View Full Version : New Dark Eldar with Iyanden Allies Cheese List :)

Lost Vyper
10-07-2014, 08:05 AM
Blast Pistol, Shadow field, Haywire,
the Helm of Spite, Webway portal
Soul Trap

Crucible of Malediction,Webway Portal
Flesh Gauntlet,the Parasiteīs Kiss
the Armor of Misery

Kabalite Trueborn x 4 + Dracon
Blaster x 4
Blast Pistol,Haywire
2 x Splinter Cannon

Wracks x 5 + Acothyst
Liquifier Gun,Flesh Gauntlet
Night Shields,Dark Lance

Wyches x 5
2 x Splinter Cannon

Wyches x 5
2 x Splinter Cannon

Razorwing Jetfighter
2 x Dark Lances,Nightshields
4 x Monoscythe Missiles

Razorwing Jetfighter
2 x Dark Lances,Nightshields
4 x Monoscythe Missiles

Talos Pain Engine
Ichor Injector, TL Heat Lance

Iyanden allies


Wraithguard x 5
D-Scythes x 5

Wraithguard x 5
D-Scythes x 5

Warp Spiders x 5

So...the Archon is with a set of WG and the Haemonculus is with one plus the Spiritseer...deep strike and wooosh...

Rest of the list is based on the models i currently own, so this could get even WAY cheesier...

maybe switching the other set of WGīs for a Raider with nine Fire Dragons and the Archon? :D

howīs your Dark Eldar cheese today?

10-07-2014, 08:26 AM
This list is an affront to everything that should be held sacred in 40k.

I hope you show up with this list at your store and get told to GTFO. You're "That F'ing Guy"

10-07-2014, 08:33 AM
This list is an affront to everything that should be held sacred in 40k.

Sadly, the joy 6th/7th edition 40k has brought me as a fluffy gamer is erased by the limitless possibilities for cheese. And this list isn't really all that bad in the grand scheme of things.

Lost Vyper
10-07-2014, 09:50 AM
I thought the :) meant, that maybe i was joking?

Hmm...well, when i face dual shunting Dredknights with Torrent -flamers or the horde of summoning daemons with two flying Daemon Princes who have 2+ Jink, i really couldnīt give a f___...iīll be having two lists the next time i play against some of my friends and ask, shall it be with or without the cheese? I could also run four Wave Serpents in my lists, but i donīt, cos thatīs just boring, PLUS, going against veterans, they are not so hard to put down. I have brought on the table Dark Reapers, Maugan RA, Karandras, Striking Scorpions, stuff that makes it more interesting...

Itīs so interesting, that the Eldar -players get the most s___ in the fan, when Heldrakes, Dredknights, flying donuts etc are considered "a solid choice"...

10-07-2014, 10:07 AM
You really need to take it up a notch if you want to be considered tournament grade cheese! :p

My worry with this list would be the danger of having so many assets off board turn 1... some on board cheese lists could prove instantly fatal.

10-07-2014, 10:09 AM
I thought the :) meant, that maybe i was joking?

Hmm...well, when i face dual shunting Dredknights with Torrent -flamers or the horde of summoning daemons with two flying Daemon Princes who have 2+ Jink, i really couldnīt give a f___...iīll be having two lists the next time i play against some of my friends and ask, shall it be with or without the cheese? I could also run four Wave Serpents in my lists, but i donīt, cos thatīs just boring, PLUS, going against veterans, they are not so hard to put down. I have brought on the table Dark Reapers, Maugan RA, Karandras, Striking Scorpions, stuff that makes it more interesting...

Itīs so interesting, that the Eldar -players get the most s___ in the fan, when Heldrakes, Dredknights, flying donuts etc are considered "a solid choice"...

No. None of that makes you "that f'ing guy".

Exploiting the Battle Brothers allies with the WWP wargear to get a squad of tough, instant death spewing flamers into someone's backfield without any risk whatsoever is what makes you "That F'in guy".

I have a strict 2 wave serpent limit on my lists up to 2000 points. I find it hard to actually fit them in points-wise actually - silly me, I actually run max squads of aspect warriors with kitted out exarchs... The internet of things has told me that I'm stupid for doing this.

10-07-2014, 10:28 AM
I find it hard to actually fit them in points-wise actually - silly me, I actually run max squads of aspect warriors with kitted out exarchs... The internet of things has told me that I'm stupid for doing this.

Stop trying to have fun! Just stop it! :D

Lists of death are fine as long as everyone involved is on the same page. But pouncing some cute and fuzzy fluffy bunny gamer with these things should be banned. I totally agree with the idea of multiple lists and matching the army build to the opponent.

Path Walker
10-07-2014, 10:41 AM
I'm content to just play with people I know won't be dicks and use cheesey lists.

In my day, White Dwarf encouraged you to stigmatise cheese-beards, people knew i t was something to be ashamed of.

Now it seems to have gone the other way, people are proud of it. I blame the Americas.

10-07-2014, 10:45 AM
I blame the Americas.

How could a super competitive culture that rewards exploiting loopholes and punishes the weak cause any problems? :p

10-07-2014, 11:32 AM
So...the Archon is with a set of WG and the Haemonculus is with one plus the Spiritseer...deep strike and wooosh...

Rest of the list is based on the models i currently own, so this could get even WAY cheesier...

maybe switching the other set of WGīs for a Raider with nine Fire Dragons and the Archon? :D

howīs your Dark Eldar cheese today?

I guess you waste too much points. If you want to do a cheesefest do it proper.
Dracon and blast pistol has no real use as you dont want to get into 6" (they could assault you)

Soul Trap on Archon is wasted too as you have no proper melee weapon.

If you get rid of a few items, you could also field another Venom as FA keep in reserve and deepstrike it with allied Fire Drakes.

Lost Vyper
10-07-2014, 12:11 PM
Heh, new, BLUE cheese :)

5 x Spiritseer with Archon with the Helm of Spite and the -2 LD Armor, the Armor of Misery...Wanna Psychic Shriek? Five times? And the opponent perils on any doubles if he wantīs to use powers?

that stinks something foul...;)


Darn it ,doesnīt work, only once/unit can be manifested/phase...

Martyn Powell
10-21-2014, 12:57 PM
Pretty sure that DE characters can only take one artifact...

Yep pg69 of the codex...

2nd line under artefacts of cruelty... "A model may take one of the following:" The key word in there being "one". if it was two you could take 2, if there were no numbers in there at all and it just read "A model make take the following", then you can take as many as you want and really tool your characters up.

That being said...

You may as well just go double archon, shadowfield and WWP. Cheap cheerful, reasonable amount of staying power.
Spiritseer in each of the 2 units.

Some reaver bikes would be good, for the price of that talos you can get 6 reavers with 2 cluster caltrops that can move 48" a turn, or 12" charge something hit it with 2d6 S6 ap- rending... including vehicles and really put the squeeze on your opponents flanks while your WG come down the middle.

Some mandrakes too for a 2+ cover holding a comms relay on an aegis to make sure your reserves have a decent chance of coming on in turn 2.