View Full Version : Does anyone have rules for Gutrot Spume and Putrid Blight kings

Lord Ezekial
10-10-2014, 01:10 PM
As the title implies does anyone have the rules for these guys? I haven't played fantasy in forever or end of times but this may be my way back in. Stats? and can they be used as their own army? Worth me spending what little cash I have on them?

Thanks for the Help!

Mr Mystery
10-10-2014, 01:37 PM
They're kicking about around the place.

Blightings are essentially extra tough, non-monstrous Ogres, who can choose to fight with Great Weapons (+2 S, Always Strike Last), Two Hand Weapons (+1 A) or Hand Weapon and Shield (+1 Sv, 6+ Ward for Parry), choosing from round to round. Stats are really quite impressive!


Mark of Nurgle is currently a -1 to hit penalty against all close combat attacks directed against them. And since they cause Fear, your opponent may wind up hitting on 6's, as a failed Fear test (taken every round of combat) renders you WS1 for that round.

Honestly? Worth every last point! They're more combat flexible than Ogres, but lack Ogre Charge (impact hits when charging) and Stomp (free hits at the end of combat, at your base Strength). They're also better armoured.

For comparison? Ogres start off 7 points cheaper, but by the time you've added Mark of Nurgle, and Additional Hand Weapon, they're equal points, but Blightkings have the Great Weapon option, and the benefit of a shield against shooting, in combat if you choose it, and are T5 as opposed to T4 - that makes a whopper of a difference in Warhammer - far more than it does 40k, as S3 is the base line rather than S4. There's really not a lot that can give them a stand up fight, not for those points. Main detraction is that good as they are for their points, they're still prohibitively expensive if you're wanting a ranked unit of them, as not being Monstrous Infantry, they don't get to fight in ranks as effectively (so yeah, that's another pro for Ogres over them!)

They're flexible, hard hitting (I mean, look at those stats!), and can take it slightly better than they can dish it out. Main drawback would be trying to duff up large units. You'll go through them like a hot knife through butter, but you may struggle to actually break them (when taking a break test now, if you have more ranks than the enemy, you count as stubborn). This means I'd definitely be wanting to pair them up with a unit to tackle the enemies flank, and bring the ranks. Whilst your opponent would just try to pagga the flanking unit, they'd have to go some to equal out the advantage (brings 3 ranks, +1 for flank, enemy loses combat ranks bonus, less likely to be stubborn, and can only kill as many as there are in base contact)....

10-10-2014, 02:46 PM
They're kicking about around the place.

Blightings are essentially extra tough, non-monstrous Ogres, who can choose to fight with Great Weapons (+2 S, Always Strike Last), Two Hand Weapons (+1 A) or Hand Weapon and Shield (+1 Sv, 6+ Ward for Parry), choosing from round to round. Stats are really quite impressive!


Mark of Nurgle is currently a -1 to hit penalty against all close combat attacks directed against them. And since they cause Fear, your opponent may wind up hitting on 6's, as a failed Fear test (taken every round of combat) renders you WS1 for that round.

Honestly? Worth every last point! They're more combat flexible than Ogres, but lack Ogre Charge (impact hits when charging) and Stomp (free hits at the end of combat, at your base Strength). They're also better armoured.

For comparison? Ogres start off 7 points cheaper, but by the time you've added Mark of Nurgle, and Additional Hand Weapon, they're equal points, but Blightkings have the Great Weapon option, and the benefit of a shield against shooting, in combat if you choose it, and are T5 as opposed to T4 - that makes a whopper of a difference in Warhammer - far more than it does 40k, as S3 is the base line rather than S4. There's really not a lot that can give them a stand up fight, not for those points. Main detraction is that good as they are for their points, they're still prohibitively expensive if you're wanting a ranked unit of them, as not being Monstrous Infantry, they don't get to fight in ranks as effectively (so yeah, that's another pro for Ogres over them!)

They're flexible, hard hitting (I mean, look at those stats!), and can take it slightly better than they can dish it out. Main drawback would be trying to duff up large units. You'll go through them like a hot knife through butter, but you may struggle to actually break them (when taking a break test now, if you have more ranks than the enemy, you count as stubborn). This means I'd definitely be wanting to pair them up with a unit to tackle the enemies flank, and bring the ranks. Whilst your opponent would just try to pagga the flanking unit, they'd have to go some to equal out the advantage (brings 3 ranks, +1 for flank, enemy loses combat ranks bonus, less likely to be stubborn, and can only kill as many as there are in base contact)....

Where are you getting that they cause fear?

Mr Mystery
10-10-2014, 02:47 PM
Oop! My bad. Just sort of assumed!

10-11-2014, 03:16 AM
The rules for them are also included in their box, which I think is pretty neat.

Lord Ezekial
10-12-2014, 07:35 PM
Thanks everyone!

10-13-2014, 12:41 PM
choosing from round to round.

It says "start of each combat," not "start of each combat phase." The enemy aren't going to give you a breather to switch weapons mid-fight; if you've chosen to use dual hand weapons against those Empire Halberdiers, you're going to have to stick with them until they or you are Dead or Fled.

Mr Mystery
10-13-2014, 02:20 PM
My bad Mk2!

I'm usually better at actually reading the rules first!