View Full Version : Paypal Huge tau army pro painted for charity on ebay INSANE DEAL

10-17-2014, 12:30 PM
My gaming group is trying to raise money to help a local gaming family. Get an army that will be the envy of your gaming group, save some money, and help out all at the same time. STARTING BID LOWERED $300


10-17-2014, 02:19 PM
gota be honest and its "for charity" maybe so MAYBE im "wrong for saying this"

- that isnt imo a good paint job. the term "pro" should be "airbrushed very poorly"

10-17-2014, 04:01 PM
It's not "that" bad. It's pretty basic colouring but still looks nice on the table IMO. It's a nice clean scheme and far better than many other "pro-painted" models I've seen on eBay. Good luck with the sale. It's a bargain and going for a good cause.

10-17-2014, 10:35 PM
Considering the airbrush and detail work was basically done "for free" it's actually pretty good. Maybe not insanely good but considering you get an entire army that is painted to match and supports another gamer it's great..it's not like many armies that are just thrown together and listed on ebay. I personally own over a dozen "pro painted armies" and would be happy to have this in my collection.

10-23-2014, 11:26 PM
Considering the airbrush and detail work was basically done "for free" it's actually pretty good. Maybe not insanely good but considering you get an entire army that is painted to match and supports another gamer it's great..it's not like many armies that are just thrown together and listed on ebay. I personally own over a dozen "pro painted armies" and would be happy to have this in my collection.

Wish u luck with your auction, but isn't that the point of "pro" painted I would say its good table top quality for the reasons u listed it's a matching army also I've seen pro painted my friend just took 3rd at feast still way better then that

10-24-2014, 10:54 PM
Actually "pro painted " implies that it was painted by someone who makes their living painting models. most paint studios like bluetable painting, Black Crusade painting and many others offer different levels of paint quality. Even higher end studios like third of third offer some form of table top quality.
I personally own both ends of the spectrum and each serve different purposes.

10-25-2014, 12:52 AM
Its better than loads of other "pro-painted" stuff you see on eBay.

10-25-2014, 12:57 AM
So if it was poorly painted but by a professional it's considered "pro" painted. WOW!!!

10-25-2014, 01:30 AM
By definition yes. That being said if it was painted by a company that specializes in it and it looked like crap I would send it back. I have had to do that before with more than one company. Also looking "good" is subjective. You might think you have the most amazing looking models in the world and I might hate the colors or think it looks like it was painted by a 2 year old. Bottom line is we could debate this all day and get nowhere. This listing is to help a family that is in a bad spot. If you don't like it you are not obligated to buy it or even comment for that matter. If you do please bid.