View Full Version : Games Workshop North America Moving

02-04-2010, 04:13 PM
Just got this info form a secret source

If you have not heard Games Workshop is moving the HQ from Baltimore MD to Memphis TN. This move will start in April and will be finalized by July 16th.

It makes sense to have Manufacturing and Corporate in Same city and Hopefully Games Day will be in Memphis More Centrally Located and maybe they will discover us in the South play war games too

02-04-2010, 04:30 PM
Hmmmnnn... That would be nice, as I live in the midwest.

Lord of Deeds
02-04-2010, 04:47 PM
I am sure this is meant as a cost saving move in the long term and probably is meant to also reduce duplication in overhead certain posistions (HR, Acct) as well as possibly take advantage of surplus space in their Mfg. / warehouse location (I see them moving into the battle bunker space). The fact that Mr. Kirby is relocating to the US around the same time probably has something to do with it as well.

I wonder how many GW employees are relocating? I wonder how many of them want to relocate?

Games Day in Memphis should be cheaper to do than games day in Baltimore, but, and no offense to our friends in Memphis, Memphis is not the desitnation city that Baltimore is (sorry, not a big Elvis fan), but it should be cheaper to fly to at least or makes driving more realistic for a much larger number of people given Memphis' central location. Then again, given Memphis being much closer to Chicago (1 day freight), maybe Games Day will return to Chicago.

02-04-2010, 05:21 PM
I am totally sure this was a Cost Saving. They will not be able to use the same building as that space is maxed out and they are using the bunker for storage one of the reason they closed it. I can see them expanding the space as there were rumor they were expanding to meet demand. Kirby coming here to get North America moving againas the current Leadership has sucked.

Memphis is more destination than Baltimore that town is NASTY( but so are parts of Memphis) but Mephis has Beale Street and Casinos like 40 minutes south in Mississippi. Airport closes at 10pm for Fedex and that is also a reason the move makes sense They use Fedex Exclusively to ship.

02-04-2010, 05:21 PM
sorry, not a big Elvis fan Damn my overimaginative head, I'm seeing Emperor impersonators now. Hail to the Emp.

02-04-2010, 05:26 PM
Sadface, only b/c I live 1 hour from Bal'more.

02-04-2010, 09:50 PM
If true, sorry for the Baltimore area players, and especially the employees. :(

But good deal for the Tennesseans.

Maybe this will mean less emphasis on Raven Guard, and more on Titans.

Silver Drakes Legion
02-04-2010, 09:50 PM
They obviously needed a new location but why memphis? I mean Maryland has the largest concentration of stores. Though they have been way overflowing for a long time at that location. I doubt relocating that many workers would be worthwhile sucks for them in this economy.

02-04-2010, 10:08 PM
Great deal, much closer. Look forward to making visits to Memphis now!!:)

02-04-2010, 10:25 PM
They obviously needed a new location but why memphis? I mean Maryland has the largest concentration of stores. Though they have been way overflowing for a long time at that location. I doubt relocating that many workers would be worthwhile sucks for them in this economy.
Well it make sense because the Plastic Facility and Memphis Airport and FedEx. I believe they have a lot of Land on the location and I mean a lot. Seems like most of the Trade people are moving and you know the Middle Managers will go but beyond that it does suck.

02-04-2010, 11:33 PM
Maybe this will mean less emphasis on Raven Guard, and more on Titans.

BOO !!

That was bad. You need PUNished for that. Your treatment? PUNacillin.

02-05-2010, 03:12 PM
Great deal, much closer. Look forward to making visits to Memphis now!!:)

For me, it means I can ditch the wife at the in-laws and I can make an escape (they're in central TN.) while on "vacation"

Akkon Sek
02-05-2010, 06:37 PM
As a Nasvhville-ian, this announcement pleases me to no end.

2.5 hours from GamesDay... priceless.

02-06-2010, 02:38 PM
As some one who lives just south of Nashville, this is interesting news - but I note that just because the HQ is moving to Memphis doesn't mean Games Day will. We'll have to wait to see.

But, for the record, Games Day around here would be cool.

Brass Scorpion
02-06-2010, 03:17 PM
GW US's HQ move is not a secret in any way. As I posted on the BoLS blog comments yesterday, the GW US HQ move is fairly open news and they are making no secret of it. Employees at the HQ are now discussing it freely. This was always a distinct possibility ever since the Memphis HQ was built and now it is a reality. It will save GW tons of money closing down expensive facilities in Maryland and consolidating to the less expensive per square foot space they already have in Memphis. As is always the case in moves like this some employees will get an offer to move and others won't and some who get one won't take it. One friend of mine has already said he's staying in Maryland regardless and will go on to something else after GW moves.

I hated to do so, but I already yanked my two Mechanicus themed Arkurian Pattern Baneblades off display there and took them home last Monday night since the Battle Bunker will also be moving within a few months. I didn't want the models there till the last minute and then have something happen to them in the confusion of moving. I still have a Brass Scorpion on display there and an Abaddon The Despoiler and I will likely take those home soon as well. The Brass Scorpion has been on display there for about 2 and a half years ever since I did the builder clinics on it for them and it will really drive home for me how much things are changing now that I'd even think of taking it home before they asked me to do so.

Games Day 2010 is already set as you know so there won't be any changes there, but who knows what 2011 and after will bring? I've never missed a US Games Day held in Maryland ever since the first one here in 1993. I'd hate to think of not having a local Games Day any more. Also, GW HQ has been in Maryland since they first came to the US and I'm going to miss having it here. I got to meet a lot of nice and very interesting GW people because of HQ being here, meet new employees and watch them get trained and even provide feedback to the trainers. We also got a cool inside look at things occasionally because of the time spent in the store there at HQ. I'm already missing all that.

In the meantime, GW retail is trying to scout another location for the Battle Bunker somewhere between D.C. and Baltimore that is not too close to an existing GW store. When I find out more that I can share I will do so gladly.

02-07-2010, 10:01 AM
I will be scanning the Baltimore area Craigslist for the sale of the giant Space Marine Statue that is outside of the current HQ.