View Full Version : What Are The Most Entertaining 40k Armies To Play?

10-20-2014, 02:07 PM
Simple question; Out of all the armies in 40k what do you think is the one that provides the most enjoyment and entertainment?

Just to clarify I'm not looking for the most competitive armies that will easily win you the game, just the armies you think bring the most fun to a game.

10-20-2014, 02:14 PM
I have the most fun with fast armies so in no particular order: Dark Eldar, Eldar and Marine Bikes/Speeders but in general any build that has a lot of mobility.

10-20-2014, 03:11 PM
What is fun to a person? It's very personal perspective.

However, that being said, Orks will almost always bring an interesting time to the game board. Their attitude, general randomness and crazy build schemes (both list and model) always make it hard to have a boring time with them.

3rd Edition Necrons, though. Not fun, generally. Not much in the way of options (both list and model), Phase Out made army building a pain and could clutch defeat from the jaws of victory. Good thing they were updated.

10-20-2014, 03:32 PM
The armies with different playstyles.

Playing Marine bike/Eldar Mech/ IG or Tau gunline for the umpteenth time is booooooring.

Playing against Sisters of battle, Footdar, Deathwing, etc is interesting because each army plays so much differently from the others

10-20-2014, 03:58 PM
Personally, I like my fast moving armies, dark eldar and eldar primarily (space marine bikes in 3rd). To play against, I'd pick orks, ork players seem to be a breed apart from most other gamers.

10-20-2014, 04:06 PM
Personally, I like my fast moving armies, dark eldar and eldar primarily (space marine bikes in 3rd). To play against, I'd pick orks, ork players seem to be a breed apart from most other gamers.

True Ork players seem to have a lot of fun and they are a bit different. When they scream WAAAAAAAAGH during the game I almost crap my pants!

10-20-2014, 04:36 PM
I like to play with and against armies that play like their fluff. All DS jump pack BA, Deathwing, Ravenwing, All-Khorne close assault, it's all good. And it is nice sometimes to see a 'sub-optimal' unit because it looks cool or has awesome conversions.

Possessed anyone?

10-20-2014, 05:38 PM
I'd second Eldar, as long as they're built for that and not strictly winning - lotsa tricks to pull off without spamming Wave Serpents

10-20-2014, 05:52 PM
The armies with different playstyles.

Playing Marine bike/Eldar Mech/ IG or Tau gunline for the umpteenth time is booooooring.

Playing against Sisters of battle, Footdar, Deathwing, etc is interesting because each army plays so much differently from the others

Oh, we're doing armies we play?

Well mine are always very heavily themed and I go for soemthing that offers a different playstyle for each list.
I have Jump/skimmer/flier Blood angels.
Swarm nids (the theme kinda breaks here but I like units that spawn mid game to give a mass of gribblies backed up by big bugs....so the theme is...tyranids?)
Terminator chaos (mostly Nurgle, but some Khorne and I'm even considering some Tzeentch/Slaanesh for this one)
Parts for/ in progress Mechanised Slaanesh CSMs

Lord Manton
10-21-2014, 04:07 AM
I play Space Wolves, and I find them a lot of fun to play with. I like getting stuck into combat when I can, but there's still that unbeatable feeling of blasting an enemy unit away with overwhelming firepower. Throw in a brutal combat focussed character (who has TRUE character) and that sounds like a good time to me.

On the other hand I like Iron Warriors Chaos Marines. Sitting back and firing away with tanks and massed bolter fire. I like Chaos because they feel like they should. An aspiring champion could suddenly burst into viscera and a Daemon Prince stands in his place. Likewise, an unfortunate Lord could displease his patron Gods and suffer the ignominy of become a gibbering spawn.

This is what's so good about 40k, the most fun army to play, is the army you find most fun to play. As long as both players are on the same page and know what is coming (fluff bunnies drinking beers and munching pretzels or two hard-core gamers aiming to mercilessly annihilate their opponent or something in between) you're in for a good time.

10-21-2014, 04:26 AM
I used to love playing my Grey Knights as the army was a blast to play due to it's combinations provided by the henchmen and inquisitors, even more so when Psyker Henchmen could pick almost any power. There were just so many fun combinations and psychic potential. But the recent release of the codex has taken a good portion of that enjoyment away.

Now what's left of my army is unusable due to only having 3 grey knights units with no 2nd troops choice or HQ, plus 2 rifledreads that have been made expensive and less effective. The result being... I just can't don't feel any passion or drive to rebuild my grey knight army, so I'm thinking of putting them in storage and giving a Tau Battlesuit army a try instead. I imagine it will be very fun army to play given that your always moving and even thou you often be outnumbered you'll have enough firepower to match most armies.

Lord Manton
10-21-2014, 04:53 AM
Could you not ally with the Inquisition codex to achieve a similar build?
I hear what you're saying though. Sometimes a new book or new edition lessens the enjoyment of the game or army. The only cure is to try something new. Try a new army, with a wildly different playstyle and aesthetic. You never know, you might come back to your GK at some stage with renewed vigour! Plus it lets you buy new toys without that "I have so many already" guilt.

