View Full Version : IG Figure Trades

02-02-2010, 01:13 PM
If this isn't the right place let me know I don't want to be a bother.

I am in a bind. I have a cadian/steel legion army and the steel legion are giving me a little trouble. For steel legion I have 17 regular guardsmen, 1 medic, 1 comander, 1 sergeant, 1 plamsa gun, and 12 Grenade launchers. I want a platoon of steel legion but with so many grenade launchers and no heavy weapons I am stuck.

Would anybody like to trade your sergeant, HW, or regular SL guardsmen for a few Grenade launchers?

Lord Azaghul
02-02-2010, 01:28 PM
oiy about a week late on me lad. I had 1 full SL sqaud, but I just gave them to a budding guardsmen player. I had 7 regulars 1 GL, a sarge and a ML.

However: I still have 3 heavy bolter SL teams, and 3 Lascannons SL teams. They really don't fit the rest of my army (cadian, catachin, tallarn)

I woudn't mind trading for options from any of the above guard types. Or for random space marines (I plan on starting a SM army when I'm done painting my IG)

Let me know if you're interested.
I assume you live in the US?

02-02-2010, 04:38 PM
I would be very interested in some stuff to fill up my SL stuff. unfortianatly I am using most of the stuff other than my gratuitous number of grenade launchers. I have a chimera I don't particularly care for but it is in sad shape so I don't know that you would want it either. I also have retinue for the demon hunters. just a sage and a cherubim. An outdated techmarine with a powerfist, and a battle sister with imagifier (model 2). If nothing else I have a 2-3 extra cadian plastic flamers, and a pair of metal catachan guardsmen.

If nothing else I have a ton of random vw and toyota car parts :)

I am in Washington state USA

EDIT: Just remember I have 3-5 spacemarines from a paint starter set but they are the 2 piece guys. one has a rocket launcher.

Lord Azaghul
02-02-2010, 05:09 PM
How banged up is the chimera? Got a pick?

I wouldn't mind that and the old techmarine, and the rest of the SM's. ( don't mind a few 'starter' models to figure out my paint scheme)

I do have gobs of flamers so those aren't a high demand issue for me

02-02-2010, 05:36 PM

I am in the process of rebuilding it because it was really bad when I bought it second hand. it is getting better but there is a little bit of flex in the main body that I can't get out. I would through a new turret ring and hatch in with it. I am also in the process of magnetizing it as well. I could finish up my work on it or you could take it as is if you think you want to get the flex out of the body. If I finish it I could strip it and primer it if you really want me to.

Lord Azaghul
02-03-2010, 07:33 AM
I could work with that if your willing to part with it.

So can I assuming you would you be ok with the: Chimera, the starter SM's, and the Techmarine.
3 SL heavy bolter teams, and 3 SL lascannons teams?

I think I've half painted the hb teams then became distracted, and the lascannon teams have been spray primed

02-03-2010, 01:05 PM
That would be great. The chimera you saw in the pic, the starter marines are unpainted except for 1, and the techmarine is primed and unpainted, his powerfist are and backpack are not glued securely either. Are you wanting the chimera as is or do you want me to keep working on it? do you want a magnet in the turret hatch or could I pull that back out?