View Full Version : 2000pt. Space Wolves Great Company Formation - need advice from old Wolves

Captain Bubonicus
10-05-2014, 09:53 AM
Hey, y'all!

I finally scratched an itch and started up the Space Wolf army I'd always wanted. I really liked the idea of fielding the "Great Company" formation in the main codex, and this is what I came up with. I'm a little worried about the lack of anti-air, but I think I've got enough tools to handle both armor and infantry models - if not, please tell me! Also, I've been twiddling with the equipment on the Wolf Guard - if I've done something stupid, or if you see a better combo out there, I'd appreciate a heads-up!

Sea Wolves of Engir Krakendoom

Great Company Formation (Re-roll Warlord Trait, each unit gains Outflank on a pre-game roll of a 6, one unit in reserves may automatically pass its Reserve Roll each turn, and as long as the Wolf Lord is alive, all units have Fear and Furious Charge)

Wolf Lord w/bike, Helm of Durfast, Fangsword, meltabombs (175)
Wolf Guard Battle leader w/bike, Frost sword, meltabombs (95)
HQ total: 270

4 Wolf Guard + Wolf Guard Pack Leader w/bikes, 2XStorm shield, 2XWolf Claw, 1xPower sword, Meltabombs (215)
5 Wolf Scouts w/bolt pistol & CCW (70)
Elites total: 285

5 Grey Hunters w/plasmagun + Razorback w/twin lascannon (160)
5 Grey Hunters w/plasmagun + Razorback w/twin lascannon (160)
5 Grey Hunters w/plasmagun + Razorback w/twin lascannon (160)
4 Grey Hunters + Wolf Guard Pack leader w/CCW, meltagun, meltabombs, Wolf Standard + Drop Pod (163)
4 Grey Hunters + Wolf Guard Pack leader w/CCW, meltagun, meltabombs, Drop Pod (138)
9 Blood Claws + Wolf Guard Pack Leader w/meltabombs (135)
9 Blood Claws + Wolf Guard Pack Leader w/meltabombs(135)
Troops total: 1051

5 Long Fangs + Long Fang Ancient w/Lascannon, 4XHvy Bolter(150)
5 Long Fangs + Long Fang Ancient w/Lascannon, 4XHvy Bolter(150)
Heavy Support Total: 300

4 Skyclaws + Wolf Guard Pack Leader w/meltabombs (90)
Fast Attack Total: 90

Army Total: 1996 points

SCpt Shrike
10-06-2014, 05:55 AM
I like the list, the only think i would consider is dropping one of the Blood Claw squads for a 3rd Longfang squad. Cause i dont like goin into a game with that little anti-vehicle.

Captain Bubonicus
10-06-2014, 08:42 AM
I hear ya - I can't drop the Claw squad, though, because I start bumping up against the Formation requirement. Maybe I can glean enough points from elsewhere in the list to fit another Fang squad in or something.

10-06-2014, 03:11 PM
Hey, y'all!

I finally scratched an itch and started up the Space Wolf army I'd always wanted. I really liked the idea of fielding the "Great Company" formation in the main codex, and this is what I came up with. I'm a little worried about the lack of anti-air, but I think I've got enough tools to handle both armor and infantry models - if not, please tell me! Also, I've been twiddling with the equipment on the Wolf Guard - if I've done something stupid, or if you see a better combo out there, I'd appreciate a heads-up!

Sea Wolves of Engir Krakendoom

Great Company Formation (Re-roll Warlord Trait, each unit gains Outflank on a pre-game roll of a 6, one unit in reserves may automatically pass its Reserve Roll each turn, and as long as the Wolf Lord is alive, all units have Fear and Furious Charge)

Wolf Lord w/bike, Helm of Durfast, Fangsword, meltabombs (175)
Wolf Guard Battle leader w/bike, Frost sword, meltabombs (95)
HQ total: 270

4 Wolf Guard + Wolf Guard Pack Leader w/bikes, 2XStorm shield, 2XWolf Claw, 1xPower sword, Meltabombs (215)
5 Wolf Scouts w/bolt pistol & CCW (70)
Elites total: 285

