View Full Version : 1500pts Nurgle CSM

10-27-2014, 03:48 PM
Hi Folks, I'm new to 40k (well, more like returning after a 20 year hiatus). I'm building my first army and needs some guidance with the build.

So far I have 2 1500pt lists I'm working toward and would like suggestions on which is best and ways to make them better:

List 1:

HQ: 120pts

Chaos Lord - 65pts
Mark of Nurgle - 15pts
Power Weapon - 15pts
Melta Bomb - 5pts
Bike - 20pts
Total: 120

Troops: 810pts

5 Chaos Marines -75pts
5 Marks of Nurgle - 15pts
Melta Gun -10pts
Combi-Bolter (For Champion) - 3pts
Rhino + Havoc Launcher - 47pts
Total: 150

5 Chaos Marines -75pts
5 Marks of Nurgle - 15pts
Melta Gun -10pts
Combi-Bolter (For Champion) - 3pts
Rhino + Havoc Launcher - 47pts
Total: 150

5 Chaos Marines -75pts
5 Marks of Nurgle - 15pts
Melta Gun -10pts
Combi-Bolter (For Champion) - 3pts
Rhino + Havoc Launcher - 47pts
Total: 150

5 Chaos Marines -75pts
5 Marks of Nurgle - 15pts
Melta Gun -10pts
Combi-Bolter (For Champion) - 3pts
Rhino + Havoc Launcher - 47pts
Total: 150

5 Chaos Marines -75pts
5 Marks of Nurgle - 15pts
Plasma Gun - 15pts
Total: 105pts

5 Chaos Marines -75pts
5 Marks of Nurgle - 15pts
Plasma Gun - 15pts
Total: 105pts

Fast Attack: 310pts

Heldrake: 170pts

5 Chaos Bikers - 110pts
5 Marks of Nurgle - 30pts
Total: 140pts

Heavy Support: 260

5 Havocs - 75pts
4 Autocannons - 40pts
5 Marks of Nurgle - 15pts

5 Havocs - 75pts
4 Autocannons - 40pts
5 Marks of Nurgle - 15pts

The idea behind list 1 is that each Rhino will get a CSM Melta squad and either a CSM Plasma Squad or a Havoc Squad, the Chaos Lord joins the Bikers. It has 10 Objective secured units including the Rhino's and CSM squads.

List 2:


Chaos Lord - 65pts
Mark of Nurgle - 15pts
Power Weapon - 15pts
Melta Bombs - 5pts
Bike - 20pts
Total: 120pts

Chaos Sorcerer - 60pts
Mastery Level 3 - 50
Spell Familiar - 15
Bike - 20pts
Melta Bomb - 5pts
Total: 140pts

Troops: 721pts

5 Plague Marines - 120
2 Plasma Guns - 30
Rhino + Havoc Launcher - 47pts
Total: 197

5 Plague Marines - 120
2 Melta Guns - 20
Rhino + Havoc Launcher - 47pts
Total: 187

5 Plague Marines - 120
2 Melta Guns - 20
Rhino + Havoc Launcher - 47pts
Total: 187

5 Plague Marines - 120
2 Plasma Guns - 30
Total: 150

Fast Attack: 284

4 Chaos Bikers: 90
4 Marks of Nurgle: 24
Total: 114

Heldrake: 170

Heavy Support:230

5 Havocs - 75pts
4 Autocannons - 40pts

5 Havocs - 75pts
4 Autocannons - 40pts

The idea with list 2 is that Two Rhino's have 5 Plague Marines with 2 meltas + 5 Havocs, the other has 2 sets of 5 Plague Marines 2 Plasma's each. The Lord and Sorcerer join the bikes.

