View Full Version : IA13 and you!

Mr Mystery
10-14-2014, 02:00 PM

So, IA13 seems to be going down a treat, and has sweetened up the lot of Chaos players everywhere.

But what do you think you'll be taking out to play in the future?

For me, there are three picks which are 'must have'....

1. Chaos Spartan Assault Tank. 25 model Transport Capacity, HP5, double the lascannon dakka of a Landraider, Extra Armour built in, can take Frag Assault Launchers - all for a piffling 55 points more than a Chaos Landraider. If anyone can give me a good reason to take a Landraider over it, I'd like to hear it!

2. Ferrum Infernus Chaos Dreadnought. Nekkid, it's 30 points more than a Helbrute, for BS5, WS5 and an extra attack, and no Crazed table. Some weapons are more expensive, but Lascannons aren't. Oh, and for 25 points, should it go pop you've got a 1 in 3 chance of hatching into a Daemon Prince (those of you following my general gibberings may have spotted I really like that upgrade!) And if it doesn't? You get a Spawn for 5 points cheaper than normal. That's got to be good for a laugh!

3. Chaos Hell Talon. 70 points cheaper than a Heldrake, and arguably better armed than one for just 15 points extra - two Reaper Autocannon that are Heavy 3, Twin Linked and Rending. Oh, and it has a permanent 5+ Invulnerable, making the otherwise mildly debilitating Jink a thing of the past, and can reposition (but not it's facing) D6+2" at the start of it's move.....Oh, and it's Fast Attack, so for airborne gribbly daemon Hijinks, you could field 6 fliers in total...Main downside is AV10 all round and HP2.

For me, and I'm by no means a Chaos player, those are simply compulsory. They're just objectively much, much better than the main book offerings. Indeed the only issue I can see with not fielding them is the depth of your pockets (oh, and goons that refuse to play Forgeworld because reasons

But I also want to explore the wider implications of these toys. Good example is one from above - the Spartan. Transport capacity 25 means you can fill it with a power armoured blob squad. Does that make an otherwise lesser seen unit suddenly more appealing?

Does the availability of FA flier free up your HS slots from the flapping Tyranny of Heldrakes?

Get going!

10-14-2014, 07:05 PM
I really like the sound of the Hell Talon - that's a great, focused gunship

10-14-2014, 07:33 PM
One minor quibble- the Heldrake is already in Fast Attack. That being said, for pure sky-clearing goodness, I like the sound of the Hell Talon.

10-14-2014, 08:39 PM
I'm really liking the Hell Talon, Seems like a steal honestly. I mean it will die but it should kill an enemy model before it does and if that's a vehicle of any kind it's probably made it's points back. and even if it's just like a rhino or something then it will keep that squad from being mobile. I'm digging it.

I'm excited about the Spartan as well. Just the thought of 10 Terminators or a ton of Berzerkers busting out of it with grenades seems like it can't be that bad. Now i just need to find a way to make one without having to spend the money on the Forge World one.

As far as the Dread goes hes still a dread... Not great but never bad. Seems fun. I'd give him a shot and just run him forward so he can get shot, hopefully blow up and turn into a Daemon prince for me.

I'm super excited about this book. I can't wait to start making lists with these things in them. I've got a storm eagle just begging to be played.

10-14-2014, 09:28 PM
Does the infernus get AV13?

Don't loyalist vens get 13 normal or is that only the ironclad?

10-14-2014, 10:53 PM
Does the infernus get AV13?

Don't loyalist vens get 13 normal or is that only the ironclad?
AV 13 is Ironclad and Contemptor only. "Venerable" is currently just a purchasable upgrade on the generic Dread only, granting improved W/BS and the re-roll penetration effects rule (to be fair, a W/BS 5 Ironclad would be a bit obnoxious).

10-14-2014, 11:21 PM
OK fair enough

10-15-2014, 03:14 AM
I think Kharn with 20 Berzerkers in a Spartan sounds awesome. Or Abaddon with 10 Terminators. The Frag assault business is good although not as good as Dirge Casters - preventing the nasty Tau doing their tricksy overwatch sharing.

