View Full Version : WIP: Halloween-themed Ork diorama

09-09-2014, 01:57 PM
So got the wild idea to create a deadline for myself and make this diorama by the end of October. I have tons of bits laying around, including lots of orks and heads, I thought one day I could use them as masks, and the idea of my diorama, "Orktober 31st," was born. The idea is to basically have a whole bunch of the little green guys (in my mind, they're like "Despicable Me"'s minions, mischievous and hilarious) in lots of silly little vignettes, trick or treating along the way.

I had to start with a house, so I picked up the GW Chapel kit.


I wanted to give it a little extra life, so instead of having a static house with painted on fire, the idea was to do my first LED wiring job on a kit, and crack the door open to have some light spilling out while some ork was passing out candy. I started with the front face:


And dremeled the door out:


Then I painted up the "extra" door that comes with the kit, that's supposed to be glued on top of the other if you'd rather have different decor. Instead, I intend to glue it on and have it hanging ajar, but its easier to paint while its off the hinges.


More to come!!!

09-10-2014, 06:53 AM
This project is going to be a fun one to watch.

09-10-2014, 10:50 AM
OK, next up is the assembly of the actual Chapel. As with all GW terrain pieces, the seam lines are gaptastic. And I hate seams. So, on to finding a way to bridge the Grand Canyon-sized gaps.

First up, actually gluing the four walls together to see what we have. As you can see in the pic below, there's a sizeable gap there, but if you look in the upper right corner of the picture, you'll see a great divide that an Olympic long jumper couldn't cross, in the beam area with all the runes and details:


First thing's first, I have to take care of the cinder blocks, or bricks, or whatever. Instead of gap filling and sanding, I figured resculpting would be easier...just take a small ball of apoxie clay and spread it over, cut it at the edges, and pepper it with a bit of detail, and its way faster than filling each individual gap:


Put on a movie, and just sit and make little clay bricks on the corners for a bit:


However, after a few corners of this, one does get a bit tired, so I decided to sculpt a base for some moss to be growing that is conveniently over the gap:


Finally, to take care of the massive gap in the I-Beam, I just clipped a piece of sheet styrene, placed it in the gap, and then trimmed to shape and melted it with a touch of styrene cement. I also shaved down the diamond-shaped rune on the end as you can see, and eventually replaced it with a small strip of styrene cut to the same shape and size, but didn't picture that.


Also the corners above the rune-filled beam that have that buckle, I shaved the buckle down a bit, then replaced it with the same strip of styrene, then added small pieces of rod strips cut very small and glued in for the nails:


Thanks for looking!!!

09-11-2014, 04:25 AM
OK, next up. The lighting. This is a begrudging aspect for me. I've always enjoyed seeing well-done lighting in models, yet I know NOTHING about LEDs, electricity, etc...other than it shocks you and as my kids say, you can see your bones if it does. So, I started researching, and came up more confused than when I started. So, fine, let's just smush some LEDs and wires together, shall we?

The box for the chapel shows a fire effect with their sconces, having some pretty good paint on the flames and some pretty good OSL effects on the chapel itself. I've tried my hand at OSL, but I figured I'd just let and LED do that for me instead. So, I decided to start testing some things after picking up some LEDs. Originally, I was going to just cut the fire off of the top of the sconces, and thread the LEDs into that area, but alas, the stems on the actual LEDs were thick enough to not fit back down a small styrene tube. I found a larger tube that it did fit down, but it was ridiculously disproportionate. So, I essentially hacked up the original plastic and had to toss it. Bah. I was frustrated, so no pictures at this point.

I figured now, I have to make my own torch holders. I dug around my bits box and found some clear plastic rubber feet that were have spheres. I drilled a hole out, painted them black, and used them as a test. Anyone who's seen my Witch King (http://defiantworkshop.blogspot.com/2014/06/model-showcase-witch-kingnazgul-from.html) kit knows I really like the flame effects you can get from, of all things, Water Effects. So I added a smattering of Water Effects on top of the hole I drilled and painted it clear orange and yellow.