I like both lists, I prefer how the first list everything has Mark of Nurgle, it's nice and fluffy to me, however I like having the Sorcerer in the second list. However I'd be interested to get other's takes on this, the one thing i really want is the Heldrake as it looks really cool and I like using Rhino's, as you might have noticed. I'm tempted with running the Chaos lord of the Lord and Sorcerer with Possessed in a Rhino instead of Bikers, however not being able to assult form a Rhino is a big issue and a landraider is a giant point sink.

Mad Cat
10-28-2014, 09:09 AM
Welcome to the land of decay.
1. Plague marines are way better than MoN CSMs so lets concentrate on list 2.
2. Avoid Possessed like the plague.
3. Love the plague (but still avoid possessed).

HQ: Lord is ok. I would put a 5+ or 4+ invulnerable on him to protect the warlord. Also seriously consider the brand of Scalthrax and a power fist to deal with 2+ armour saves and tanks. Hit T6 will protect him against most forms of instant death so attacking last is no big deal. Blight grenades will protect his whole unit so makes a good use for any points left over at the end.

Troops: Excellent, small squads with lots of special weapons. You could have combi-meltas on the rhinos instead especially on the rhinos that will get up close and personal to deliver melta armed marines.

Fast: Heldrakes are still good. Bikes could either add a pair of meltas and a few extra guys or ditch them entirely for 5 MoN Spawn which the biker HQs can join making a great tarpit that is rally difficult to shoot down.

Heavy: Drop them for some MoN Oblits or AC/2LC Preds or AC/2HB+Havoc Preds

To pay for the above upgrades you can drop the psyker to a level 1 in a rhino with MoN and a force axe

10-28-2014, 12:10 PM
So here is List 3:

List 3:


Chaos Lord - 65pts
MoN - 15pts
Power Fist - 25pts
Blight Grenades - 5pts
Bike - 20pts
Sigil of Corruption - 25pts
Total: 155pts

Chaos Sorcerer - 60pts
Mastery Level 3 - 50pts
MoN - 15pts
Spell Familiar - 15pts
Sigil of Corruption - 25pts
Bike - 20pts
Total: 185pts

Troops: 694pts

5 Plague Marines - 120pts
2 Plasma Guns - 30pts
Rhino + Havoc Launcher + Combi Melta - 57pts
Total: 207pts

5 Plague Marines - 120pts
2 Melta Guns - 20pts
Rhino + Havoc Launcher + Combi-Melta- 57pts
Total: 197pts

5 Plague Marines - 120pts
2 Melta Guns - 20pts
Total: 140pts

5 Plague Marines - 120pts
2 Plasma Guns - 30pts
Total: 150pts

Fast Attack: 314pts

4 Chaos Spawn - 120pts
4 MoN - 24pts
Total: 147pts

Heldrake: 170pts

Heavy Support: 152pts

Obliterator - 70pts
MoN - 6pts
Total: 76pts

Obliterator - 70pts
MoN - 6pts
Total: 76pts

Dropped the Havoc's, so didn't need the transportation capacity for 30 marines, so dropped a rhino too. Dropped the bikers and got 4 spawn, threw in 2 obliterators, Combi-Melta's on the Rhino's sigils of corruption on the HQ units, with the Chaos Lord now taking a power fist nd blight grenades and the Chaos Sorcerer taking a MoN, both droping their Melta Bombs.

What do we think of this?

10-28-2014, 01:43 PM
Here is List 3:

HQ: 305pts

Chaos Lord - 65pts
MoN - 15pts
Power Fist - 25pts
Blight Grenandes - 5pts
Bike - 20pts
Aura of Dark Glory - 15pts
Total: 145pts

Chaos Sorcerer - 60pts
Mastery Level 3 - 50pts
Spell Familiar - 15pts
Aura of Dark Glory - 15pts
Bike - 20pts
Total: 160pts

