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View Full Version : ForgeWorld - iBooks?

09-24-2014, 06:14 AM
Anyone know if FrogeWorld is ever gona do their books in the iBook enhanced format?
Would love to get their books like that.

Aaron LeClair
09-24-2014, 09:03 AM
I happened to ask this in a e-mail along with if the Mechanicum is getting a red book like the legions have about week ago in a e-mail to Forge World.

Here's their reply:

Hi there.

Thanks for your e-mail. The only Mechanicum units in the Legiones Astartes books are the ones that can be included in Legion armies, these being the Thallax and Castellax. Once we have released more units for the Mechanicum we will no dounbt publish a 'red book' for them as well. Until that time the best book to get is the Horus Heresy Book Three: Extermination as this has the most comprehensive army list for the Mechancium.

We don't have any current plans to release our books in a digital format but it may be something we do in the future.

If there is anything further we can do to assist you, or if you have any queries about the information we have requested or provided, please telephone us.

Forge World

09-24-2014, 09:13 AM
I would like i-Books but I would love it if they just sold the actual books in the US stores.

Aaron LeClair
09-24-2014, 09:40 AM
before GW updated their site they used to sell the FW 40k books on their site for the US.

09-24-2014, 09:53 AM
before GW updated their site they used to sell the FW 40k books on their site for the US.

I loved it while it lasted! It let me catch up on all the FW books but then for some unexplained reason they just quit selling them in the US. I have asked the indentured servant at my local GW store about FW many times only to be told "someday". I can't imagine why they don't want to sell the stuff through their US stores.

09-24-2014, 10:59 AM
Thanks very much for the reply.
Oh well. Hopefully that someday will come soon.

Aaron LeClair
09-24-2014, 01:09 PM
I loved it while it lasted! It let me catch up on all the FW books but then for some unexplained reason they just quit selling them in the US. I have asked the indentured servant at my local GW store about FW many times only to be told "someday". I can't imagine why they don't want to sell the stuff through their US stores.

Sadly they been saying 'someday' for a long long time. Wish it would become 'soon' at some point.