View Full Version : The Epic Nostalgia thread

Asymmetrical Xeno
10-16-2014, 12:03 PM
So as to not continue to derail the warhammerfest thread in rumours I thought I'd make a thread here. Yes, I know there is an Epic sub-forum, but barely anyone ever bothers to even check it these days and it seems to only contain 6mm scaled Tumbleweeds.

So talk about how awesome Epic is/was here.

10-16-2014, 12:40 PM
Good idea! We did get quite a bit off topic. :)

So I'm curious how the Epic crowd rates the various editions of the game?

1st Edition - Adeptus Titanicus and Space Marine (v1)
2nd Edition - Space Marine (v2) and Titan Legions
3rd Edition - Epic 40k
4th Edition - Epic Armageddon and Swordwind

For me it would go 2, ( 1 or 4), 3...

Edit: (Reasons for ranking the various editions)
1st was initially written for titans with tanks and infantry bolted on after the fact. This led to titans being truly God-like and wading through tanks and infantry as if they didn't exist. (If I am playing a titan only game this is still my goto edition)

2nd Titans were toned down (too much IMO) as they became seriously easy to take down. For example you could quite reliably one shot a Warlord titan with a Warp missile. On the positive side infantry and tanks assumed more meaningful roles in gameplay. Overall this edition was the most comprehensive and characterful for me... even with the wimpy titan syndrome.

3rd transitioned to Firepower and Blast Markers. While I appreciate what the designers were trying to accomplish it was too much of an abstraction for me personally as nothing had any real flavor.

4th tried to marry the 2nd and 3rd editions and is the only edition I have not played extensively. 4th appears to be a good system but suffers from not being comprehensive... GW never expanded it to support some of the core Epic armies from 2nd... namely Squats and Nids, although to be fair Squats had been cleaned out of the game completely by this point.

Asymmetrical Xeno
10-16-2014, 01:03 PM
I never played 1st edition at all. Wasnt the "Space marine v1" boxset the introduction to the horus heresy itself?

My introduction was Space Marine/Titan Legions - which I loved. I'd give that an 8/10

Epic 40k I thought was rubbbish, really killed it - but at least their were some decent model releases for the infantry at the time.

Armageddon was a big improvemt over Epic 40k - but it barely had any support, modelwise. I was very dissapointed when the "Plan" that they touted about never came to it's conclusion (I wanted epic necrons)

10-16-2014, 01:23 PM
Adeptus Titanicus and 1st Edition Space Marine focused heavily on the Horus Heresy. I believe the game setting was actually during the Heresy at this point but I'll have to read through the old fluff to confirm it. Actually I think one of the fluff bits in Space Marine Has Guilliman leading the Ultramarines vs the Word Bearers.

Armageddon lacked model support but most of what they did make was very nice... I would have loved to see Epic Necrons, who knows maybe within the next decade we will. They can only beat the cash out of their core games for so long and the Lord of the Rings line seems destined to fade into legend soon. Should leave a decent enough hole in design, production and retail for them to try something else.

10-16-2014, 01:47 PM
Off to specialist games for you

10-16-2014, 02:19 PM
Off to specialist games for you

Curse you Wolfie! Condemning this thread to the lower circles of hell! :p

10-17-2014, 01:02 AM
Don't know if you guys are aware, but there's still good community support for Epic and a variety of other *cough*Exodus Wars*cough* 6mm games over at the Tactical Command forums. :)

10-17-2014, 01:23 AM
Space Marine & Adeptus Titanicus were both set during the Horus Heresy and contain some of the earliest background of those events (The backstory in Adeptus Titanicus is mostly about the battle on Tallarn for instance), later Codex Titanicus was released which contained "The Epic Battle System" - a set of rules that unified and combined the Space Marine & Adeptus Titanicus games and had rules for Eldar and Ork units.

Later Space Marine v2 came out which IMO was the best unified version of the game (though I feel Adeptus Titanicus is the best overall) and Titan Legions a while after that. And then Epic 40k *hisss* and the even more horrible Adeptus Titanicus v2 which was basically the worst thing ever.

Asymmetrical Xeno
10-17-2014, 10:55 AM
Off to specialist games for you

You may as well just close this thread then since this forum is a graveyard. At least in general it will be seen by people that would otherwise post in it. Specialist game sub-forums are utterly redundant - A better idea would be to pin specific threads in 40k General (Necromunda, BFG, Inquisitor ect)

RIP Thread.

10-20-2014, 10:44 AM
Don't know if you guys are aware, but there's still good community support for Epic and a variety of other *cough*Exodus Wars*cough* 6mm games over at the Tactical Command forums. :)

Thanks mate. Looks like a lot of small scale activity on those forums. :)

10-21-2014, 01:00 AM
Indeed. TacComs is the community of players that helped develop Epic:Armageddon with Jervis back in the day, and when GW brought it down to a Tier 2 game that same community continued to develop the game to the point it's at today--with every 40K army represented and catered for in its own army list.

