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View Full Version : Clockwork Armada: Steampunk-In-Space Naval Miniatures Wargame

10-27-2014, 02:54 PM
Hello All. I've got kind of a weird setting so I wasn't sure if this fit more in science-fiction, fantasy, or the Kickstarter subforum, maybe someone could advise me.

Clockwork Armada is something that's been in development the past three years. It is set in an alternate universe called the Fields of Celestae. Imagine if the laws of physics and the universe were based on centuries outdated theories and pseudo-science, and you begin to get an idea of things. Ships sail between flat worlds on the eternally upward rushing winds of space. Rough inspirations include Last Exile and Treasure Planet, and my general love of all things warship related.

Pictures of some game pieces, art, and a few of the assembled models can be seen on twitter.com/gamefleet, and there will be some painted examples by the end of the week.
The game is based around a one roll d10 system and uses a Course Ruler to move the ships that I am excited to share. Segmented, one inch pieces allow for more nimble ships to use higher degrees of turn, while armed-to-the-teeth, more cumbersome battlecruisers may struggle to line a canny opponent up in their fire arcs. Ship bases include all the relevant heading and fire arc data for ease of play. I just wanted to share this and answer any questions, as I am excited to build a discussion on the project.

11-11-2014, 07:50 AM
Got some pics! 117751177611777117781177911780