View Full Version : Pieceing it together - Chaos Knights

Mr Mystery
10-13-2014, 09:05 AM

An exuberant start to this thread, as it's all really rather exciting still after Warhammer Fest.

Various comments flying about regarding if/when we may/may not see Chaos Knights, so I thought it best to see these tidbits lumped together into a single rumour/news thread. And this is it.

First up, my conversation with Darren Parwood, who is responsible for the current FW Knight stuff. I asked him outright 'are we going to see Chaos Knights/conversion kits?'. His initial answer? 'I'm not really allowed to talk about that'...which is sort of a yes, reading between the lines, on account it's not a no. Conversation developed, and he explained that background wise, they felt a little boxed into a corner, as the Knights are presented, via the Throne Mechanicum as all Goody Two Shows and stuff. Finished up with 'Never say Never'.

So far, so not terribly clear. Hopeful yes. But not certain.

Later conversation? Yeah Mr Parwood is Mr Mechanicum, and will be doing Dark Mechanicum, and may have mentioned weapon heads for Titans and Knights in that same convo.....

Now. Onto more tangible stuff.

IA 13 has, for the first time in modern 40k, referred to Renegade Daemon Knights. Questor, Subdjucator, Hell Strider etc. Right there in Black and White, with the Inquisitor off to speak to the Relictors to find out more.... This is the same book which mentions predecessors to the Contemptor Dread - potentially significant on account the Seminars promise a new Dreadnought for the Heresy....

Seminars? Sadly didn't get into one myself, so what follows is at least third hand info - they are looking at doing Chaos conversion parts for the Knights....

And that's where we're up to as far as I'm aware.

If anyone else has more stuff they can chip in with, please do so!

10-13-2014, 04:02 PM
it is a strange situation. before I had read the knights codex myself I was assured by somebody else that it completely rules out the possibility of chaos knights because so very few turned and those that did were hunted down completely. I didn't get such a definite vibe from it myself after reading it, more that it was very unusual, not completely impossible. plus one of the latest Heresy novels features a knight house falling to slaanesh quite quickly. the epic chaos knights are very different to the imperial knights too, so they don't have to just be corrupted loyalists, they could be similarly sized chaos super heavy walkers, so I don't really see the issue.

Mr Mystery
10-14-2014, 03:10 AM

With the background of the Thone Mechanicum emphasising certain traits, I can see Khorne and Slaanesh having an 'in' to the pilots. Martial Pride, and Paragon of Virtue - both very much open to attack and corruption.

Nurgle and Tzeentch? Yeah, not so much, least ways not that I can think of.

So not quite as boxed in as the background might initially suggest.

I do believe we'll see them. Too many sculpting opportunities, and a good level of demand - two things Forgeworld seems to like!

The Fell Hand
10-15-2014, 08:08 AM
I love the idea.So much so that when I bought my knight, I immediately turned it into a Death Guard Knight. The Knightly House name...? Temba. That's one for you fluff mongers to figure out!