John Bower
10-21-2014, 05:38 AM
Orks, got to be Orks; come on how can you not like putting on a gruff 'Hollywood cockney bully boy' accent and shoutin' fings like "more shootin' and less dyin' yer gits"

Dave Mcturk
10-21-2014, 06:32 AM
Orks, got to be Orks; come on how can you not like putting on a gruff 'Hollywood cockney bully boy' accent and shoutin' fings like "more shootin' and less dyin' yer gits"

with - orkz - though not got the new codex yet !
against - mawines of any flavour cos they just fail and its hilarious !

Captain Bubonicus
10-21-2014, 07:54 AM
I think any army that has a lot of different ways to deploy ends up being fun to play. It's the armies that can only deploy in one fashion (I'm looking at YOU, Tyranids!) that can get stale quickly.

10-21-2014, 09:20 AM
My favorite is Blood Angels because I built these two different armies that really confound my opponents:

1 Reclus
7 Dreads in drop pods
5 DC
5 Scouts

1 Reclus
25 DC, jump packs, power weapons, TH, and CC weapons
5 Scouts

I really don't care for any of the lore, fluff and space vampire bits, but I love how flexible and outlandish lists you can make.

Erik Setzer
10-21-2014, 09:29 AM
Orks, without a doubt, immediate answer. I continue to play them even though I could win much more easily with other armies, because they're so bloody fun. Not just to play, but to model. Off the table, you can have fun throwing together insane models and trying out crazy paint schemes. On the table, you get to play with crazy weapons and wargear, sometimes it'll work brilliant, other times it'll be horrible. And you can imagine the boyz slapping each other around when you fail a morale test. You can just let yourself go wild with Orks, having all kinds of fun, and people will think it's absolutely normal... because with Orks, it is normal!

- - - Updated - - -

Orks, got to be Orks; come on how can you not like putting on a gruff 'Hollywood cockney bully boy' accent and shoutin' fings like "more shootin' and less dyin' yer gits"

I have actually, on more than one occasion, said to my Orks, "Stop dying, you cowards!"

10-21-2014, 09:48 AM
Renegades and Heretics of Vraks. I just love seeing my command headquarters having to make a leadership check, getting a 5 leadership, and promptly abandoning their comrades to their fate! (On the other hand, I've also had a command squad make every ld check on a 5 as well.)

I also enjoy Sisters of Battle. Of course, that's at least partially because, up until recently, I was the only one around here who played them. But it is fun to have Dominions outflank behind people with 2+ cover saves, make the act of faith to negate their cover save, then proceed to melta gun them to death. Techmarines with thunderfire cannon in reinforced ruins just hate that.:) And the sheer amount of flamethrowers you can bring. All I can say is, yes, please.

10-21-2014, 10:21 AM
I love playing my Eldar as there are so many cool ways to put the army together and they look amazing. I used to really enjoy my Space Wolves but shelved them a few years back to focus on my Eldar and I was tired of painting baby blue grey. I do look forward to returning to them soon with a Pre-Heresy Grey colour scheme though.

I love playing against certain Chaos builds and I adore Orks. The average Ork player is as unhinged as their army and you can see some spectacular conversions too. They are fun to play against.

10-21-2014, 11:23 AM
Most people that play against my sisters enjoy themselves. It's usually a tight game as the codex isn't broke, and people enjoy blowing up knights for some reason..... :D

10-21-2014, 12:00 PM
Fun to play? Orks. and as a "sub-army" grots. A typical 1500 point list for me with these runs about 120-140 infantry, and about 20 armoured units. It CAN be effective, but it can also fold like a cheap suit. But it's just funny to look at the blank stare of your opponent that first round with the muttering "What do i shoot at? so many things... "
for a grot army you do have to reach into Forge world a bit.
HQ: Big Mek
Elites: Grot tanks, (maybe a few other ork squads as support)
Troops: grots, nothing but grots.
Fast attack: Grot Mega tank, Dakka jets with the BS: 3
Heavy Support: Big Guns, Killer Kans, maybe some other vehicle support.

10-21-2014, 12:29 PM
Chaos Marine with maxxed-out heavy support are actually really fun... I played a list with 3 Oblits, a Vindicator and a LasPred and the devastation was really something to behold!

10-21-2014, 01:23 PM
Well plenty of people have already said Dark Eldar. I can't really put a good hand on what the new codex will bring out... But flyby reaver attacks, hail of poison shots, zooming across the map, and special characters that added a lot of support to your army. Power from Pain and combat drugs really affected the way you played. Now they lost a bit of that, but they have the new WWP that should make things interesting... and d6 str 6 rending HoW will also make things fun.

As for something people havent mentioned, perhaps because they are definitely showing their age, and on the fringe.... But Eldar Corsairs. CWE can use most of their fun toys now, better... but you can't deny the big blast lance ordnance lance shot from your prince (fortress of redemption cry!) And troops with Jet packs? rock on!