Oh yeah - BTW does 5HP for Spartan make it a SH?

Mr Mystery
10-15-2014, 03:26 AM
I think Kharn with 20 Berzerkers in a Spartan sounds awesome. Or Abaddon with 10 Terminators. The Frag assault business is good although not as good as Dirge Casters - preventing the nasty Tau doing their tricksy overwatch sharing.

Oh yeah - BTW does 5HP for Spartan make it a SH?

Nope! Just a Heavy Support choice, so you can has three.

And I'm pretty sure the Spartan can have a Dirge Caster as well as the Frag Assault Launchers - just checked the break down of options I posted on B&C - and yes, yes it can.

I expect all your Beserkers to be modelled legging it, flipping the bird with both hands, laughing at the suddenly very, very nervous Tau :p

10-15-2014, 03:31 AM
oh, and goons that refuse to play Forgeworld because...

They're just objectively much, much better than the main book offerings.

Could be a strange coincidence? Especially if you are not playing one of the armies that gets new toys weekly...

10-15-2014, 04:05 AM
What about the Typhon - is it 6HP becomes SH?

Mr Mystery
10-15-2014, 04:11 AM
Defo SH, would want to check me book for HP.

10-15-2014, 06:19 AM
20 allied bloodletters out of a spartan. Hell yes!

10-15-2014, 07:31 AM
@daboarder, I believe the Ferrum Infernus dreadnought does actually have 3 upgrade options, the potential Daemon Prince one is just one of them. I think one of the others turns the Dreadnought into an AV13 front siege dreadnought, with some Chaos version of a flamestorm cannon and a siege drill.

Mr Mystery
10-15-2014, 07:48 AM
@daboarder, I believe the Ferrum Infernus dreadnought does actually have 3 upgrade options, the potential Daemon Prince one is just one of them. I think one of the others turns the Dreadnought into an AV13 front siege dreadnought, with some Chaos version of a flamestorm cannon and a siege drill.

Yup :)

10-15-2014, 02:31 PM
@daboarder, I believe the Ferrum Infernus dreadnought does actually have 3 upgrade options, the potential Daemon Prince one is just one of them. I think one of the others turns the Dreadnought into an AV13 front siege dreadnought, with some Chaos version of a flamestorm cannon and a siege drill.
yeah I'm going to be running one of those for sure.

Mr Mystery
10-15-2014, 02:32 PM
What about the Typhon - is it 6HP becomes SH?

Yep, 14/14/14 HP6

10-15-2014, 05:30 PM
Ooh - I reckon that could be a game changer in 1500pts tourneys - at least at WW - less killable than knights methinks.

10-15-2014, 08:35 PM
Good thing I just started building my CSM army. Now my options for transport and heavy back up just widened like no ones business. :)

Ultimate Dave
10-16-2014, 11:55 AM
Any chance you can share some info on the HellBLADE, as opossed to the HellTALON?

Nothing specific enough to violate posting rules, but I'd love some info!


Ultimate Dave

Mr Mystery
10-17-2014, 09:09 AM
Will try to remember once I'm home!

10-18-2014, 05:31 AM
Struggling with writing a renegades list there's so many choices and I've not really played a hordey army before, you can go for a vets style army but it seems more expensive than regular guard with no real boost and less specials. Whereas for some reason regular infantry platoons can take a special for every five guys, then it comes down to mechanised or not too. I did notice the quad-launchers that cost 5 points less than a rhino which seems a little bit good considering the normal loyalist ones are 20 points more than that and are still considered not far off a wyvern. Someone who's better at this than me help!

10-18-2014, 06:00 AM
Hey mystery, do the renegades wtill have access to the poison mortars? They used to be poison AP3 blast barrage

10-18-2014, 06:28 AM
I can tell you there's no poison mortar in there unfortunately.

10-18-2014, 06:45 AM

10-23-2014, 11:51 AM
Contemptor of Khorne in a Dreadclaw is something I'd like to use very much. Chainfist + CCW and just splatter things.