View Full Version : Newbi Need Help!

01-29-2010, 02:25 PM
Hi I'm wanting to get started playing Warhammer 40K but Im not sure what army I want to start with. I'm thinking Dark Angels but I'm not sure.
Does anyone have suggestions?

01-29-2010, 02:58 PM
I wouldn't choose Dark Angels - it seems that time has passed this army by and anyone that plays in complains about how weak it's rule set is relative to similar ones.

If I was starting out I'd go for an army where everything you're likely to want is plastic. Metal figures tend to be expensive and I avoid it if I can. Plastic also usually allows you to build more variability into your models, i.e. your not stuck with using the same 5 metal figures duplicated over and over again to form your core units.

I'd also be inclined not to choose a horde army. Lots of figures means lots of painting and it's easy to get disillusioned at taking so long to have a table ready army when your starting out .

Finally, everyone tends to prefer a slightly different playing style so it's worthwhile getting a few games with other peoples armies to see what you enjoy.

If I was starting out now I'd probably look at the soon to be released Blood Angels - it's new so up to date codex, being marines most of it will be plastic, you can get a starter on in by buying Black Reach which will give you the rule set & some figures and it won't require more that 70 figures for most games.

01-29-2010, 03:32 PM
What kind of army do you want to play? Do you want to play aliens or humans? Good guys or bad guys? Do you like the idea of an army with lots of guns, or a vicious army that tears up its enemy in close combat, lots of tanks, advanced technology, etc?

How much money do you want to spend on an army? Some are a lot more expensive than others to build.

It helps a lot if you like the models in a range, too. You'll spend quite a lot of time looking at them and (hopefully) painting them.

01-29-2010, 03:33 PM

01-29-2010, 03:36 PM
Right, many Dark Angles players simply use the standard Codex: Space Marines, rather than Codex: Dark Angels.

If Space Marines are your interest, I would suggest getting some basic Marine stuff (tactical squads, a few Rhinos) and using Codex: Space Marines. As you find what sort of units you like, and get a little experience, you can expand from there.

And when starting from Codex: Space Marines, it's easy to switch over to one of the variant chapters like Dark Angels if you decide you like a particular one.

Edit: I'll also add that you can be very flexible about what rules you use. Some Chaos Space Marine players use Codex: Space Wolves for their rules.

01-29-2010, 03:39 PM
i'd second that. To start codex marines are solid bc there's not a lot of strange rules you have to work with and they are incredibly flexible with lots of different options to paint. In gaming terms they are relatively forgiving army to play with many different options of builds. Then once you're comfortable with them you can always just get a specific chapter codex and use those rules...

01-29-2010, 03:51 PM
Gotta jump on the basic Space Marine band wagon, they are a good starter army from all aspects of the hobby, they are relativly cheap due to the low model count, they are simple to paint, and most importantly they are easy to build a solid list with. after you get some games under your belt you can decide how you like to play and theam your force easily, my current SM army started as Space Wolves but with a little work and a few extra models I can make it work out of all 6 marine basic marine books.

01-29-2010, 04:31 PM
do the army with what models you like!:D but if using an older codex think about what your buying ( my first eldar army had harleys(no seer), a lone war walker, 3 bikes, swooping hawks and a vibro cannnon = FAIL)

If you start marines go for a BA( or sucsessor) because the current dex is free!! (till april) and for unique charecters you can snap up space hulk guys off ebay
Ba buying guide
dex( off GW. com free!!)
black reach
assault marines
space hulk termi librarian/ seargent
that'd give you a deacent force till the new dex comes out:D

p.s. If you like doing DA how about trying the fallen (http://www.lexicanum.com/ search the dark angels) using codex chaos marines!


01-29-2010, 04:36 PM
Just walk into your local store and see what you like the look of. This game is all about the models.

01-29-2010, 05:17 PM
Dark Angels are traitors. I've done all I can to spread the knowledge of these heratics. They failed the Emporer in his time of need. Play them and live a lie of loyality.

01-29-2010, 05:39 PM
And if you can find an Assault on Black Reach box, grab it. I think there are a few still out there. Maybe.

Herald of Nurgle
01-29-2010, 05:54 PM
To be perfectly honest, I would pick Space Wolves or Chaos Space Marines as a starting army - though CSM would be better.
These forces are, in their own way, both far less restricting and they are both known to be more... forgiving... than other forces. CSM also give you far more modelling options on an army basis while the SW give you more modelling options on per model. They also have high Ld (or abilities for compensate) and a full set of basic equipment, while having cool add on units such as Cult Troops, Thunderwolves, Chaos Terminators, and Wolf Guard.

If you like Black Reach, go for SM or BA/DA.
If you like choosing for yourself, go for SW or CSM.
If you like ugly, slow, annoying, xenos, go for anything else.

Lord Anubis
01-29-2010, 08:48 PM
You can't really go wrong with plain Space Marines as a first army. They've got a relatively simple set of sub-rules and with the Black Reach sets you can build up a solid force very quick.

Plus if you then decide to branch off into a more specialized Chapter, almost all those models can be tweaked or adjusted to fit. If you decide to go another route altogether, like Chaos or Xenos or Guard, it won't be hard to find someone to take the Marines off your hands. ;)

01-29-2010, 09:34 PM
My tip is to ignore any game effectiveness, read some of the stories from every codex (borrow them), decide who you feel like playing, play a couple of matches to learn the game with borrowed armies to see how every army feels, then pick the one who you like best both in the history and the game mat.

I advise you not to follow any "tier" suggestion as things are always changing, and what's decent now can be overpowered or useless tomorrow, you're better off with something you like at heart.

01-29-2010, 09:36 PM
;) Welcome to the 41st Millenium!
I second the suggestions that a Space Marine Army is the easiest to play & model.
However it really boils down to which Army grabs you. If you like Marines buy the SM Codex & browse the various Chapters & see which becomes your favorite. But please DONT get Ultramarines! There are already too many of them around. Crimson Fists, Emperors Fists , Raven Guard, Salamanders, White Scars are all good choices or you can make up your own Chapter & Colours but then you have the problem of Transfers availability though you can download heaps from the main BoLS Site if you buy Transfer paper.

Good Luck. Let us all know what you decide.

01-29-2010, 10:12 PM
Thank you guys for all the feedback! I think I might pick up a black reach to start up.
I'd like to do a blitz Type army

01-30-2010, 06:46 AM
What kind of army do you want to play? Do you want to play aliens or humans? Good guys or bad guys? Do you like the idea of an army with lots of guns, or a vicious army that tears up its enemy in close combat, lots of tanks, advanced technology, etc?

How much money do you want to spend on an army? Some are a lot more expensive than others to build.

It helps a lot if you like the models in a range, too. You'll spend quite a lot of time looking at them and (hopefully) painting them.

Take all of that in to account + which backgroud you like.l t's diffiuclt to collect an army who background does'nt interest you and just don't care about them.

01-30-2010, 07:52 AM
Welcome to 40k

The only advice I can give is go for the army you like the look of best. as has been said already in this thread, you have to enjoy building, painting and gaming with your army - or else theres no point :)

do a little research into the army books, some info you might want to be aware of as a newcomer is the age of the codexes

The following armies have up to date codexes

Space Marines
Space wolves
Imperial Guard
Chaos space marines

Codex Blood angels is out soon

Codexes that are being left behind a little include:

Black Templars
Dark Angels
Dark Eldar (although there is talk of the new codex coming out in the next year or so)

So my advice is go with something from the first list, because there will be less confusion about the rules. but regardless of that, if you want to go for eldar or dark eldar, do it! don't worry about the gaming side too much. It's all about loving the army you play.

01-30-2010, 09:45 AM
Don't say "Inquisition", because that's rather misleading. There's two codices and you don't even have to HAVE an Inquisition army if you play one of them.

Regardless, I would recommend NOT going with Space Marines, but if you want to go with the generic crapola, I suppose I can't stop ya. Orks have tons more flavor than any Marine army can ever hope for, by far the most painting/modeling opportunities in 40k bar none and a decent amount of variety in-game. Imperial GUard have lots of awesome tanks and customizability. The Tyranids just had their own codex released with lots of new stuff. Both brands of Eldar have a unique feel to them, moreso than any Marine army at any rate. The Sisters of Battle are still strong in-game, and their tactics are easy to grasp as well. The Inquisition isn't that strong, but they do have plenty of variety of models and background potential. The Necrons need an update, but they're still very good if you know how to use them properly. The Tau also offer plenty to those whom are interested. Given all the other stuff that's out there, the half-dozen varieties of angry screaming ugly old bald men in oversized shoulderpads doesn't really seem that attractive :P

01-30-2010, 10:20 AM

01-30-2010, 10:49 AM
The best army to start out with is the army you like the most, not the most generic army.

And if you want low model count, go play Grey Knights.

01-30-2010, 11:33 AM

01-30-2010, 11:47 AM
agreed. i'll be the first to say there are a lot of more challenging and promising modeling and uniquely tactically challenging armies, but to start you can't go wrong with marines.

01-30-2010, 12:57 PM
Quite Troll.......

I'm not trolling. That was an honest suggestion. If you want to suggest a low model count, suggest Grey Knights. 2 units of 5 PAGKs and a brother-captain with a few upgrades and you have yourself 500 points right there.

01-30-2010, 12:58 PM
Meh, a player is bound to learn what it uses, if he starts with a horde army he'll learn how to play horde.

01-30-2010, 01:24 PM

01-30-2010, 01:26 PM
that's the only detriment i can see to starting marines, there is a certain learning curve when you go to other armies that don't have that 44444183+ stat

01-30-2010, 03:00 PM
I'm not trolling. That was an honest suggestion. If you want to suggest a low model count, suggest Grey Knights. 2 units of 5 PAGKs and a brother-captain with a few upgrades and you have yourself 500 points right there.

