View Full Version : The 4th Praetorian Foot. Reboot.

10-09-2014, 01:49 AM
It's been a long time since I worked on my own Praetorian Imperial Guard, time to reboot!

I've collected about 10k points of Praetorians over the years, most of which is unpainted admittedly, at the moment I'm working mostly on my own models though. At the moment I'm toying with parting with some of the unpainted Praetorians, leaving just a company for GW tournaments, and replacing them with these new models.

I've got two main projects on the go at the moment, first are my Praetorian Life Guards, Storm Troopers. I originally converted some several years ago based on Cadian plastics with Praetorian head swaps, but when the new Scions came out I knew they would be perfect so I sculpted up a new head, had the masters of this back from the caster last week and assembled a quick test model - now just waiting for the production mould to be spun so I can get on with a couple of squads worth.


My other plan is Firing Line Infantry, so I've been working on these, just need to finish some arms now for Sergeants and these will also be off to the casters. I've done a single piece torso with gun levelled, kneeling and standing legs, which match up to the heads I've done before!


01-07-2015, 06:25 AM
6 Assembled, now, 4 to go, hopefully at the weekend, and then some paint!


01-07-2015, 06:44 AM
They look Brill!

01-07-2015, 08:21 AM
Very nice indeed! Nice to see Praetorians still in action!

01-07-2015, 10:17 AM
Looking forward to seeing more of this project. Makes me mourn more for my own original 40K army: Mordian Iron Guard. I had, literally, 149 of the old metal mordians. Then I turned 15 and thought I was too cool for this hobby and sold them for pennies on the dollar to someone else. Rotate the clock forwards 5 years and I got back into the hobby...and cried for youthful follies....

Anyway, keep up the good work!

Darren Richardson
01-08-2015, 02:02 PM
I feel your pain Katharon, I too sold or gave away stuff that I now wish I hadn't.

As for the Pratorians, great work there converting or scratch building them, can't wait to see them painted up.

01-09-2015, 04:26 AM
It's a harsh lesson, I buried my original Praetorians in the loft rather then part with them thankfully, my collection numbers around 300 original Praetorians, plus what I have, and am sculpting myself, only a small portion of it is painted though. Which is one of my jobs for this year, I'm planning on getting all of them done to a basic standard, and then working up from there.