Troops: 674pts

5 Plague Marines - 120pts
2 Plasma Guns - 30pts
Rhino + Havoc Launcher - 47pts
Total: 197pts

5 Plague Marines - 120pts
2 Melta Guns - 20pts
Rhino + Havoc Launcher - 47pts
Total: 187pts

5 Plague Marines - 120pts
2 Melta Guns - 20pts
Total: 140pts

5 Plague Marines - 120pts
2 Plasma Guns - 30pts
Total: 150pts

Fast Attack: 350pts

5 Chaos Spawn - 150pts
5 MoN 30pts
Total: 180pts

Heldrake: 170pts

Heavy Support: 171pts

Chaos Predator - 75pts
Heavy Bolters - 20pts
Total: 95pts

Oblitorator - 70pts
MoN - 6pts
Total: 76pts

As you can see I dropped the Havoc's and 1 Rhino, plus the bikers, brought in Chaos Spawn, Chaos Predator and an Oblitorator, then with the spare points I have put aura of dark glory on the HQ units, Power fist on the Lord and Blight grenades to. Also I've dropped both sets of Melta Bombs from the HQ units as the Lord has the Power Fists and there is a bit of Melta in this list.

How does this look?

Mad Cat
10-29-2014, 06:51 AM
This last list looks good.

I would always put the melta armed plague marines units in rhinos and the plasma armed squads on foot.

Move a havoc launcher onto the predator.

10-29-2014, 01:09 PM
Thank you Mad Cat you have really helped out.

10-29-2014, 08:21 PM
I'd get rid of the Spawn and get some MoN Bikers to add your lord to as abbreviated wounds. Him running around by himself is just asking to get popped by something big and scary.

10-30-2014, 02:40 AM
The Lord and Sorcerer are going to be part of the spawn squad, this way they have the wound soak but also a bit of close combat support to.

But great feed back.

Lord Krungharr
11-06-2014, 10:50 PM
Nurgle Spawn are awesome, and vastly superior to the Nurgle Bikers. Both T6, but Spawns get 3 wounds and usually a crapload of Str 5 attacks that can take out many vehicles in assault, the Sorcerer and Lord can put out the ranged hurt if needed. The bikers are okay but the Spawn should be moving through terrain for cover saves anyway, which isn't much worse than a single wound biker jinking for a 4+....though Nurgle Bikers look really neat on the table :)

I would drop a unit of Plague Marines and get a Sigil of Corruption on both HQs though, maybe a couple combi-meltas on their bikes, and possibly the Burning Brand on the Lord too, though a Lightning Claw is also a good choice for him/it. Then you'd probably have a few more points for an extra Spawn and more Obliterators, which is are also super good.

Anti-infantry Predator is cool, though the lascannon version is also nice, but either way a nice addition.

Dave Mcturk
11-08-2014, 07:41 AM
not a csm player - but fairly sure spawn are fleet and not even sure they have to charge nearest enemy any more !

my general conclusion in 7th - with the return of the assault vehicle - is that T5 is a real bonus and FNP is amazing - nurgles can get both with a bit of codex twisting.

not sure i would run av12 except on a skimmer as it is doomed against most current armies - flyers alone will pop av 12 - but st6 glances from most armies is a severe threat. nurgle oblits are a better bet for about the same points - and they can hide / deep strike.

Lord Krungharr
11-09-2014, 07:25 PM
Nurgle Oblits are the shiznit.

Spawn are Beasts and thus are Fleet and ignore penalties for moving through terrain even when charging. And they don't have to charge the nearest enemy, but they do get Rage on the charge :) And even when Nurgle, they aren't Slow and Purposeful, so they can Sweeping Advance too. Love my Nurgle Spawns!

12-09-2014, 05:18 AM
I agree; Nurgle Spawn always worm their way into my lists. Personally I like to run them in squads of 3 because each squad of 3 can't be ignored and can't be scared-off, but are still cheap enough to use for random errands and sacrifice.

As a note to the list builder I rarely run 1 Obliterator; 1 Lascannon all too often misses for me. I much prefer them in squads of two for a little redundancy. Run singly they're very annoying to chase-down but for single, throw-away units Spawn are better I feel.