When GW dropped Epic completely, the community continued to flourish, with new players coming in all the time, to the point where I just attended the Castle Assault tournament in Newcastle, NSW (Australia), with 15 other players throwing down. If you're interested in seeing some Epic in action, check out this post that went up just today: http://www.wargamerau.com/forum/index.php?s=&showtopic=167637&view=findpost&p=2691875

10-21-2014, 04:45 AM
When GW dropped Epic completely, the community continued to flourish, with new players coming in all the time, to the point where I just attended the Castle Assault tournament in Newcastle, NSW (Australia), with 15 other players throwing down. If you're interested in seeing some Epic in action, check out this post that went up just today: http://www.wargamerau.com/forum/index.php?s=&showtopic=167637&view=findpost&p=2691875

Amazingly painted and converted armies. I've got to get to Cancon in 2015!

10-21-2014, 12:10 PM
Indeed. TacComs is the community of players that helped develop Epic:Armageddon with Jervis back in the day, and when GW brought it down to a Tier 2 game that same community continued to develop the game to the point it's at today--with every 40K army represented and catered for in its own army list.

When GW dropped Epic completely, the community continued to flourish, with new players coming in all the time, to the point where I just attended the Castle Assault tournament in Newcastle, NSW (Australia), with 15 other players throwing down. If you're interested in seeing some Epic in action, check out this post that went up just today: http://www.wargamerau.com/forum/index.php?s=&showtopic=167637&view=findpost&p=2691875

Wow! That's a lot of Epic Goodness! The Mars pattern titans and Necrons are especially brilliant! Lovely armies all around. :)

11-06-2014, 09:35 PM
Indeed. TacComs is the community of players that helped develop Epic:Armageddon with Jervis back in the day, and when GW brought it down to a Tier 2 game that same community continued to develop the game to the point it's at today--with every 40K army represented and catered for in its own army list.

When GW dropped Epic completely, the community continued to flourish, with new players coming in all the time, to the point where I just attended the Castle Assault tournament in Newcastle, NSW (Australia), with 15 other players throwing down. If you're interested in seeing some Epic in action, check out this post that went up just today: http://www.wargamerau.com/forum/index.php?s=&showtopic=167637&view=findpost&p=2691875 (http://www.wargamerau.com/forum/index.php?s=167637&view=findpost&p=2691875)

Does anyone know the story with those Titans?

Mr Mystery
06-16-2016, 02:39 AM
Space Marine & Adeptus Titanicus were both set during the Horus Heresy and contain some of the earliest background of those events (The backstory in Adeptus Titanicus is mostly about the battle on Tallarn for instance), later Codex Titanicus was released which contained "The Epic Battle System" - a set of rules that unified and combined the Space Marine & Adeptus Titanicus games and had rules for Eldar and Ork units.

Later Space Marine v2 came out which IMO was the best unified version of the game (though I feel Adeptus Titanicus is the best overall) and Titan Legions a while after that. And then Epic 40k *hisss* and the even more horrible Adeptus Titanicus v2 which was basically the worst thing ever.

Pretty much this. And if two of us are in agreement, then under Internet Law I declare Gott and I to be irrevocably correct, yeah?

Space Marine/Titan Legions was my game. Had a group of about 6 friends, all of us had multiple armies. It was just jolly good fun.

Epic 40k? Well.......if I hadn't been so enamoured with the preceding edition (the best edition), who knows what I'd have made of it. The rules themselves were alright, certainly they made BFG the space battle game to beat - was it just hankering for the cards and individual weapon stats? Who knows.

Epic Armageddon....K. Quite the soft spot for this. It had the detail of SM/TL, but the speed of Epic 40k, married together in a quite pleasing union. Downside was it's birth toward the demise of SG as a range :(.

AT is for nutters though. Cameloline Titans! Warlords with Jump Packs! PLAYING TENNIS VIA RELAY WITH WARP MISSILES.

06-16-2016, 03:03 AM

Mr Mystery
06-16-2016, 04:13 AM
Crap! Didn't check how old it was. Saw Warhammerfest, and assumed this year.

Whoopsadoodle! Unplanned Threadomancy.

Asymmetrical Xeno
06-16-2016, 11:18 AM
there needs to be more epic discussion anyway. I've been considering sculpting my own 6mm enslavers and doing an all-out enslaver plague army as 6mm figures are cheap to produce compare to 28mm ones - and then I can paint up my epic necron and recreate some of the war in heaven stuff.