View Full Version : Astartes: First contact

09-22-2014, 08:14 AM
Well we all know that the Emperors angels of death live up to their name and can mete out destruction with terrible prejudice. However, it need not always be this way when they first encounter the unknown. Although less tolerant of Xenos, there were plenty of times in the great crusade where they were rediscovering a human world outside of the reach of the IoM and had to show prowess in nuance and negotiation (certainly so from the primarchs, and to varying degrees all the way down the line).

Even in the modern setting, there are times when the Astartes have been shown to be able to speak using a language other than bolt-gun


So with that in mind, which chapter might have the most tempered approach to meeting a group of unaffiliated humans (such as the Gereon Partisans) instead of immediately decrying them as heretics and blasting them from existence? I have heard that the Ultramarines have been show to value gaurdsmen (non-enhanced humans) and treat them with better respect than other chapters, yet their inflexible adherence to doctrine might make it difficult for them to hold peaceful first meetings?

Any suggestions?

Angry marines? ;)

09-22-2014, 08:35 AM
I get the impression 30k marines weren't indoctrinated to the same degree as 40k marines.
So had more flexibility when meeting new humans, also they weren't bound by the restrictions of the codex.

09-22-2014, 08:42 AM
Salamanders are shown time and again to be the most tolerant and concerned with humans well being. Raven guard too (well their Primarch certainly was). I wouldn't fancy being an unaligned human meeting a World eater (pre heresy) or Iron hand. One would happily turn you into a kebab and the other a servitor. No thanks.

09-22-2014, 09:50 AM
I'd expect the top 3 Chapters would be: Salamanders, Ultramarines, and probably Blood Angels. Bottom 3 would probably be (no particular order) Black Templars, Flesh Tearers, maybe Dark Angels? I was going to say Grey Knights, but I can't see them actually *meeting* any unaligned humans; they'd take one look from afar and either file it as somebody else's problem or Exterminatus it, depending on whether they spotted any active signs of Daemon-worship.

Captain Bubonicus
09-22-2014, 10:27 AM
Definitely NOT the "Marines Malevolent:"


09-22-2014, 10:55 AM
Definitely NOT the "Marines Malevolent:"


Ouch. Talk about a path to sour relations.

09-23-2014, 03:23 AM
Space Wolves too, based on what happened after Armageddon

09-23-2014, 08:13 AM
Can you clue me in? Armageddon was before my time, and I only have snippets of the events and fall out!

09-23-2014, 08:24 AM
It's the first war for Armageddon (http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/First_War_for_Armageddon#.VCGC0Ffp-So).

09-23-2014, 05:39 PM
Yeah, my shortlist is between Salamanders, Space Wolves, Ultramarines (they have quite a track record of temporary xenos alliances against a common foe, usually Chaos or Tyranids iirc) and possibly Imperial Fists, due to them still sort of holding the ideals of a Crusade.

I don't think the Codex is actually a limitation for the Ultramarines in this regard, the whole culture of Macragge seems to have a scholarly approach to things, and the Warriors of the XIIth seem to have unusually open minds for Space Marines as regards not necessarily killing all xenos on sight.

Salamanders and Space Wolves both have a Champions of Humanity approach, in their own ways, so they are probably the most likely to be diplomatic with non-Imperial Humans, but not with xenos.

However, I think even some of the most stereotypically fanatical Chapters, like the Black Templars, are capable of diplomacy when required. Having read Helsreach (an excellent book imo) it really gives Grimaldus and the Black Templars a much more Human side than the sort of propaganda-reel codex descriptions, and Grimaldus can be very level headed, especially when communicating with Human soldiers. I'd imagine that the rest of the Chapter's high command has a similarly tempered zeal by the time they reach such a rank, and this gives them the wisdom to lead their more fanatical brethren in a sensible manner. I can see Grimaldus bringing Human worlds who have never felt the Imperium's light into it's fold (provided they are not tainted by CHaos or xenos oc ;) ), it is an aim of the Eternal Crusade after all, and I can even see him striking a temporary bargain with certain xenos against a greater foe like Chaos, if only for a very limited time. The Black Templars are fanatical, but they aren't stupid.

09-23-2014, 08:03 PM
I wouldn't say blood angels, they are just as righteous as the other legions, and given the black rage and the red thirst, well said relations are likely to turn sour rather fast

Captain Bubonicus
09-23-2014, 08:24 PM
While I love the Imperial Fists, they're not terribly friendly folks - they leave ruling and being nice to the Ultras, and focus on DUTY OVER ALL, HURR DURR

09-24-2014, 03:19 AM
I think the Raven Guard would be on this list also, they are very much pro-humanity in their attitudes thanks to the history on their home world.

Though it wouldn't happen very often as usually you don't even know they were there lending a helping hand ;)