View Full Version : Tyrannofex Conversion

Brass Scorpion
02-02-2010, 09:40 PM
The Tyrannofex is an enormous tank bug, so I didn't want to just lay a Carnifex on its belly and call it a Tyrannofex, the model needed to be lengthened and widened. This model was converted from a standard Carnifex kit using a variety of putties and plastic card. The feet just make it onto a large GW oval plastic base like the one supplied with the Trygon model as the model is 7.25" long and about 3.33" tall. The gun and tail hang over the ends of the base. I tried to get as relatively close to the artwork on page 53 of the new Tyranid Codex as I could without spending too terribly long on this one project. Nevertheless, there are a number of hours in this involving sawing of existing parts, hand cut custom parts, and quite a bit of sculpting for chest and back plates, arms and the surface of the main gun. As always, hobby questions are welcome.

http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2010/2/3/80366_sm-Conversion%2C%20Greenstuff%2C%20Tyranids%2C%20Tyra nnofex%2C%20Warhammer%2040%2C000%2C%20Work%20In%20 Progress.jpg

02-03-2010, 05:19 PM
that is a thing of beauty:D

Brass Scorpion
02-03-2010, 09:09 PM
that is a thing of beautyThanks very much. Hopefully I'll get to painting this soon and have it terrorizing some tanks shortly thereafter. I'm thinking about scenic basing beyond just the usual gravel to enhance the final look and maybe boost it up a little higher to further add to the perception of it being quite large in size.

02-03-2010, 09:43 PM
That doesn't look like standard issue green stuff. Milliput?

Brass Scorpion
02-04-2010, 08:32 AM
Large areas like the new central chest and back plates, forearms and gun were sculpted with Apoxie Sculpt. The professional hobbyists I know who are with or formerly with GW use it a lot with great results. Dave T. suggested using Apoxie Sculpt instead of green stuff for the larger areas just as I was beginning this project and it was an extremely good suggestion. Apoxie Sculpt is much easier to work with on large areas than Kneadatite aka green stuff.

person person
02-04-2010, 08:59 PM
That is stunning, the bulking up of the carapace is excellent!

02-12-2010, 12:24 PM
I like the way you used 2 original carapaces joined together to make the body bigger. And you too got the gun holding arms in the middle sockets. I never managed that as I was running out of time and patience,

02-12-2010, 03:47 PM
Looks pretty nice. I will say that I think the big cannon should extend back and connect to the stomach. It looks slightly odd just hanging there. But other than that, I'm impressed.

Brass Scorpion
02-12-2010, 10:13 PM
Looks pretty nice. I will say that I think the big cannon should extend back and connect to the stomach. It looks slightly odd just hanging there. But other than that, I'm impressed.
The Codex picture does make the gun appear to grow straight out from the chin and chest with no gap between the gun and chest. I took some creative license here because I didn't want to cover up all the great detail under the chin and neck on the plastic Carnifex head. This is a conversion after all and I wanted to put some of my own creativity into it.

Interestingly, the one thing I wasn't happy with was how "empty" it looked behind the gun in a direct side-on view. Then, a staff member I'm friendly with at the local GW store made the same comment and when I explained why I left it empty he suggested putting hoses there instead of completely filling it in. I loved that suggestion. In the end, after the photo was taken, I added two hoses coming from the upper chest to the back of the gun to add some visual weight to that area and so that it seemed less empty. I'm really happy with it now and plan on painting it shortly.

02-13-2010, 01:01 PM
Lol, as I was reading the first sentence of the second paragraph, I was thinking "try some hoses" just as I got to the sentence where the staff member mentioned the same thing. I agree that a few hoses and a such would accomplish both goals of filling out the gun but keeping the neck/chest exposed.