From there, it was a simple task to just shove the LED up in there and attach the wire to a battery to see the effect, which is terrible on camera:


However, about halfway through the process I also discovered that the rubber foot was phenomenally disproportionate as well. It was just way too big for the effect of what I needed. So, back to the parts bin, where I discovered bits from an old Tamiya tank I did way back when. Not sure what parts these were, but they were circular, scooped inside, and just the right size:


Just a simple matter of clipping those "wings" off the top and drilling up through the bottom, and voila, a torch holder:


Just slapped a bit of Leadbelcher paint and a heavy wash to make it more "cast iron" looking and it was ready to go. The styrene tube is still just way too thick to look believable, so I think I'm going to sculpt some putty around the LED stems and paint it to look like large tree branches, maybe?

09-11-2014, 04:39 AM
I'm looking forward to more :)

09-11-2014, 08:39 AM
Well, ask and you shall receive.

Next is to shore the roof up. Gotta paint some time, procrastination isn't paying off if I wanna make my deadline of displaying this on Halloween.

So, thinking along the LED front, I have some work to do. I want the light to shine out of the windows, but the inside of the Chapel is just a big box. There's nothing there that will hide the wires, and there are some gaping holes in the roof, plus seeing in the windows might detract from the overall aesthetic if you see wires and LEDs. So, I started by patching the roof with some sheet styrene and overkilled it using some foil tape to totally block any light bleed.




From there, it was fairly straight forward. Prime in black, and let your brain figure the gaps out. I also primed the actual Chapel while I had the can out. I then made up a match of paint in various shades based around a clay/terra cotta style, adding a bit of yellow or brown here and there in the mix to make the shingles:



Been messing around with how the windows will show the light. Might do something interesting there once I'm more confident in my LED abilities. Thanks again for looking!!!

09-11-2014, 08:42 AM
I love that you took the time to correct the gap issues these terrain features have. I'm enjoying watching your progress with this project. I haven't tried working with LEDs yet so I'll be interested to here how bad you find them to work with.

09-11-2014, 09:09 AM
The LEDs haven't been atrocious. Though, I have some serious wire management to do. My plan is to create a "ceiling" for the piece that will house a downward facing light and also hide the wiring and battery. We'll see.

09-11-2014, 02:24 PM
OK, quick update. Got around to trying something interesting out. There's an alcove in the roof that has a grate on it, or maybe more akin to Warhammer burglar bars? I dunno. Anyway, whatever they are, you can see through them. Into my jumbled mess of LED wiring. All of the windows look like this, but I have plans on the side and back windows, and didn't think an attic window should really match them. Attics are scary. Let's make this one scary.

I started by clipping, X-Actoing, and sanding away the grate on the window:


Originally, I was going to just put some clear styrene up and call it a day. But just clear styrene is even worse than the grate. Its so clear you can't even see its there, and now the wires are way way more exposed. So I took some 220 grit sand paper and sanded both sides thoroughly to make it translucent. But something was lacking (besides the lack of photos at this stage, sorry!). Since the LEDs looked so good in testing, I was going to light the attic as well, but I didn't buy enough LEDs, so I just tested it with the orange I have on hand that will eventually go in the torches on the house. I went a bit further and cut out a silhouette (based on the famous "Nosferatu" shadow scene) and glued it to the window. The end result:


Finally, before I can call the roof section complete, I sprayed a sheet of styrene black, and glued it to the top of the walls in the Chapel to serve as my on/off switch access and battery compartment. I've gone out and bought my yellow LED to use as a candle in the window, and that and the torches will all be "flickering" LEDs to help convey the sense of flame:


09-11-2014, 03:11 PM
Very nice! I never thought about how big the wire/battery would be. Looks like it will tuck away nicely in the attic. :)

09-11-2014, 03:17 PM
And I never considered how unruly a bunch of cable could be. :/

The battery just lays in there. Thought about building a housing for it so it would slide around, but...eh.

09-11-2014, 03:57 PM
Oh this is coming along great

Darren Richardson
09-12-2014, 12:47 AM
looking great so far, love the shadow in the window, adds character to the building.

09-12-2014, 10:45 AM
Thanks guys, this has been a ton of fun, as stressful as it is, lol.

OK, back to it. Was able to lay down base coats and get some things drying or curing for the weekend push.

So I started out begrudgingly laying base colors down on the chapel itself. I'm always terrified my colors look better in my head than when they actually get on plastic, as is often the case, but these came out pretty much how I wanted. I started with a Tamiya Deck Tan sprayed over the vast majority, with the black base primer giving it a darker tone underneath. Then I sprayed some Khaki Drab around the edges to grimey it up a bit.


