View Full Version : last 250 pts. needed

10-26-2014, 05:07 PM
So i will be playing in a game soon where i am trying to keep my opponent out of my deployment zone and i get to play 1250 pts. Of necrons. Heres what i got so far:

Overlord with res. Orb, warscythe, phase shifter and phylactery

10 necron warriors, with ark

10 necron warriors on foot

5 immortals

1 doom scthe

1 doomsday ark

Any reccomendations on the last 250 pts.?

Lord Manton
10-26-2014, 11:46 PM
Try an annihilation barge. The tesla cannon on those bad boys is pretty brutal against infantry. If you can get it to arc onto a nearby unit, you might get a couple of lucky bonus kills. I think they're only about 150ish points, so you should have room left over for a unit of wraiths or some speed-bump scarab bases.