View Full Version : Obliterator Counts-As: Creative Stagnation - Help!

Akkon Sek
01-30-2010, 05:16 PM
So... I've been agonizing over a decent Obliterator counts-as for my renegades. So sick of Bing and Google I want to scream. Just have not been able to locate anything that is anywhere near the look I want. I do know I want to get away from the organic aspect, so no fleshy tendrils or lascannons growing out of the groin. Looking for more mechanical... droid-like.

Some rough (failed) ideas so far:

- Tau Battlesuit: Too bulky/too big.
- Terminator: been done. Looks too much like a Terminator with a metric sh*t-ton of guns glued onto it.
- Dreadnought: Closer to what I'm looking to do, but still too bulky/too big.
- Tau Stealth Suit kitbash: this one's not working out so well. Torso is decent enough, but the legs are stumping me.

I originally built two of these as a counts-as techno Chaos Spawn:


I guess it would work with ten grazillion guns stapled to it, but I am really looking for something bipedal. Like this guy, with more bulk:


Help me out here guys. There's a ton of creative talent wafting around this forum. I need at least a direction to pursue because this imagination brain fart is holding up my Orks, World Eaters, and the poor primed 'Nids collecting dust. Not to mention I haven't updated Rust in weeks.

Who am I fooling... I'll never get to the 'Nids. forget the 'Nids.



Shadow Queen
01-30-2010, 05:26 PM
How about a pre-heresy drednaught?

Akkon Sek
01-30-2010, 05:27 PM

I have seriously kicked around the idea of using the new XV9 Hazard (in modified form, of course). But its still pretty damn big.

And at ~50US a pop, not really cost effective.

If you're curious as to the "why": I've got one of those goofy "Renegade, but not Chaos" things going. So all Warped-up, fleshy and morphing doesn't really suit the theme.

Still interested in the unapologetic ridiculousness? Look here: http://ceramite.blogspot.com/2009/10/background-sort-of_08.html

Akkon Sek
01-30-2010, 05:28 PM
How about a pre-heresy drednaught?

You mean the Rouge Trader era beasts? Interesting idea. Can you link me to exactly what you're thinking?

01-30-2010, 08:34 PM
RT-era robots?

Epic Titan?

Sentinel with extra guns?

01-30-2010, 08:37 PM
Man this idea would have been much more original a month ago, but... ogryn-based servitors?

P.S.: resculpted (partially) Necromunda scalies or Krootoxes.

01-30-2010, 09:01 PM
sounds like you said your 4th option you have a torso you like but can't come up with legs? If that is so I would go with the suggestion of an epic titan and tear the legs off it. I don't imagine they cost $700 or whatever the 40k one comes out to from FW.

John Connah
01-30-2010, 10:14 PM
What about the older model oblits? While they may have lascannons out the groin they also are less organic and much more mechanical looking.
Just a thought...

Akkon Sek
01-30-2010, 10:26 PM
Older model Oblits? Hmm... don't know if I've seen them.

*sigh* Back to Google...

01-30-2010, 10:28 PM

01-31-2010, 01:17 AM
Admittedly not very streamline or especially cybernetic; couple of my obliterators, pretty radically different from the current ***-suckery GW's producing.





01-31-2010, 01:36 AM
What about a Necron Wraith?


Or a Pariah: http://www.lanceradvanced.com/Gaming/40K/Images/Pariah.jpg

Here's an example of how cool a spiky necron can look: http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk72/thoughtfoxx/Flayed-one-03.jpg

Shadow Queen
01-31-2010, 05:37 AM
http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat1380010&prodId=prod1630027 here is a pic only a part pict shame there are marines in the way.

Shadow Queen
01-31-2010, 05:42 AM

Akkon Sek
01-31-2010, 11:06 PM

Ok, gotcha. Thanks for that.

Many great ideas here guys. Appreciate you taking the time. You've all given me something to work with.


Shadow Queen
02-01-2010, 06:12 AM
I think the pre heresy dred template will be fine for you.

02-01-2010, 01:40 PM
i found these at dakka dakka hope it helps



02-01-2010, 03:13 PM
I used this old Chaos Terminator to convert an Oblit, nice stuff:
Hope this helps,


Akkon Sek
02-02-2010, 01:30 PM
Even more good ideas. I knew this group would come through for me.

The Dakka pix are intriguing. If not for this particular project, certainly fodder for future endeavors.

Many thanks.


Akkon Sek
02-06-2010, 01:37 PM
While I will likely go with some variation of the pre-heresy dread idea in the near future, I needed an interim solution for a match this weekend. Ended up going with the Necron-Destroyer-body-with-guns-stapled-to-it thing as a short term fix. Its not quite as bad as it sounds. In fact, it turned out to be a decent modification.

Give me some time to finish up the first (of two) and squirt some primer, and I'll drop a pic or two.

Watch this space.

Akkon Sek
02-06-2010, 05:00 PM
Couple of (pre-primer) W.I.P. shots on the interim solution.

'Scuze the fingers.




Thanks for looking.


02-06-2010, 10:59 PM
Wow, insane idea, what about ogryns with modified mechadendrites sporting custom guns?

Shadow Queen
02-07-2010, 09:38 AM
Cool, that and the dred, cuse they are never the same are they?

Akkon Sek
02-07-2010, 01:14 PM
Primed for action with his "Berserker" buddies (The modified Necron Warriors are Khorne Berserker analogs):


Bottom-right "champion" is armed with powerfist/plasma pistol.


Akkon Sek
02-08-2010, 02:11 PM
Unit Two complete.



Posing with it's counterpart:


With the (still wet) primer on the second model, I think I can put this project (and my mind) to rest for the time being. I am pleased with the end result, even if it is only the interim solution.

I'll detail both as time allots, touch up some of the remaining mold lines etc, but they are 100% usable in this state. And that was the goal.

Tons of thanks to all who commented/suggested/complimented. I truly appreciate your input(s).


Shadow Queen
02-08-2010, 05:08 PM
Happy to help.