View Full Version : Harlequin Anti-Air

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
10-07-2014, 03:47 PM
I'm putting together a Harlequiun army (not sticking to a Codex, just making whatever I think looks fun/thematic), and am wondering how they'd deal with enemy Flyers when fighting independently. Thoughts? I haven't got anything in particular in mind, could be something as mundane as a Death Jester with a Flak missile launcher or as crazy as a couple of Trapezes swinging from a Harlequin Flyer, slashing at a Stormraven.

10-07-2014, 03:54 PM
Depends on where you want to land in their changing fluff timeline. IIRC Harlequins originally had access to the same tanks/titans as their craftworld cousins. So a diamond patterned Nightwing Interceptor with a Harlie pilot could be a colorful anti-air addition.

10-31-2014, 06:49 PM
Way back when they were first introduced, (1st Ed.) they had access to everything, including Imperial tech. Just imagine Harlequins equipped with Vendettas or Stormravens! :)

This Dave
11-01-2014, 08:11 AM
Way back when they were first introduced, (1st Ed.) they had access to everything, including Imperial tech. Just imagine Harlequins equipped with Vendettas or Stormravens! :)

Yeah I remember that well. My friend had a Harlequin Land Raider with the laughing face from one of their jetbikes molded onto the front. I hated that thing.

12-04-2014, 04:00 PM
Well I would also go with the answer 40kgamer has already given. As far as the fluff is concerned they used to have access to the same things as their craftworld cousins. You could always go with the idea of a dark eldar / eldar force 'donating' equipment for some reason (a debt or something).