View Full Version : My completed fantasy models

09-18-2014, 11:13 AM
Guess its better to gather everything fantasy under one umbrella, instead of a massive amount of individual posts. I paint Warhammer for fun, never played, but the kits are actually really well done and fun subject matter, so I can't resist just painting something that looks cool.

First up is my transforming Wight King. For this one, I tried to do something interesting. The paint job isn't my best, but I used it to more accentuate the theme of transformation. I used an extra head I had and carved it up to fit into the cowl, then painted the whole works up to give it a look of in progress transformation. I did only highlights on the "new" parts (with no washes) and only washes on the "old" parts with no highlights to make it look old and worn. The effect was too "busy" for a real paint job. More for practice and fun than anything.

He's up on ebay here. (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Wight-King-Games-Workshop-Vampire-Counts-Fantasy-Custom-Painted-/291248041027?)

Thanks for looking!

09-18-2014, 11:15 AM
I like the conversion. I'm going to try something similar with Legion of the Damned!

09-18-2014, 11:52 AM
Thanks, he was...interesting...to make. You don't really get a sense for how fine and tiny something like half of a face for a kit is until you do this, and once it gets to a certain size, its pretty much too small to do anything else with. Wracked my nerves, but if the effect came across, and you knew instantly what was happening, my mission was accomplished. I didn't set out to do my best work, in fact it was quite rushed for a contest.

09-18-2014, 12:09 PM
I completely understand the time pressures of contests. The transformation comes across nicely. I am definitely not looking forward to trying to cut and merge such small delicate features myself! :)

09-20-2014, 03:50 PM
OK, next up is my Thundertusk. Completed this for a local GW contest, first mini I ever got my airbrush out for. Lots of fun, really thrilled with how the color scheme came together. Lots of cool blues for a cold environment creature. I got to do some offsetting colors with the ogres and their foodstuffs as well. Posted this one up on the bay as well, here. (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Thundertusk-Games-Workshop-Fantasy-Ogres-Custom-Painted-/291248049617?)

Thanks for looking!

09-22-2014, 08:19 AM
Next up is my Nazgul/Witch King from The Lord of the Rings. A few things of note...I removed the sculpted on "fire" effect on the sword, and painted it up with leadbelcher, then put on some "Water Effects" and painted it clear to give a better flame effect. Also, even though its not screen accurate, I added some iridescent blue and green to the scales to give the piece some visual interest. While its tough to see in the pictures, you can kind of see the effect around the light. Its better in motion, if you can turn it around and see how the black changes to a blue or green sheen. Just thought it broke the excess amount of black up a bit. You can find it on the bay here. (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Games-Workshop-Winged-Nazgul-Witch-King-Lord-of-the-Rings-Custom-Painted-/291249367567?)

10-06-2014, 12:11 PM
Next up is actually the first mini I ever did in earnest, the Nurgle Chaos Lord. Picked him up to try out a few techniques and see what minis were really all about. Fun to do, and got to try out all of the technical paints from Citadel's range, which are quite fun to mess with. He ended up taking first place at my local Games Workshop store, which was an added bonus. He's also up for grabs here. (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Nurgle-Chaos-Lord-Warhammer-Fantasy-Custom-Painted-/291261273841?)