View Full Version : Win an Ultramarine Army - For Charity!

10-01-2014, 07:27 AM
An entire Ultramarine army is being raffled off for charity Help for Heroes. Tickets are only 2 pounds each! Here's what you can win:

Main Units:
Aegis Defence Line x1
Assault Squad x2
Attack Bike x1
Bike Squad x1
Bastion x1
Command Squad x1
Command Squad (Forge World) x1
Command Squad Terminators x1
Contemptor Dreadnought x2
Centurion Squad x1
Devastator Squad x2
Dreadnought x3
Drop Pod x3
Greater Daemon x1
Imperial knight x1
Land Raider x1
LandSpeeder x1
Predator x1
Praetors x1
Razorback x1
Rhino x3
Scout Squad x1
Stormraven x1
Stormtalon x2
Tactical Squad x10
Terminator Squad x1
Vanguard Veteran Squad x1
Venerable Dreadnought x1
Vindicator x1
Whirlwind x1

Special Characters:
Librarian x1
Librarian Tigurius x1
Captain Titus x1
Sergeant Sidonus x1
Limited Ed. Figure x2
Chaplain Judd Clausel x1
Hero/Sergeant x1
Captain Invictus & Retinue x1
Sargeant Tellion x1
Master Apothecary x1
Uriel Ventris x1
Veteran Captain/Sargeant x1
Standard Bearer x1
Captain Master of the Marches x1
Captain Master of the Rites x1

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sjG1YAEN7E
Blog: http://www.idicbeer.co.uk/p/help-for-heroes-ultramarines.html