View Full Version : 1500 pt. Ulthwe fluffy and fun list!

10-30-2014, 10:23 AM
I am working on my first army, and figured I start with something (as the title suggests) fluffy and fun. Like a puppy.

Please let me know what you think! This list has been through so many variations that I am also very welcome to change.


Farseer - 100 pts.

3x Warlocks w/ Singing Spears - 120 pts.


10x Guardian Defenders - 90 pts.
Wave Serpent w/ TL Scatter Lasers & Shuriken Cannon - 130 pts.

10x Storm Guardians w/ 2x Flamers - 100 pts.
Wave Serpent w/ TL Scatter Lasers & Shuriken Cannon - 130 pts.

5x Rangers - 60 pts.

3x Windrider Jetbikes w/ Shuriken Cannon - 61 pts.


Crimson Hunter - 160 pts.

Eldar Hornet w/ 2x Pulse Lasers - 80 pts.

Eldar Hornet w/ 2x Pulse Lasers - 80 pts. (these are two separate units)


Wraithlord w/ 2x Flamers, Ghostglaive & Brightlance - 145 pts.

Wraithknight w/ 2x Heavy Wraith Cannons - 240 pts.

TOTAL - 1496 pts.

Dave Mcturk
11-01-2014, 04:58 AM
really coming round to cannon on the bikes now they get an auto jink ! - just watch out for tau and flamers

love the hornets but still think you are anti tank light - i always go TLBL on the wavz but its not everones cup of tea

loving spearlocks - but three on foot will get fried... stick one each with the guardian squads and if you can pop 15 pts from somewhere stick one on a bike with the GJB... or just run the two... with gw's well crafted warlock powers a lock unit gets very little benefit from any of them ! ; at least in a unit the conceal / embolden / enhance / protect powers can be more useful.[and quicken if on foot - though why it doesnt add to charge as well only the omnigod knows]

also if you have the figures - for very few points extra you could run two spirit seers instead of a farseer - extra wounds - [they all die anyway if they fail v ST6 or higher] - extra warp charge - extra psychic power - and split them with the two gruniag units for extra leadership - telepathy power for eldar is awesome - 'supershroud' or invisibilty are unbelievably good at low points games, roll psychic powers for your locks first - then you will know if you need 'basic' conceal for the spirit seers [take it second if neither get 'supershroud' or invisibility.]

again only imo - wraithlords are massively overpointed - almost craziliy so - compared to the kniggit. - if you drop the lord you can boost everything else ! [its not that lords are awful - {just very vulnerable to poison or =} with only 3 wounds and taking up a full heavy slot. any sensible opponent will 'first kill' the lord if you dont hide it - and if you are hiding it its not doing a lot !]

good luck

11-03-2014, 11:16 AM
Hi! Thanks for your comments! My thoughts on the on-foot council were to have a place to stick the Farseer, rather than have him run around naked. After what you said though, I was thinking about cutting two Warlocks (leaving one for the Storm Guardian unit - also, I already have one Warlock) and stick the Farseer in the backfield with the Rangers and the Wraithlord. From there, we will sit nice and comfy in cover and throw out buffs to the WL or the Hornets.

As for the WL, I already have one and REALLY love the model. Again, I think he can sit in the backfield to protect my Rangers camping on an objective from deepstriking stuff (flamers and the Ghostglaive will let him wreck in overwatch and assault) while the Brightlance will let him throw fire downrange.

The Hornets I see as pretty solid on the Anti-Tank - they throw out 4 S8 AP 2 shots each, and are cheap enough that I can afford to be aggressive with them. Plus, they come with Star Engines included in the price, so they can maneuver to get in side or rear armor with little effort.

With the extra points saved by cutting the Warlocks and Jetbikes (they do the same job as my Rangers really - sitting on the backfield), I was thinking about adding a 6-man Swooping Hawks unit (5 + Exarch w/ Sunrifle and hit and Run). They can threaten blobs with their dropping and shooting, and can also get on the heavy armor with haywire grenades and blind.

The real idea with this list is to hit everywhere at once. Rangers and the Wraithlord hit from range (though admittedly, the Rangers are really there for Objective Secured in my Deployment Zone), the Swooping Hawks harass from the rear, and the Hornets and Wave Serpents press from midfield and get up close.

Anyway, that's the way I see it! I'd love to hear what everyone else has to say.

Dave Mcturk
11-04-2014, 04:54 AM
loving the new rules now weve got a few dozen games under our belts !

but saying that - basic eldar lists are now at a severe disadvantage in close combat - the assault vehicle rules are deadly at small points games - DE and CSM will piledrive any weak units - such as rangers [? armour save?] or wraith lord [wot only 3 wounds and no IV - two agonisers or two power fists will take that down!] : - ive been running a foot council at 1750/1850 - but its a bit cheesy - as is triple wraithknight ! :eek:

i think hawks are much better at their lower points cost [new codex] - but they are still a shocking one trick pony - and virtually useless against anything but tracked vehicles. [or poor ding guardsmen] [they are a positive liability against TAU]

good luck with the hornets - they are lovely - but in 7th only a 'soft' opponent is going to give you cheap shots - unless you really to play terrain light ! [are they still open topped like vypers ?] - not looked art FW for a while - cant afford it !

for the same price as 5 soft rangers - you can get three GJB and a cannon - if terrain is favourable they can pop attack and not get shot back at - GW missed the chance to make snipers 48" range in 7th - at 36" they are just skulkers - [again a severe liability against Necrons or TAU.] [If you do some math on rangers you will see they rarely cause damage ! - I know anecdotally ppl claim wonderful things - but the math doesnt add up] [just as an anecdotal comparison I fried 6 terminators with three minimum cannon GJB squads - 9 st 6 cannon + 12 TL shurikats = at least 3 sixes - I got lucky and got 6 and a few wounds - and he was unlucky and threw under - but at volume and with 'bladestorm' bikes are far better than rangers - and if push comes to shove they can fly 48" out of trouble] - in 7th bikes get an 'auto-save' at 4+ jink - rangers have to stay in cover to get that and if they move they have only an 8% chance of hitting when shooting - even 1 bike cannon is better than that - and at 24" there are 4 extra shurikats to count
- and if worst comes to it and they get caught at least bikes are T4 and A3+ - they might survive a turn !

i have taken to running one squad of Outflanking walkers [scatlaz / BL] but you need an autarch to make sure they dont disappear till turn 4!

enjoy your games and post up some details ...

11-04-2014, 09:27 AM
I will! Thanks for the feedback :)