View Full Version : Share your ghost stories

10-29-2014, 02:20 AM
So Halloween is in two days, so let's gather around the camp fire and share some spooky stories. Hopefully we won't get the people taking it too seriously.

I once worked security in a bar, one night at closing I had just finished escorting the dancers and was helping the bartender break down the bar. I look up and up on one of the stages was this shadow, my first reaction was that it was a patron that hadn't left yet. Then, I notice that the shadow was against the wall. Just as I'm starting to realize something isn't right, the bartender walked back into the room, ans when I looked back at the stage, it was gone. That is about the craziest thing I've ever seen.

10-29-2014, 02:27 AM





10-29-2014, 02:36 AM
I don't know what's funnier the comic or that you had it lined up... "I'm going to use this one day!"

10-29-2014, 03:23 AM
Very occasionally someone or something walks up our stairs. It can be at anytime of day but it's most noticeable if it happens in the early hours and you're awake.

Also I was once sat in the front room and a shelf that needed lifting and tilting to remove from its fitting in a cabinet spontaneously "fell" out damaging the contents.

Anthrax ion pusscabe
10-29-2014, 04:40 AM
On the night of the day pa (my others father) died nanny (moms mother) herd foot steps come into the granny flat under our house they'd live in for a year or so, it entered the room my dog sat up on her bed, gave a single bark, started wagging it's tail and tracked something unseen move through the doorway again, to this day she swears it was pa saying one last goodbye

10-29-2014, 04:42 AM
Read panels right to left




10-29-2014, 04:42 AM
Ghost stories are an interesting one because I'm a complete sceptic yet I have an experience which is really difficult to explain. I was visiting a friends house which was being renovated so there were builders all over the place and we were outside in the garden and the project manager who was a very calm, no sense sort of guy was coming towards us when all of a sudden he get knocked off his feet. He didn't slip, it was on a dry lawn and he went backwards while walking forward like someone had shoved him in the chest. We rushed over and he said he felt two hands shove him hard in the chest. Later we heard that some of the tradesmen working on the site had similar experiences and thought there was a ghost that was angry the house was being fixed up or something.

I don't know what's funnier the comic or that you had it lined up... "I'm going to use this one day!"

That's how she rolls.:)

Anthrax ion pusscabe
10-29-2014, 04:51 AM
The list of my own personel experiences with potential ghost are very boring, like only one I remember was a phantom cat, it walked halfway into my field of view, I move my head to look directly at it in which time it vanished

Mr Mystery
10-29-2014, 04:56 AM
I have an orb photo on my phone, from caves beneath The Olde Salutation Inn in Nottingham, reputedly a haunted place.

I took that photo myself, and there was nothing down there I can think of that could have caused it. Pic is in focus, no blurring, and nobody had portable light sources such as torches - all the lights are proper installed and that.

As for Friday? I'm off to Pluckley, reputedly England's most haunted village. Been there before, and had some unusual experiences. Pulled over on a verge toward the end of one sojourn, on Fright (formerly Frith) Corner, which is meant to be a hotspot. We got out, wandered around, then piled back in the car to head off. I was driving, mate's missus in the passenger seat, mate sat behind her. As we pulled away, my side of the car just didn't feel right, as if there was additional weight - I could feel it through the steering wheel and the handling. Soon as we agreed 'eff that, we're going home', the feeling of additional weight just went, causing me to swerve slightly. Really rather weird.

Like Eldargal, I am largely sceptical in these things, but am a dedicated Fortean, making me a willing sceptic. When all other explanations have failed, you have to consider the irrational.https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/10513480_10154300783590580_5632033403950372983_n.j pg?oh=54c54161aa03de140ed04fcefbe284b5&oe=54ED7DA3&__gda__=1420939854_ed9a50c0a8dcddfe591e6f8ef94618a 8

Totally remembered I put the orb pic up on Facebook.

And in case some think it's a smear on the lens, I have others from the same session with nothing unusual.

https://scontent-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10351302_10154301262885580_1963110652932742543_n.j pg?oh=271e666ef2a006d0fa1f9a84c9a146fb&oe=54B3C2A5

This is another one. Streak/Orb isn't as easy to see, but it is there, and in a very different position to the first. And, it's in front of my shadow, which you can also make out.

10-29-2014, 05:02 AM
The list of my own personel experiences with potential ghost are very boring, like only one I remember was a phantom cat, it walked halfway into my field of view, I move my head to look directly at it in which time it vanished

No that's just the genetically modified cats from a book I can't remember the name of, they're chemeleonic

Anthrax ion pusscabe
10-29-2014, 05:06 AM
There's not even anywhere that's supposedly haunted near where I live, there was rumours of a old abandoned old folks home in the area being haunted because lights where seen in it at night, but then a couple family's of squatters where found living there and kicked out and the supposed ghost lights stopped when they left, so it was most likely their candles-torches

- - - Updated - - -

Though I have heard from people that live near a bora ring a few suburbs over of the sound of cymbles/bells being heard during the night