View Full Version : New to the forum

10-16-2014, 09:03 AM
I'm new here and not quite sure what to think. I've made a couple other posts around the forum yesterday, but they still haven't been approved. One would think that wouldn't take 24 hours, it sure doesn't feel very welcoming. So I may not be around very long, I don't know.

But I am here, for now, at least, so I might as well introduce myself. I've played off and on since 3rd edition, though have just gotten back in with the start of 7th. I have played eldar from the start, though I branched out into dark eldar a long time ago (and long to do so again once my eldar are built up). I also stumbled upon a marine army for pretty cheap and picked it up, but the condition of it isn't as good as it looked from the pictures so I'm not entirely happy with it, and having just found a (very small) portion of the dark eldar I once owned (my armies disappeared after I got out of it the last time) I'll probably be jumping back into them before I get into the emperor's finest.

Other than the Eldar and their dark kin, I played Lost and the Damned back when that was a thing (and absolutely loved it). My best friend (and so far my only opponent, though I hope to start playing at a store within a couple monthes) plays Tau exclusively, and pretty much has since he pre-ordered the Tau box on the Tau prerelease.

10-16-2014, 01:40 PM
Hello and welcome aboard.

Sorry about the delay it isn't personal I can assure you, just the first 5 posts require manual authentication.

10-17-2014, 04:37 AM

come to the oubliette

Enjoy our tangents


10-17-2014, 08:02 AM
Hello and welcome aboard.

Sorry about the delay it isn't personal I can assure you, just the first 5 posts require manual authentication.

I didn't figure it was personal, but it is extremely unwelcoming, and if that is the impression newbies are supposed to get, I'm not sure this will be the place for me.

10-17-2014, 08:05 AM
On the otherhand you got the standard welcome ponies and the invite to the off topic board where all the real fun is.
Seriously come for a browse, stay for the silliness.