Next up, now that the spraying was done, was to mount the LEDs, since I didn't wanna spray on the bulbs themselves. So I mounted the LEDs by drilling into the walls of the house, ran the cables in as far as they would go, and used Aves to sculpt over them and textured it to look like wooden torches. I even put some thin styrene rod in there and trimmed it up to look like smaller branches jutting out. Then just rout the cables up through the ceiling, attach to the 9 volt, and voila, let there be light!



What you can't see is the flicker effect on the LEDs, obviously, but they are flickering a bit, all three, except the one you can see in the window, which is a warm white, "always on" light that will play through the front door and the side and back windows. I still have to place the iron cups around the fire LEDs...I stupidly, in my haste to get working lights, didn't thread the wires through them first, so I'll have to widen the holes a big to slide them over the LEDs. Then I have to "sculpt" the flames on top, and of course start picking out the individual colors for the blocks and other details. Sounds like a weekend's worth of work to me!

09-12-2014, 12:52 PM
Enjoying it awesomeness

09-12-2014, 02:57 PM
Roll on with the awesome train! Although they can be kind of cheesy I always like seeing holiday themed stuff.

09-12-2014, 08:40 PM
Started to pick out the bricks a bit, which was stupidly time consuming. Really almost done for the most part, just a few more odds and ends to tweak. Here's a quick glimpse before I take some other pics with the light tent and start working on the actual orks and terrain. The bricks were real simple, just tedious. The stained glass was a ton of fun...I placed clear sheet styrene inside the windows, painted the clear plastic with Tamiya clear colors, and then lit it from the inside with the LED in the ceiling:


The marble was fun to do. I know there's the technique that allows you to mix a color with glaze medium and use feathers for marbling, but at this scale, the strokes wouldn't translate. So, I base coated with Celestra Gray from GW:


From there, wait for it to dry thoroughly, then I used a wash brush to push around some black wash (Badab black in this case). Important note...don't treat this like a normal wash. While it will get in the crevices to accentuate shadows, it also is serving as part of the effect. So, I made sure to do something between a heavy wash, and just a spot wash, making sure to drag the wash and "pull" it across and around in a pattern you'd find on marble. Brush strokes and streaks are oddly enough, wanted here, unlike almost every other time you do a wash:


Finally, I drybrushed on Ulthuan Gray. I used varying amounts of paint on my brush, because like the wash before it, this isn't a "true" drybrush. I actually concentrated on getting in some of the cracks and crevices. Sometimes I had a lot of paint on my brush for an opaque effect, sometimes very little. The point is to make it look random. After it dried, I kicked it up with a satin varnish, and voila, quick and dirty marbling!


09-13-2014, 10:03 AM
And finished with the chapel! Finally wrapped up. Plowed through most of the paint, happy to be done with it, and proud of all the experimental things that went right. I got into such a groove I neglected to take a lot of in progress shots once paint started flowing, but I'll explain what I can here after the fact.


Here we have the primary shot (more pics here (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-A9yctnHk7n0/VBHSVP_N9_I/AAAAAAAABCc/WkpQWzysDII/s1600/_MG_4149%2Bcopy.jpg)). You can see the flames I did with the Water Effects more clearly here than when they're lit up. The basic idea is that the LED, wire, stems and all, are sculpted over to look like torches, then drilled and fed through the façade of the house. The wires were then taped up the side inside the walls with more foil tape and fed through the styrene ceiling I mentioned earlier in the blog. In this shot you can also see the final version of the creeping moss I put to hide the seams. The clay sculpt was a rough in, I painted it dark green and then brushed on some PVA glue and sprinkled some turf on it, and voila, the easiest seam hiding job ever.



Here is the same angle, but now lit up! The LEDs play through the clear-ish Water Effects, with transparent paints to simulate fire. The paints don't show up when the LEDs are lit, but now even when they're off, it will still look like fire. From this angle, you can see the door sitting ajar, and the shadowy figure (close up of it here (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-P8he0mYdibE/VBHnJ3LGq7I/AAAAAAAABHo/v5W-VgSbu8Y/s1600/_MG_4156%2Bcopy.jpg)) in the attic, both of which are also lit up. I used the same technique in both...a piece of clear styrene sanded with rough grit sandpaper to make them "foggy." The attic piece makes it seem a little spooky while toning down the LED behind it, while the front door piece is designed to hide the blank insides of the piece while letting some light through. Pictured below is a close up of the lit torches and the inside of the door. The inside looks like you're seeing the white backdrop, but in actuality its sanded styrene.


Finally, the finishing touch was to make stained glass out of the windows on the back and sides. I accomplished this by gluing clear sheet styrene on the insides of the windows, then adding several coats of Tamiya clear colors in repeating patterns. They're lit up by the roof light inside the Chapel, which is pointed at the front door, but I have a piece of foil tape put up above the door frame on the inside which reflects the light back out to the sides and back as well.


Some other shots of the side of the house and the lit stained glass windows are here (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-eNjPpXuyjqk/VBHnKGqiAQI/AAAAAAAABHM/Woyvk26-Zjg/s1600/_MG_4159%2Bcopy.jpg) and here. (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-V6VuZmVONYQ/VBHnKOlFYHI/AAAAAAAABHE/ucBhtbO7YTQ/s1600/_MG_4161%2Bcopy.jpg)

Thanks for looking, now on to making the orks!!!

Darren Richardson
09-14-2014, 01:12 AM
excellent work there, now pat yourself on the back and get cracking on with the orks!


Peter Zuidgeest
09-14-2014, 03:33 AM
Lovely! :)

09-15-2014, 09:04 AM
Next up, working on the orks. This was just a pause, moment in time. Most of them aren't complete, but thought I'd take a moment and document where I'm at. There are way too many to explain what I've done to each one, but those familiar can realize where I've chopped arms/hands/other limbs to reposition. I've also removed most of the weapons to create some trick or treat bags for them to be holding. I know some of you purists are going to cringe at having some of these wrong heads and other limbs, but remember the theme and the fact its supposed to be a little tongue in cheek. Sorry for the pic bomb, but here goes:






09-15-2014, 09:13 AM
I am loving the trick or treaters!

09-15-2014, 09:28 AM






- - - Updated - - -

Next batch:






- - - Updated - - -

And apparently it won't let me post any more until there's another response! Wow, I really did pic-napalm this. Sorry folks!

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
09-15-2014, 10:12 AM
This is shaping up to be pretty ace! Can't wait to see more.

09-15-2014, 11:21 AM
OK, last little bit, then on to painting and priming:






Darren Richardson
09-16-2014, 04:01 AM
This is shaping up to be a real Scream, parden the pun!

09-16-2014, 07:00 AM
This is shaping up to be a real Scream, parden the pun!

You know you're on the right track with a project when it brings out the puns! :D

09-16-2014, 08:23 AM
LOL, I have about 4 of the orks painted up and ready, just gotta snap some pics of them. I'm driving the wife crazy with my disorganization, and we're going to remodel my painting room, but only after I'm done with this project, so she's ready for me to wrap. Taking it one step at a time, but we joked about how the first Space Marine I painted was actually on an ork. :/

09-17-2014, 01:41 PM
Just a quick few shots of some of the painted ones. Per my wife's always good advice, I'm working on just a select few at a time after pretty much staring and sulking at them trying to assembly line this insane group.






09-17-2014, 01:47 PM
Looking good! Hobby spouses often offer solid advice... These guys are individual enough that assembly line painting would be a painful approach. :)

09-22-2014, 06:40 AM
OK, another weekend done, some more work finished:

A Necron-dressed ork with a good haul this halloween:

This older guy's in on the action, can anyone spot who he's dressed up as?

And a few tyranids in the house:



That last little guy is concerned about something...what could it be?


Added some drool with some gel super glue and nurgle's rot paint:


09-22-2014, 08:36 AM
Next up, some odds and ends...looking at the size of this, I have no clue what to do when I'm done. Where do I display a 2'x2' board? Open to ideas.

A few Space Marine Jack-o-lanterns, with styrene rod stems:


And the foam base finally cut and glued down:


Darren Richardson
09-23-2014, 02:38 PM
great work, it's really starting to take on a unlife of it's own now....

09-24-2014, 12:29 PM
Many thanks. Going to apply some coating to the board tonight and have that drying. Really not sure which end is up at this point. Anyone have any experience with this? I bought some spackle to put on it, read a few things about doing such at a few railroad forums. Figure its the least messy and most cost effective method of creating some terrain. Eh, what's the worst that could happen, right?

09-25-2014, 09:35 AM
Great effort mate! The conversions work so well, and the idea just brings out the giggles. Keep the picture bombs dropping!

