View Full Version : Chaos Terminator Lord with Demon weapon scratch build

02-01-2010, 03:47 PM
One day I was at the local game store flipping through the codex to see what I should build next just to be a fun thing to model and play around with that wasn't sold by GW in a kit. I flipped to the HQ section and realized that my awesome Lord with his Khorne Demon Weapon could wear terminator armor :D and that's when I went to work filing throughout my bitz box looking for something I could do to create a cool looking lord and found extra stuff from my last termi lord. I didn't know quite how to build a good two handed axe but then the light bulb popped up and I knew exactly what I wanted to do...constructive criticism is welcome and ill have pictures whenever I get a hold of my new camera

person person
02-01-2010, 07:25 PM
Good luck!