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View Full Version : CSM Character Descriptions

Herald of Nurgle
02-01-2010, 03:52 PM
You know those 'neat' descriptions included in codexes of characters - y'know 'Abbadon is the beatstick of all beatsticks so don't ask us why he sucks in game compared to be fluff'?

Well, i'm trying to write up four of these, for characters i'm using in a 'chaos legions' book...
- Lord Fabius Bile
- Kharn the Betrayer
- Lucius the Eternal
- Ahriman (nicknaming him The Exile)

Im drained from writing fluff for literally every other unit in the army as well as summarising fluff from the legions... need help!!!

Cheers :)

Lord Anubis
02-01-2010, 06:57 PM
Isn't there a ton of stuff on these four characters already? Not sure what you're asking for... :confused:

Herald of Nurgle
02-02-2010, 12:20 AM
I need a small summary so that it could fit into approx. half of one of those pages in a GW codex...

Mike X
02-03-2010, 12:55 AM
Isn't there a ton of stuff on these four characters already? Not sure what you're asking for... :confused:

The first post confused me too.

I need a small summary so that it could fit into approx. half of one of those pages in a GW codex...

Yeah, just remove the stats and images and you'll get half a page of fluff.

Drew da Destroya
02-03-2010, 09:39 AM
I think he's looking for a Unique description of the characters, instead of just cutting and pasting the descriptions from the books, especially as this is a homebrew codex. Since he's focusing on the Legions, maybe some mention of who these post-humans were before the fall to Chaos, how the fell to Chaos, or what their overall role in their Legion is these days.

Like how Kharne was Angron's Equerry before becoming a raging madman, Typhus is the only "mortal" Herald at this point (all the other Heralds are Daemons... although maybe Typhus is a Daemon now?), Lucius was almost a Loyalist, but escaped destruction on Istvaan by being a tool and selling out his friends...