View Full Version : MK1 Land Raider - Under the Knife Soon

Akkon Sek
02-02-2010, 02:07 PM
I recently received a Mk1 Land Raider and have spent the past few days gently disassembling, soaking in Simple Green, and dutifully ‘toothbrushing’ each day to remove the thick (and multiple) layers of Space Wolves Grey which was originally applied. Today is likely the day she’s ready for some serious attention.

As I received the model gratis, I am not concerned about restoring it to pristine condition, and thought I would try something different. Little more ‘modernized’. I’ve drooled over this (top-right corner)…


…for as long as I can recall. But I am struggling somewhat with the exact build in the photo, as I have never owned a Mk1. This is where I am hoping those of you who have built these in the past can assist.

It appears that the builder omitted the entire outer shell, trimmed the tracks and wheels on the remaining half (as on mine it is all one molded piece… tracks, guide wheels and frame), and replaced with modern tank wheels prior to covering with only the outer door frame. Convoluted, I know. Hopefully that made some semblance of sense.

Does this look right to those in-the-know? Do you think there is some manner of custom rig under there to support the replaced door frame? I inquire because once I start hacking off the tracks/wheels… there’s really no going back. I suppose I could simply furrow out both halves of the shell and slip the modern wheels in-between.

Your thoughts appreciated.


02-02-2010, 02:09 PM
Looks good if not a bid 'odd' in a way i can't describe compared to the original. Still a classic though.

02-02-2010, 03:40 PM
wow, I hadn't seen those conversions since I was in high school. I think I still have that WD in storage somewhere. But I don't think that there was any additional information about building the gray land raider.

The other one, I do know more about. It uses the old land raider tracks, but the body is from an original Mk I rhino.

Akkon Sek
02-02-2010, 03:49 PM
I don’t know why I didn’t see it before, perhaps because I didn’t physically have the model until now, but it appears from the picture that the original builder did use the ‘outer shell’, but they sliced the front 1/5th off. So I guess that answers the “how’s it held on” question. Sort of. I think.

Would still be interested in hearing input/suggestions from anyone who has modded one of these before. The operation begins this evening.