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View Full Version : [Question] True-Scaling Orks and Other Bits

01-28-2010, 10:04 PM
This is a two part question first were could I find Ork bitz or bitz that fit the theme and style of Orks to do convertion other then the stock GW bitz. The other part to my question is I know in the fluff some Orks are huge beasts and I would like to represent that in a closer scale so I can see a Grot be small then an Ork boy, then a Nob, and finally at the biggest an Ork Warlord or Warboss. Any ideas how to pull this one off the ground?

Master Bryss
01-29-2010, 08:52 AM
Right now a Warboss IS bigger than the latest plastic Nobz, which are bigger than Boyz and so on.

If you want Orks to be more imposing over puny Guardsmen however, you could simply correct their posture, ie make them stand up straighter using greenstuff and such instead on having their knees bent like they are right now. That's one way of making them taller anyway. Also, as the Nobz built using Boy parts have the same legs as normal Boyz, just making that Nob's legs straighter will give them more height over normal Boyz.

01-29-2010, 10:45 AM
with all this truscale stuff heres a solution

Its not 28mm scale its 40k scale because really the marines are out of proportion and the guard are too big but:

eldar are proper scale
daemons: they dont need scale:p
orks: right size (dont like there beer bellys)
tau: possible smaller
nids: they ate the scale:D

but if you want a bigger ork as a display pice:
a build it up with GS
or brows CMON shop theres some minis there that are larger than 40k;)
