View Full Version : Are you or your group using Buildings in your lists?

09-17-2014, 01:00 AM
I recently started using the Wall of Martyrs Vengeance Weapons Batteries in my Sisters list.
They are scoring and I use them with Quad-Icarus Lascannons to fill the Anti-Air gap in my codex. I have a thread discussing those specifically:

But, since then I bought the Firestorm Redoubt and am really enjoying having these in my lists.
We are all familiar with Aegis Defense lines, but I never see other players bringing buildings. Perhaps due to the money cost or not understanding how they might fit in their lists.
Obviously your list needs to be built with the building in mind just like any other unit. They may not work well if you just plop them into any of your other lists.
For example, my Mech-Eldar would have little use for the FireStorm Redoubt, but having 2 Vengeance Gun Batteries possibly deployed within scoring range of objectives lets my fast movers get out without having to rush back to my deployment zone.

I have already started getting some flakk from other players at my scoring buildings with high AV.
Do you or players in your groups use buildings much?
Do they work well in their/your lists?
How do other players view the addition of army bought buildings? Okay, or cheesy?

Blood Shadow
09-17-2014, 08:04 AM
Not used buildings yet, nor played against any fortifications...

To be honest I really wouldn't have an issue, I think it's quite innovative actually, go for it!

This Dave
09-17-2014, 09:36 AM
I've actually used a Bunker and a Bastion in a list and they seemed okay since they're basically immobile transports no ones had a problem with either of those.

They get considerably better is you give them a Void Shield Generator and an emplaced gun like an Icarus Lascannon but even then no one's had a problem with me taking them.

09-17-2014, 09:36 AM
My "Green Tide" can't fit into a building, unless it's been blown apart pretty brutally which is towards the end of the game, and my Speed Freakz are too fast to utilize buildings, anyone that can use buildings are dirty gits for going to slow. Also I tend to throw my points into getting the most amount of models on the table, Fortifications hurt that, unless it's Apoc.
That said though, the two Battlecannon turrets are pretty painful against horde armies, and can put a hurt on Eldar/Dark Eldar. I've seen it knock raiders out and give a space marine player's devastator unit a good shooting opportunity. The trick is to use it with LOS blocking terrain to help fix it's target selection.

Lord Ezekial
09-17-2014, 02:32 PM
No but if I could afford it I would. The group I play with normally add some type of fortifications for narrative purposes but yeah I would be down.

09-17-2014, 07:21 PM
We've used them in narrative scenarios, but I haven't seen a single person take anything larger than an ADL.

I was thinking of modding up a Bastion or even one of the bigger gun buildings (the Redoubt or the other one I can't remember) for my Daemon army. Cover it is sores, dead bodies, flames, etc.

09-18-2014, 04:41 AM
Never seen a building played, sadly. I think it's a combination of needing Stronghold Assault plus the models, a lot of people just don't bother here.

09-18-2014, 09:00 AM
I've actually been thinking of modeling some when I complete my Iron Warriors list and see if they would work well with barricades... At least to have something shield my heavy weapons.

09-18-2014, 09:25 AM
I have been using void shield generators with my Imperial Knights list. They keep my boys alive and usually untouched for the first two rounds. I did have a tau 3-man crisis/missile/tank hunter unit rip through six shields in one turn though. I wasn't playing with VSGs until well after they had sold out, so I've had to use proxies (in this case, micro art studios' hard foam buildings originally intended for infinity)

I have been considering the firestorm redoubt for anti-air, but I find that is I stand under the flyers they can't ever line up a shot while zooming (with the exception of vector dancing eldar).

I've seen ork and tau players use bastions and aegis lines. I've also seen a fortress of redemption played fairly consistently.

09-18-2014, 09:26 AM
It depends.
As a Astra Militarium Player ist is often the Bastion or The Aegis.
As a Chaos Space Marine player I rarely use the Aegis. It doesn't fit in my list.
My Ork army often has a building in it. You see, it depends on your list,your army AND your opponent. Here in Germany there is actually no tournament list of Tyranids without a Bastion. Put that Zoidberg in it an have a nice 6" bubble of really good cover. ;)
Last but not least I have a buddy who fields a Word Bearer army with a Bunker for his havocs.

Elric Grey
09-18-2014, 01:29 PM
I have a shooty GK list that includes the VSG. I have received more complaints about that particular building that about any other tactic/unit I have ever used. (And I even tone down the shields a bit, basically counting all three shields as a 3HP vehicle, rather than three separate 1HP vehicles.)

Also, I think I'm the only person at my store who actually owns Stronghold. I'd like more people to play with some of the models, like VWBs and the Firestorm Battery.

09-18-2014, 03:34 PM
Reg the Green Tide. Medium Buildings can hold 20 models, this includes the Imperial Bastion and Firestorm Redoubt (which any army can take).

My Vengeance Gun Batteries have been awesome! AV 14/14/14, 3HPs and since they have no transport capacity they can never be claimed by the enemy.
Deploy them next to any Objectives in my deployment zone and the rest of my army can be mobile and if I happen to draw those Tactical Objectives I don't have to race back to grab it.

09-19-2014, 01:23 AM

It's been a while since I last played my Imperial Strongpoint [pre 7th edition] but I found it extremely interesting and fun but there were some practical problems. Post 7th the Bastion is a little more fragile thanks to it being targetable without being occupied [although that came in with the Stronghold rules anyway but most people forgot] and also meaning you can onluy set the Fortifications up in your Deployment Zone which makes things a little more cramped.

The Skyshield is awesome though because it can't be shot, doesn't have any Hull Points and you still get the Invul Save when those crazy 'ignores cover' saves start raining on your troops. Additional benefits are splitting your force between being on the platform and underneath, so only half will get hit by blasts. The main problem I found though was my Tervigons getting stuck on it, there was a bit of a bottle-neck in one corner when two wanted to get off and the just got in each others way. Additionally you need the full 6" difficult terrain roll for them to get down and out from under the platform, otherwise they just wouldn't fit.

Stilll being able to position a Quad Gun from the Bastion or Aegis on the Skyshield was very handy and certainly kept it in the game to previous matchups were it was invariably first blood.

I've also used my old Mycetic Spores as Vengeance Weapons batteries, great fun for nids and add in a couple of barricades in front to slow down someone assaulting them. 5pts is a cheap and cheerful little delaying tactic.


John Bower
09-19-2014, 06:10 AM
WoM trench lines mostly here; though I'm about to restart my own campaign and more buildings may be seen more frequently. (A lot used to depend on whether you had Keeps or Bastions on the map but they have a new purpose this time around rather than limiting your force availability).

Trouble is with the new hull points and glancing does damage to them they are no better now than tanks. In fact I think I'd rather put my faith in the front armour of a Russ with a dozer blade.