5 Grey Hunters w/plasmagun + Razorback w/twin lascannon (160)
5 Grey Hunters w/plasmagun + Razorback w/twin lascannon (160)
5 Grey Hunters w/plasmagun + Razorback w/twin lascannon (160)
4 Grey Hunters + Wolf Guard Pack leader w/CCW, meltagun, meltabombs, Wolf Standard + Drop Pod (163)
4 Grey Hunters + Wolf Guard Pack leader w/CCW, meltagun, meltabombs, Drop Pod (138)
9 Blood Claws + Wolf Guard Pack Leader w/meltabombs (135)
9 Blood Claws + Wolf Guard Pack Leader w/meltabombs(135)
Troops total: 1051

5 Long Fangs + Long Fang Ancient w/Lascannon, 4XHvy Bolter(150)
5 Long Fangs + Long Fang Ancient w/Lascannon, 4XHvy Bolter(150)
Heavy Support Total: 300

4 Skyclaws + Wolf Guard Pack Leader w/meltabombs (90)
Fast Attack Total: 90

Army Total: 1996 points

first of all.. anything not bs4 or ws4 needs to go...i can not stand bloodclaws under any circumstance. a supposedly gnarly assault squad that cant hit spit... useless again my opinion

drop the skyclaws and take a speeder with typhoon and melta +5 points
.. faster and can kill more..

next drop an entire squad of bloodclaws and add murder fang..when you drop the BC's drop the wg attached there is your drop pod for MF

and this is just me but i only ever kit out LF's with rockets maybe give 1 squad flakk missiles but only 1 and i always run 3

Lastly ditch the helm of durfast and take armor of russ..-5 to init means you kill them before they kill you

just my thoughts

10-07-2014, 02:45 PM
He is using the specific Formation from the main codex, so the units he has are what he HAS to take. the best we can do is help with special weapons/unit size/ transports.

you are lacking on Anti Air, and the only way I see of fixing that is to somehow take a stormwolf w/ melta upgrade. not sure what to sacrifice for it. The only other thing I believe is wrong is the 2 relics on your lord. At least in my meta area, everyone has agreed that 7th ed codex's only allow 1 relic per HQ.

Captain Bubonicus
10-07-2014, 09:12 PM
Ah, OK - must have missed the relic limit.

I think you're right about the anti-air - but the Stormwolf is around 250 pts. I'll really have to pare some things down to fit it in. Smaller Blood Claw units, perhaps?

10-08-2014, 03:07 AM
Here's my Idea on what your had. not quite as many options but you have a flyer now for AA.

Wolf Lord w/bike, Fangsword (150)
Wolf Guard Battle leader w/bike, Frost sword (90)

4 Wolf Guard w/ SS, Wolf Guard Pack Leader w/Power Sword, bikes, (200)
5 Wolf Scouts w/bolt pistol & CCW (70)

5 Grey Hunters w/plasmagun + Razorback w/twin lascannon (160)
5 Grey Hunters w/plasmagun + Razorback w/twin lascannon (160)
5 Grey Hunters w/plasmagun + Razorback w/twin lascannon (160)
5 Grey Hunters, meltagun, Wolf Standard + Drop Pod (140)
5 Grey Hunters, meltagun, Drop Pod (115)
5 Blood Claws, Stormwolf w/ 2x TL-MM (295)

5 Long Fangs + Long Fang Ancient w/Lascannon, 4XHvy Bolter(150)
5 Long Fangs + Long Fang Ancient w/Lascannon, 4XHvy Bolter(150)

5 Skyclaws, Flamer (80)
5 Skyclaws, Flamer (80)

Captain Bubonicus
10-08-2014, 08:51 AM
I like it! The Wolf Guard lost a bit of "punch," but they still have Furious Charge, which should help make up for the lost Wolf Claws. I've also got some unassembled Assault Marines, so I can just swap some Blood Claw heads out of the infantry boxes and be good to go on the extra Skyclaws.

Should be flexible, with lots of scoring troops. Thanks for the help!