop hating. You will all be gutted when they do go, and the stories, designs and rules dry up forever.

11-01-2014, 06:36 PM
I think it's a shame so many people out there who seem to look forward to the day GW fold. Yes the prices have gone up, yes their results haven't been as good as they might've been over the last few years. But it is still a company started by like-minded geeks who have given us some of the best sci-fi or fantasy universes in the world right now. Yes they have 'borrowed' many core ideas from other places, but no sci-fi was ever created that wasn't already based on historical facts, names & events. I would be gutted if they folded because of a bunch of chinese / russian bootleggers, chin-stroking anti-establishment types with access to a 3d printer, or their own - admittedly poor - recent pricing and licensing decisions.

Stop hating. You will all be gutted when they do go, and the stories, designs and rules dry up forever.

yeah, hey, heres an idea, maybe GW should start talking to us, I mean its not like Eddy was universally loved right? But nope, can't have communication with the plebs

11-01-2014, 06:43 PM
Stop hating. You will all be gutted when they do go, and the stories, designs and rules dry up forever.


12-12-2014, 02:50 AM
Yes they make good money. If you look at how much they sell for on GW and then how much a printable model sells for on places like www.printablescenery.com, GW couldnt make a profit. Only problem is once you download form the Printable scenery guys you can print as many as you want. Its hard to imagine how you could make money on selling 3D printable models