View Full Version : 1850pts Chaos Daemons

Jared van Kell
10-23-2014, 03:29 AM
This Saturday I am going to be buying a 1850pt Choas Daemons army in full. This is the list I am planning on buying. However before I start laying down my cash I thought I would seek some advice first.


Kroegan the Ascended

Daemon Prince - Daemon of Tzeentch, Warp forged armour, Wings, Mastery level 3, 2 Greater rewards. 345

The Harbinger of Destruction

Herald of Tzeentch - Mastery level 3, Disc of Tzeentch. 120

The Harbinger of Despair

Herald of Nurgle - Plaguesword, Mastery level 1, Locus of Fecundity. 95

Khugeth the Rotlord

Herald of Nurgle - Plaguesword, Mastery level 1, Locus of Fecundity. 95


The Scions of Death

Bloodreaper - Hellblade, Lesser reward.
14 Blodletters - Hellblades, Icon of Chaos, Instrument of Chaos. 185

The Scions of Destruction

Iridescent Horror -.
19 Pin Horrors - Icon of Chaos, Instrument of Chaos. 205

The Scions of Despair

Plagueridden - Plaguesword.
9 Plaguebearers - Plagueswords. 105

The Rotblades

Plagueridden - Plaguesword.
9 Plaguebearers - Plagueswords. 105

The Children of Despair

4 Nurgling swarms -. 60

Fast Attack

The Wings of Ruin

6 Screamers of Tzeentch - 150

Heavy Support

The Bloodseeker

Soul Grinder - Daemon of Khorne, Harvester cannon, Phlegm bombardment, Iron claw. 165

The Deathbringer

Skullcannon of Khorne - Skullcannon, Crew have Hellblades. 125

The Wheels of Desecration

Exalted Seeker Chariot -. 75

Total - 1850

This list is tactically flexible yet powerful enough to hold its own against almost anything in my opinion anyway. The Daemon Prince and the Herald will have be used for summoning new units namely bloodletters and pink horrors, or provide the army with some firepower when it is needed. The Heralds of Nurgle will be there to increase the survivability of the Plaguebearer units they will be leading as well as provide some devastating psychic power from the Discipline of Plague.

The Plaguebearer units will have the role of dedicated objective grabbers, in intend for them to turn up mid game, and possessing the survivability to hold their own against almost anything they should be able to do well enough. The Bloodletters will have the role of clearing objectives as their their hellblades will ensure that not much will survive a charge from them. The Pink Horrors are there to provide some much needed anti-infantry firepower to the list with Flickering Fire.

The Screamers of Tzeentch have the role of being the main tank hunters in the list as well as providing a bodyguard for the Herald of Tzeentch whilst the Skullcannon and the Soul Grinder will have the task of providing heavy firepower for the rest of the list. The Exalted Seeker Chariot will have the role of hunting down small isolated units using its speed to get close to the enemy.

In the psychic phase the list has anything between 10 and 15 warp charges so getting psychic powers off will not be too much of an issue.

Let me know what you think.

JvK :cool: