View Full Version : Heresy Era Blood Angels

09-13-2014, 09:51 PM
I am currently working on building a heresy era blood angels army, and I was wondering what colors did they use? red was obviously the primary color but I am sure that they had some black, white, or gold in there. however I don't want them to end up looking like heresy era word bearers or thousand suns. anyone have any ideas?

I will try and get some pictures going on this thread as soon as I get some of my stuff in from forge world.


09-15-2014, 07:00 PM
Just based on the subject material, I'd consider asking this on Bolter and Chainsword. I know I've seen a lot of heresy threads over there.

09-17-2014, 11:37 PM
ok, I will give them a try.


09-18-2014, 02:20 AM
They will be essentially the same colour scheme as the current BAs, though until we get some in a HH FW book we don't know for sure.

Looking at the art work in the visions of heresey that is certainly seems to be true.

Obviously, though they had no Black Death Company.

Chaplains were still black, Honour guard were golden helmed,

Pre 3rd (or maybe 4th) ed. BA had black rimmed shoulder pads, that has since been retconned.

10-17-2014, 06:13 PM
Ok I got some of my models in and got the air brush working again :)

I have 20 Tac Marines that are basically done, minor details that I am unsure of still might require me to go back, and then these two Praetors are my current WIPs. Let me know what you think I am open to any comments and suggestions.


10-18-2014, 11:45 PM
a quick update on my progress so far, I have painted the sword and my first attempt at non-metallic metal (hilt of sword)

then here are some of the 20 tac marines that I have already finished (for the most part) I will refrain from posting too many pictures until I get my lighting figured out

as always comments are welcome


10-22-2014, 10:19 PM
Some things from old fluff I have seen is that banner bearers have orange arms that hold the banners.

A lot of old imagery has black trim on shoulder pads.

Gold was only authorized for Sanguinius and his Honor Guard. And everyone's armour was less ornate.

10-24-2014, 11:33 AM
Do you by chance have any idea what the Sanguinary guard would've used/worn during this time? I would really like to see where you found these pictures from! maybe give me a bit of inspiration. Thanks

11-01-2014, 10:16 PM
Alright, I made some good progress on my praetor model and now I just need to get him on a base! not exactly sure what I want on his base and I am open to ideas form all of you. I want my theme for these guys to be the defense of Terra/Imperial Palace.



11-03-2014, 06:19 AM
Some things from old fluff I have seen is that banner bearers have orange arms that hold the banners.

A lot of old imagery has black trim on shoulder pads.

Gold was only authorized for Sanguinius and his Honor Guard. And everyone's armour was less ornate.

The red trim on the shoulder pad got retconned. They had that up till about 3rd ed.

Also the original Blood Angels Red, was much more Orange, then again around 3rd they stopped making BA red and started using Blood Red.

11-04-2014, 07:43 PM
that is interesting, I have never heard of any of that (I am relatively new, played since late 4th ed) I am really anxious to see what Forge World comes out with in their HH series for blood angels. As I work on painting my other praetor I am trying to come up with a good HH conversion for Sanguinary guard. If you have any ideas let me know!

11-05-2014, 06:23 AM
Have you seen the visions of heresy book? That has loads of art work in.

The trouble is that the art work doesn't always make sense, like in the current BA codex there is a picture of the army "on parade", but it shows the BA's with the squad markings like the tactical up arrow, which according to BA codex it shouldn't have as they have the chapter badge and the company markings on their shoulders.

You used to have sarges were balck with a red trim and also squad leaders had that too.

It is a mine field.

11-05-2014, 10:44 AM
No I actually haven't had an opportunity to look at the visions of heresy book.

And I like the analogy of minefield. When I search via Google/lexicanum/war hammer wiki it seems like you can find all sorts of things and some (a lot) of things even conflict with one another. I might have to end up repainting my models once forgeworld actually comes out with a HH book that has blood angels in it, but for now I think I'll just do what I think is best haha.

My first praetor is almost done though! And once he is I will try and get some pictures of everything I have for my 30k army so far up here.

11-09-2014, 06:47 PM
Hello again!

This week has unfortunately been somewhat unproductive on the hobby front because I have been moving into a new apartment with my fiance. however I actually have my own gaming/hobby space at our new place so that will help motivate me to get more done!

in the lack of pictures of models I have a few pictures of my soon to be finished (hopefully will have pictures hung by tomorrow) "nerd room."


the closet in the second picture is where each of my armies are currently sitting, they will eventually make their way from unpainted and in shoe boxes to being painted and in some nice battle foam.


11-26-2014, 10:55 PM
so I know it has been awhile since I have posted, but I figured I would show you what I have been working on.


sorry about the crappy picture quality, still trying to get the correct lighting and area for good quality photos. On another note, I an wanting to do a "rain" type weathering effect on this land raider so if you have any tips let me know. In the mean time I think the best way to do this will be to use Agrax Earth shade and drag that down from areas where the rain would pool/collect on the tank. This should create the streaky water effect I am hoping for.

let me know what you think!