View Full Version : GW Direct Sales-Anyone else have problems with them?

02-03-2010, 03:14 PM
I ordered some terminator thunder hammers and storm shields from the direct order form through my FLGS and got they got in the "regular" TH/SS blister. The stock numbers on these are the same. Did GW stop selling the terminator ones and re-use the part number or is GW screwing with the stores? A misprint in the form?
This isn't the first time direct has been messing with the store. I've been waiting on an Enforcer gang and jump packs for almost a month now.

02-03-2010, 03:26 PM
That's pretty normal stuff for dealing with direct order through a store. It's lower priority than direct to consumer mail order, so it's slow and yes, they do reuse numbers.

John M>

Herald of Nurgle
02-03-2010, 03:39 PM
I've never really had a problem when ordering through GW lol.

Guess it could be differences between UK and the colonials. :(

02-03-2010, 05:48 PM
I ordered some terminator thunder hammers and storm shields from the direct order form through my FLGS and got they got in the "regular" TH/SS blister. The stock numbers on these are the same. Did GW stop selling the terminator ones and re-use the part number or is GW screwing with the stores? A misprint in the form?
This isn't the first time direct has been messing with the store. I've been waiting on an Enforcer gang and jump packs for almost a month now.

Be prepared to wait a little longer for any Specialist stuff you order. I once waited two, maybe three months for a bunch of House Escher minis - shipped to my local GW.

Shadow Queen
02-03-2010, 06:35 PM
Be prepared to wait a little longer for any Specialist stuff you order. I once waited two, maybe three months for a bunch of House Escher minis - shipped to my local GW.

I had mine in 2 weeks

02-03-2010, 06:52 PM
The store has had all sorts of problems with the old sales rep. It took 6 months to get a single Land Raider in. Then when the store was ordering the Marine Bike 3-packs they kept sending the Ravenwing bike sets (and the player wanting them didn't want Ravenwing, a fact made to the sales rep multiple times)
That original sales rep left (and is now with Battlefront, messing up the store's orders from them) but he trained his replacement at GW US who appears to be almost as good as messing up orders as he was.

Shadow Queen
02-04-2010, 03:59 AM
Did I say I also got a free warsmith?

02-04-2010, 07:24 AM
My old store was god awful like that. I mean it was a great place to game and stuff but you couldn't get anything like bitz or specialist orders. My friend who ran the store would always order it and then it would never come. Last I heard he was trying to get the store elevated to some new level but I'm really not sure how all that works.

02-04-2010, 07:24 AM
The store has had all sorts of problems with the old sales rep. It took 6 months to get a single Land Raider in. Then when the store was ordering the Marine Bike 3-packs they kept sending the Ravenwing bike sets (and the player wanting them didn't want Ravenwing, a fact made to the sales rep multiple times)
That original sales rep left (and is now with Battlefront, messing up the store's orders from them) but he trained his replacement at GW US who appears to be almost as good as messing up orders as he was.

Well There is NO reason a Land Raider take more than 2 days in the US. They ship form Memphis via FedEx. This sounds like a Store Owner to lazy to follow thru. I had a FLGS that was always blaming GW for stuff not showing up but When I ran a Store if my goods were not there in 3 days I was on the phone and get the item via Overnight or had the tracking number to chase down.

The trade reps are NOT that bad Not needed this could be handled via a web order form but they are not that bad. As for Direct If the store does not have a 50 Dollar order then they do not get free shipping so most will hold orders til they get 50 worth and then place the order.

As a retailer I ordered Specialist stuff and get the items in 3 day. I just order a Bunch of BFG and it will be here in 3 days along with Necromunda gangs.

Just my 2 Cents

02-04-2010, 09:40 AM
I ordered a bitz pack at my local GW store, and waited... and waited... and waited... until finally the staff called GW and realized the order had been fulfilled-albeit to the wrong store. A second pack was sent out and I got after a couple more weeks. My local GW store staff are great, and I wouldn't think of hassling them (especially over things they have no direct control over), but I suspect they receive little support from Corp.
I'm sure I'll order direct thru the store again, but not for anything I need/want immediately!

02-04-2010, 11:06 AM
Never had a problem with them.

02-09-2010, 03:12 PM
I checked on my Enforcers Patrol team today and the store owner showed me a note from the sales rep saying that they're out of production. Then I check the GW website and it's still listed as "shipping in 24 hours".
Enforcers Patrol Team (http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat1060105&prodId=prod1120127)

So, yes the store ordered it-was told it wasn't able to be shipped, but it's on the website.

02-09-2010, 04:42 PM
My FLGS has had a lot of problems ordering stock from GW. Most recently, they ordered 40-something Tyranid codices, but only 6 were delivered for launch day (which is more than the number of pre-orders they had). A lot of customers came to the store to buy a codex and new tyranid models. Because there were no codices for sale, those customers made all of those release day purchases at a competitor.

It also takes 1-2 months for special orders. =/