View Full Version : Need a colour scheme for Guard

02-04-2010, 07:25 PM
I feel you pain. Im on my 12th color scheme for my army and I cant find anything I like. Best I can say is...good luck!

02-04-2010, 07:25 PM
Hi guys and girls,
I'm currently trying to paint my Guard but seem to be stuck on a colour scheme idea. I tried Foundation red armour with Codex grey fatigues. Wasn't thrilled about the out come. So i Tried Foundation blue with Codex grey and can't say I like it much either. So I'm turning to you for some help in a colour scheme.... It just has to be quick and easy to paint:D

So a big thanks in advance.

Regards B

person person
02-04-2010, 08:08 PM
Well what kinds of enviornments (or what kind of gaming tables) do they usually fight on?

02-04-2010, 08:08 PM
What about orange fatigues with dusty white armor? Go for the SW Rebel Alliance/Ultraman Science Patrol look :)

Or (really easy)
Armour: Orkhide Shade
Fatigues: Knarloc Green
splotch some brownish colours on the armor and/or fatigues for camo

02-05-2010, 12:58 AM
I'd like to start with a thank you for the replies, much appreciated.
Ha! Don't mind that idea, I'll keep that scheme in mind Dunadan.
Person person I play mainly on "grass" table's but I don't want that to be an influence on the colour scheme. I did start with 85th "Fire Drakes" Cadian. I still am rather fond of that idea, just the red was an issue. Any suggestions of making a "rich and bold" red?

02-05-2010, 01:32 AM
Red Gore
Wash with Badaab Black (heavy coat)
highlight with Blood Red.

Makes a really rich, deep red. I have a pic on here somewhere of the effect.....Eldargal killed that color scheme by saying they looked like they had leg warmes on -.-

02-05-2010, 02:41 AM
basecoat astro grey, layer mechrite red on, wash with baal red, layer mechrite, highlight blood red, thats how i do it. red on a black base dulls the colour, and the baal red makes it rich. i paint a lot of red in all my forces