Austin Becht
10-21-2014, 09:13 PM
I am currently having a LOT of fun with Mechanized Imperial Guard. Nothing screams "FOR THE EMPEROR!" like a mass of Leman Russ and Chimera chassis tanks just rolling over my opponents, or Sentinels walking towards my opponents, releasing an unending hail of plasma.

To play against? Well, I'd have to say Orks and Dark Eldar. So much character with those armies, and not too much 'meta' junk, at least at my locals. Both very good armies, but not 'competitive-I-will-wreck-your-face' wherein I actually have a chance to win. I also very much enjoy playing against the Forge World Horus Heresy armies. They are still marines through-and-through, but they play so differently that its rather refreshing. I also love playing against non-gunline Tau. If you thought Eldar were slippery, try facing a speed assault Tau force. Devilfish, Battlesuits, etc, as opposed to Fire Warriors behind an Aegis. and they are fast. They may not move as fast as Eldar or DEldar, but they are good at getting in, and getting out before returning fire smashes them to bits. They are so much fun to play against, I almost want to actually play them! Knights are actually also one of the more exciting armies to face for me. Strong, and often the cause of my defeat, but nothing's cooler than seeing Knights walking down the table destroying everything in sight, even if its my stuff they are destroying. And its just so satisfying to bring one of them down.

10-21-2014, 11:56 PM
Chaos Daemons! Powerful, fun, diverse HQ units. Hoard Potential, and Random to the max!

Lost Vyper
10-22-2014, 12:13 PM
To play : Eldar & Dark Eldar. Reason, with Eldar, trying to figure out lists, that donīt get the " NO FARE, ELDAR TRICKERY! " screams from grown men in my FLGC :). Well, seriously, the potential to go in many different directions, shooty, psychic and even CC (if feeling crazy thou). Dark Eldar, cos the new codex is good. I complained about losing the Baron and such, but iīve played three games and won two of them with the new codex, so iīm starting to see the potential...
To play against : Space Wolves. They donīt have FnP (which is annoying to play against :) ), but got serious CC and Long Fangs are just nasty! Plus the named characters with their tricks.
Not enjoying going against so much : Grey Knights with two Dredknights with shunt and torrent flamers...or CSM list with loads of flying lvl 3 Psyker Daemon Princes and a Heldrake...BUT, iīll play every possible game, cos i just love to throw dice, but, iīm thinking starting a ban on Invisibility in our FLGC, cos thatīs just stupid psychic power (and Eldar is my main army...)...

- Lost Vyper

10-23-2014, 09:28 AM
Here's a question for you all, as I may have mentioned I find the new Grey Knights codex a bit dull and am looking to try another marine codex.

"What do you think is the most interesting and entertaining Space Marine army to use be it Chaos or Loyalist?"

10-23-2014, 09:56 AM
"What do you think is the most interesting and entertaining Space Marine army to use be it Chaos or Loyalist?"

What do you find interesting and entertaining?

Most people I know would say look at any internet list, and it would be NOT that. I often see Iron Hands, White Scars, and Salamanders, Space Wolves, and Dark Angels. So Raven Guard, Black Templars, and pretty much any of the others aside from pure Blood Angels I find interesting, even Ultramarines oddly.

We have a person who comes in occasionally and runs Blood Angels successor Lamentors. I often mistake them for Imperial Fists (with an abnormal number of Assault Marines). But that color scheme makes it interesting for me.

On the Chaos side, I most often see Khorne and Nurgle, with a little Undivided running around. Alphas, Night Lords, and Iron Hands (or even DIY) would be a welcome change.

Lord Manton
10-25-2014, 02:58 AM
See my previous answer.

In terms of most interesting, go for something you don't see so much these days. Apparently White Scars and Iron Hands are all the rage, so how about Mantis Warriors or Sons of Medusa?

I think the best thing to do, would be to find an army you think is entertaining to play and then make it interesting by homebrewing your own chapter on top. E.g Space Wolves riding thunderwolves is so over done ATM. Why not put them on dinosaurs or some crazy alien beasty of your own devising?

10-31-2014, 02:38 PM
Here's a question for you all, as I may have mentioned I find the new Grey Knights codex a bit dull and am looking to try another marine codex.

"What do you think is the most interesting and entertaining Space Marine army to use be it Chaos or Loyalist?"

I like to play the Loyalist armies myself. I think the fluff has added some very interesting motivations for the traitor legions, but that doesn't always get reflected in game play.

I think the interest and entertainment comes from what you like to do.

I also collect comic books and I've modeled a few after my favorite comic characters. I also find endless amounts of amusement calling the psychic phase, "the magic phase," or Eldar - "Space Elves" or my Blood Angels - "Space Vampires." One of my friends plays Slaanesh marines and asks his opponents, "are you ready to rock?"

11-01-2014, 10:38 AM
Eldar!! I'm trying to have a max of two dublicates in my army lists noadays. It's been very fun having all these elite units, plus the need to combine them to be effective is very rewarding