Mel you're never not trolling.

01-30-2010, 03:12 PM
why is tau not in the list of dexes?

01-30-2010, 03:38 PM
I'm kinda surprised at how many people are going on about how you shouldn't play certain armys that aren't newer ones. I say look at the minis and the back story and get a general idea as to how the army plays on the table top and go with what ever is the coolest to you. Simply picking the first things that jump out at you works to and then go from there and do some deeper research.

If you start an army based on how competitive it is you are going to get bored with it really fast. Reality is that regardless as to whether or not that army is the flavor of the month OMGZBROKENSAUCE army, you are going to lose a lot of your first games so don't worry about handing out beat downs right away. Yeah some armys do have a much steeper learning curve than others but if you really like the army you will stick with it. When it comes to being competitive I strongly believe that experience has a lot to do with winning. 40k is a fairly balanced game where even an old army in the right hands can be very strong. As you go on with the army you will learn what tactics,builds and units will be your most effective and you will start winning games then. Uts just a matter of becoming very familiar with the game and understanding how your army works most effectively.

So just go with who ever seems the coolest to you. I started with all metal Vostryoan IG army because I liked the minis and the historical kinda feel of the army. Yeah my wallet hurts but almost 4 years down the road I have a large army that I still am just as enthused about as when I started it.

Welcome to the hobby and good luck!:D

01-31-2010, 06:53 PM
I think I'm going to start with Space Wolves. I really like their backstory and how they are described. I went ahead and got the codex and The space wolf battleforce.
Is there any suggestions on how I should make my army?

Subject Keyword
01-31-2010, 07:38 PM
I think I'm going to start with Space Wolves. I really like their backstory and how they are described. I went ahead and got the codex and The space wolf battleforce.
Is there any suggestions on how I should make my army?

Ok... As long as you got them because you like Space Vikings...
Too many people pick up Space Wolves these days because they are either very concerned with winning all the time, or there were twenty people hooting "Space Marines!" in their ears without mentioning any of the other interesting and creative armies. I've seen people be persuaded into Marines, only to much later find out that they loved swarm type armies or preferred ranged combat or fell in love with the background and narrative of another army.

If you like them because you think Wolf Pelts are cool, well, Praise to Russ and the Allfather!!!
If you're doing Wolves because you didn't weigh your other options, you might end up disappointed.

Now, if Fenris does it for you, you need to first consider your HQ. Space Wolves have awesome HQ, and what you choose for a particular army build can make or break a fight. I'll turn which HQ is best over to the actual SW players, but know that, in the end, they are all you can count on in a Wolves army. Give it some deep thought.

Other than that, a Battleforce is a wonderful start. Terminators would be my next step, were I you.

Oh! And Welcome to the best hobby in the World!

01-31-2010, 08:47 PM
I think I'm going to start with Space Wolves. I really like their backstory and how they are described. I went ahead and got the codex and The space wolf battleforce.
Is there any suggestions on how I should make my army?

A good choice. They have a really sweet balanced codex with a good amount of variety as far as army builds go and their new plastics look great. Also looks like you will be able to cut your teeth early on some conversions if you decide to run with some Thunderwolf cav (highly recommend these guys!).

02-01-2010, 02:40 PM
Yeah I really did decide on Space Wolves because of their story. Its really cool!

02-01-2010, 04:49 PM
Yeah I really did decide on Space Wolves because of their story. Its really cool!

Get a squad or three of Gray Hunters, a couple of Rhinos for your Hunter squads, and a Long Fang squad. You can't go wrong with those.

02-01-2010, 05:03 PM
vindicators vindicators vindicators.. your heavy support choice is solved

Troops as buffo said grey hunters only

HQ ragnar and njal work well together the rest is open to interpertation

02-01-2010, 06:53 PM
When it comes to units, pick what you like, not what other people suggest. What's most important for your first army is that you enjoy having it and using it-- one can make a non-"competitive" army work well enough with trial and error. Some people even make Repentia work in specific situations or with house rules.

02-02-2010, 12:35 AM
I would get some more grey hunters and a rhino... That and the battle force should make you pretty set for a base army, then as other have said addfor flavour.

02-02-2010, 01:35 AM

02-02-2010, 09:10 AM
This is BoLS. Nothing but competative lists here. :-P

02-02-2010, 09:14 AM
My lists are all themed in some way, and yet they're still all good lists. The two aren't mutually exclusive if you know what you're doing, and you will in time.

02-02-2010, 10:16 AM

02-02-2010, 12:08 PM
You really can't go wrong with space wolves. Pretty much everything in the codex is at least OK, and 95% of the units are solidly good.

What's good for your playstyle and your list might not be very good for someone else, though, and vice versa. Land Raiders are great in some builds and terrible in others - it all depends how the army syncs together. I'd recommend not buying more than one of any non-scoring unit for now - wait to see if the unit suits you. You can also proxy other units in casual games to see how a unit works before you buy it. It's very easy to say "this rhino count as a razorback with lascannon for this game".