View Full Version : Imperial Knight Det AND LoW allowed in same CAD?

10-01-2014, 10:34 AM
I wanted to ask if a Combined Arms Detachment can have both a Lord of War and and Imperial Knight Detachment.
Or how would you include both in a Battle Forged army without having 2 Core Detachments?

I guess my assumption is that your primary Faction (Marines) would include the LoW. Then you could have an Allied detachment of Imperial Knights.
Is that correct? Or do you insert the Imperial Knight Detachment into the CAD Force Org chart (in addition to your LoW)?

Imperial Knight Codex p60 lists the Imperial Knight FoC. This also has the Imperial Knight Detachment (1-3 Knights).

The Imperial Knight Errata/FAQ lists the following Amendment:
"Page 60-Including Knights in your Army
Replace these three paragraphs with the following:
When choosing a Battle-Forged army, you can include any number of Imperial Knight Detachments. Each IK detachment must consist of between 1-3 Knights and no other units."

"Page 60-Imperial Knights FoC.
Ignore all aspects of this FOC except for the bottom right hand corner" The bottom right hand corner is the Imperial Knight Detachment box.

10-01-2014, 11:47 AM
OK, stop trying to include a Detachment in a Lord of War slot. It's like putting a Portable Hole in a Bag of Holding. It doesn't work and the results are likely to be messy.

I guess my assumption is that your primary Faction (Marines) would include the LoW. Then you could have an Allied detachment of Imperial Knights.
This is correct, except for the part where an Allied Detachment is a very different detachment from an Imperial Knight Detachment; just have a Combined Arms Detachment and an Imperial Knight Detachment allied to one another.

10-01-2014, 01:32 PM
A Formation or Detachment has no Battlefield Role (e.g. HQ, Troops, Elites, etc.) so it cannot occupy any slot in a CAD or AD by default. It's constituent units have Battlefield Roles, but the Formation/Detachment itself doesn't.

An example of an exception to the "No Formations/Detachments within Formations/Detachments" guideline is the Champions of Fenris Formation, which is specifically composed of other Formations. Or, if you happen to be Xzibit...

John Bower
10-01-2014, 03:03 PM
OK, stop trying to include a Detachment in a Lord of War slot. It's like putting a Portable Hole in a Bag of Holding. It doesn't work and the results are likely to be messy.

This is correct, except for the part where an Allied Detachment is a very different detachment from an Imperial Knight Detachment; just have a Combined Arms Detachment and an Imperial Knight Detachment allied to one another.

I don't think he is; he's confusing 'army' with 'detachment' and 'faction' with 'detachment'. I can see what is meant by the question and yes in answer to that you may have any number of 'detachments' in your army, so you could have a Knight Detachment and a Guard Detachment with the LoW in; afaik the marines don't have any LoW units so the only way to get around that would be to have an 'unbound' list in which case you don't need to worry about detachments at all, you just whack the units you want in there.

10-01-2014, 03:37 PM
I don't think he is; he's confusing 'army' with 'detachment' and 'faction' with 'detachment'. I can see what is meant by the question and yes in answer to that you may have any number of 'detachments' in your army, so you could have a Knight Detachment and a Guard Detachment with the LoW in; afaik the marines don't have any LoW units so the only way to get around that would be to have an 'unbound' list in which case you don't need to worry about detachments at all, you just whack the units you want in there.

Thanks. My original confusion came from the GK codex entry which includes the Knight Detachment in a CAD. Of course that was before 7th added a LoW.

And the Space Marines certainly do have several LoW including the Thunderhawk, Warhound Titan, and Reaver Titan. I don't have IA2 2nd edition, but would guess that the Fellblade super-heavy is also a LoW.

10-01-2014, 04:04 PM
Thanks. My original confusion came from the GK codex entry which includes the Knight Detachment in a CAD. Of course that was before 7th added a LoW.

Assuming you meant the IK codex... no, it doesn't. That is not a CAD. There were no CADs before 7th. This is why the FAQ tells you to ignore most of it.

10-01-2014, 04:07 PM
Assuming you meant the IK codex... no, it doesn't. That is not a CAD. There were no CADs before 7th. This is why the FAQ tells you to ignore most of it.

Oh, right I misused. The codex just has a FoC.

10-01-2014, 04:40 PM
Imperial Armour 2 gives Space Marines the Fellblade, Typhon (super-heavy Vindicator, effectively), and Cerberus (super-heavy anti-armor laser carrier) for Lords of War.

Making matters worse with the Knights, is they don't really follow the set pattern; before 7th, it was "3-6 Knights makes an army, 1-3 makes an ally", now it's just "1 Knight Detachment = 1-3 Knights, and 3+ Knights lets you choose one as your Warlord". And then, to top it off, the individual FW Knights (Lancer, Castigator, Megara, and Acheron, as of this writing) are all marked so that you can take them as part of a Knight Detachment, *and* you may also take them in the LoW slot of any Army of the Imperium.

10-01-2014, 11:20 PM
Imperial Armour 2 gives Space Marines the Fellblade, Typhon (super-heavy Vindicator, effectively), and Cerberus (super-heavy anti-armor laser carrier) for Lords of War.

Escalation also includes the Thunderhawk Gunship. Forgeworld also allows the Marauder Bomber and Destroyer, the Reaver and Warhound Titans, The Thunderhawk Transporter, through various IA's, Apocalypse books.

John Bower
10-03-2014, 03:26 AM
Escalation also includes the Thunderhawk Gunship. Forgeworld also allows the Marauder Bomber and Destroyer, the Reaver and Warhound Titans, The Thunderhawk Transporter, through various IA's, Apocalypse books.

I forgot the Thunderhawk, cheers. I wasn't taking FW into account.