View Full Version : Wolf Guard on bikes

Lord Manton
09-18-2014, 07:52 PM
Hey y'all, so we know that in the new book Wolf Guard on bikes became much cheaper and therefore that much more viable as a useful unit. Unfortunately I'm at work ATM so I don't have my book handy but I've been thinking...

Everyone assumes wolf guard have to be close combat killy. But if you've got them on bikes they get relentless. So would it be possible to load them up with plasma guns and use them in a light cavalry capacity, basically zooming around harassing tough units or getting in the backline with rapid firing plasma to mess up vehicles' rear armour? Maybe give them a power weapon or a wolf claw (since with the plasma they've lost 2CCW already) to mop up anything they can't blast into dust or force to run away?

As far as I can tell TWC have got fast CC killiness covered and swift laws with a BS 3 would be useless without the TL re-rolls, so that leaves WG bikers as a quick shooty unit.

Like I said, I don't have my book with me so I don't even know if you can do this but I'm interested in people's thoughts on the matter.

09-18-2014, 09:30 PM
The poor blokes can only access combi-plasma or plasma pistols so it would be a bit limited. A wolf priest to act as a FnP shepherd would help but add to the cost. Just not sure how well it could work.

Lord Manton
09-18-2014, 10:52 PM
Ah, of course. They can take ranged weapons but not special weapons. Damn. I was hoping for a squad of plasma death. That kinda makes them a little bit second fiddle then with no real role. That's a shame

09-22-2014, 01:29 AM
Wolf guard on bikes has the potential to be the most devastating close combat and anti-anything except flyers unit that we've seen from Marine armies for a while. The fact that you can equip them with all the AP3 and AP2 weapons combined with stormshields, on bikes with T5, and give them melta bombs to weave into and utterly annihilate treads, they are beastly.

If you make a unit of wolf guard on bikes, they should not be equipped for range attacks. they're getting a twin-linked bolter with the bike anyway, so don't sweat it.