View Full Version : Howdy from the UK

10-03-2014, 07:48 AM
Hi everyone! Figured it was time to join the forum, I've been following the RSS feed on Facebook for ages but haven't signed up until now. But about me: I'm an American and have lived in the UK for over 10 years now. I moved here to transfer to the UK branch of the company I work for, and lived in Southern California before moving to the UK and in Texas before that.

I've only been playing 40K for about 2 and a half years now but I've been a 'gamer' since age 13 (so...nearly 3 decades now!), starting with D&D, loads of other tabletop RPGs, computer games, Heavy Gear wargaming, lots more D&D and other RPGs and just recently 40K, Blood Bowl, various board games and a few more tabletop wargames. I've got 3 'main' armies (Dark Eldar, Chaos and Tyranids) and a couple of other factions I bought in as allies (Eldar and Chaos Daemons)...which I guess is an average number judging from what I've ready :)

My blog/site/whatever for my painting is at Tiny Plastic Spacemen (http://www.tinyplasticspacemen.com) and my playing group's site is at Hammertime 40K (http://hammertime40K.wordpress.com), which is where we put battle reports, pictures of battles, show off our new models and all that.

Looking forward to getting stuck in with all the various forum sections :)

10-04-2014, 05:40 AM
Hello from Sunny Manchester!

Burton-on-Trent is the only place I know of that snows beer.
I worked there years ago, and got told it would.
And it did!
With the town effectively being one massive brewery and pumping the natural smells and gases out into the atmosphere, the snow that fell had a very slight brown tint to it and it genuinely tasted of beer.


Welcome to BoLS.

10-04-2014, 12:05 PM
haha I'll have to remember that if it ever snows here again! :) I do hate driving past the Marmite factory but it is interesting to have such a beer culture all around this area.

Thanks for the welcome :D

10-04-2014, 03:44 PM
Hello and welcome aboard.

After 5 posts you'll gain additional forum rights.

Ponies to follow....

10-05-2014, 02:58 PM
Thanks very much! :)

10-06-2014, 01:42 AM
Hello from Sunny Manchester!

Just cause you keep saying it won't make it true...


come to the oubliette

Enjoy our tangents
