View Full Version : Nemesis dreadknight spam!

09-23-2014, 02:13 PM
Hey folks

With the new codex hinting maybe taking a bunch of dreadknights is the best way to run a GK army, I decided to do just that.

I really dislike the poses on the original model though, so I tried my hand at converting them into different poses (resting, using the incinerator and one wielding a halberd.) Below are the results and a groupshot!









and finally the group shot!


Hope you like them!

09-23-2014, 02:42 PM
Holy freakin cow. That's great stuff.

09-23-2014, 02:51 PM
The painting is great. Really great. 10/10 for painting.

The conversions are different, but the only one I like is the halberd. The sword is "off", while holding the gun as a present does nothing for me.

IMO, the weakest point of the model is still the Baby Bjorn harness. Convert to a Dreadnought Sarcophagus, and you'd likely have been in business.

09-23-2014, 02:57 PM
Oh, I do love the baby harness... It just reminds me of the old matrix 3 movie and ripley vs queen in aliens. But to each his own. :)

I did have a bit of a miss with that resting pose. It was done in subassembly for painting. And due to unfortunate mistakes, the sword didn't turn out right next to his foot, where I wanted it to be (him "leaning on the sword"). I'm not sure I can easily remove the hand though with the way it slides into that hexagonal slot :(

09-23-2014, 05:57 PM
Matrix 3? Was that the one with the stupid cave rave?

And the Aliens powerloader was an exo-skeleton, encasing Ripley, rather than grafting her on the front.

The idea is sound, but the Baby Bjorn implementation is weakly-done.

I wasn't aware the sword down model was "resting". I thought it was walking. Oops. I'm assuming none of the "classic" poses were possible (e.g., each hand holding a different side of the crossguard, or both hands over the pommel).

09-24-2014, 02:35 AM
I kinda have to agree - the painting is ace, but the poses kinda don't really work for me, at least the sword and flamer ones... especially the latter: he isn't even close to seeing where he's aiming that thing, judging by the group pic, which is more or less "down the barrel" of the gun. Sure, that's the limits of the model itself and not really your fault, similar to Tacs that can't look past their pauldrons, but that's also why this kind of pose just doesn't work for a Dreadknight (imho), especially since the "pilot" can't adjust his own position within the harness at all to get a better view.

09-24-2014, 06:21 AM
Yeah, there's no way this model can be made to take a close aim.

But then again, would you be making precision shots with a flamer or just hosing everything down? I was aiming for a "fire from the hip" thing anyway :)

09-24-2014, 09:05 AM
Yeah, there's no way this model can be made to take a close aim.

But then again, would you be making precision shots with a flamer or just hosing everything down? I was aiming for a "fire from the hip" thing anyway :)

good point... :) still, watching the Daemons burn would be fun... poor guy, misses all the fun of his job...

09-24-2014, 09:54 AM
Love the Halberd Pose - how did you build that one?

09-24-2014, 11:07 AM

That's a WIP shot. The right hand was the original hammer that had a 3 mm hode drilled through. Then brassrod was slid through that to line up with the other hand (had to be cut an repositioned as well). The blade was scratchbuild from greenstuff/plasticard/steelwire and stuck on top of the heft of the hammer.

When the brass rod was in place, I bought brass cilinder that could be put over it to make everything more sturdy. The brassrod was handy to slide the blade over as well. So it was done building up from the centre. All those brassrods/cilinders were purchased at an art store btw :)

09-24-2014, 01:14 PM
Amazing work! Very well done.