Erik Setzer
09-25-2014, 02:27 PM
This older guy's in on the action, can anyone spot who he's dressed up as?

I'm going to take a stab at... Lurtz, the Uruk-hai?

09-25-2014, 03:02 PM
Jack Skellington

09-25-2014, 04:09 PM
Erik Setzer wins the prize! Thought a little cross-universe material might be worth a laugh...though painting the "white hand" mark on a face that tiny is difficult at best. Glad its moderately recognizeable. Also, I'm happy with how his sword turned out. I'm so geared toward making things as realistic (on a mini scale) as possible, that doing simple jobs sometimes confounds me. I tried to make it look like store bought plastic weaponry. This guy's cosplaying on a budget.

Kirsten...holy crap. Never considered bringing him into this. Been trying to come up with some crossover ideas, and if I can get some more free time or wrap up ahead of schedule, I might have to give bringing him in a shot. Brilliant.

09-25-2014, 04:22 PM
So I GROSSLY underestimated the amount of spackle I would need to cover this. "Do I need the giant tub? Nah, the medium sized one will be just fine!" Wrong. Back to the hardware store.


09-26-2014, 07:07 AM
OK, have a few days of vacation to burn, so I took the day off to get to work on this. I'm getting a bit behind the 8 ball as it were.

Early morning trip to the hardware store, some more spackle, and voila, whole thing finally covered. I created a bit of texture to it by using spackle's terrible and awesome ability to stick to anything and everything. Just patted any surface that had an obvious putty knife streak or was too smooth with a gloved hand. Eventually the surface pulled up just a hair, creating a nice uneven texture across the whole thing. Now to wait on it to dry to base coat it:


As I was waiting for it to dry yesterday, I got involved with the trees. Lighting at my bench is less than desirable for photography but works in a pinch for quick stuff. Also, it appears my daughter's pink-themed Tau made it into the shot as it dries on my desk, lol.


Also cut out a few strips of styrene, took my nifty heat gun to them to make them appear more paper like. Here's a test for one vignette I'm working on, you'll get a good idea of what's going on:


09-26-2014, 03:54 PM
I'm a blind man forging a trail here.

So I have no clue what to do when it comes to scenics. I've read a little bit about them, OK, recently, A LOT about them, but I've still never done anything with them, and for every informative technique I find, I find something that debunks what I just read. So, I figure let's just dive head first.

While waiting on the spackle to dry, I started mixing up different colors of turf:



And after what felt like and excruciatingly long time, the spackle was dry enough to base coat with some cheapo craft brown paint:


While I wait on that to dry, I'll be working on the trees. But for now, I'm starving and have tickets to the local drive in theater, so its a good time for things to be drying.

Darren Richardson
09-27-2014, 06:45 AM
I'm a blind man forging a trail here.

So I have no clue what to do when it comes to scenics. I've read a little bit about them, OK, recently, A LOT about them, but I've still never done anything with them, and for every informative technique I find, I find something that debunks what I just read. So, I figure let's just dive head first.

what "Scenics" articules did you read up on, wargaming ones arn't really suited for Diorama's like your doing, I would recommend looking for specific Diorama articules (espc WWII lots of subject material there) or Model Railways ones which also tends to go the more realistic apporach which you are aiming for.

09-27-2014, 03:01 PM
Darren, that's precisley where I habitated for a bit. Mostly model railway forums. Most of the debate was which substances glue insulation foam the best, and what to cover everything with. Lots of debate, so I just went with what I thought worked best...used some Liquid Nails "Projects and Foam" glue for the foamboard, and spackle for the covering. Most railway guys use plaster, but that's for much larger areas, and FAR messier. I think over large areas, the cost is better, but I was worried about the fragility of plaster if I were to move this any, like to various shows or to sell. Spackle, while heavier and a good bit more pricey, was also more durable.

09-27-2014, 03:27 PM
OK, back again. Sick of me yet?

I woke up and put another coat of brown on it, as there were some spots that didn't get very good coverage after it dried. While I waited on the second coat to dry, I started on the next vignette...the TPing!

After learning a good bit on a previous kit about heating and shaping styrene, I started randomly taking strips of styrene and heating them up at different angles, letting them warp into various shapes, then covered them with a thing off white paint to get some of the sheen off of the styrene:


Then a quick test shot on the tree:


After that, it was time to start bringing things together, so I got my trusty Aves Apoxie (seriously, this stuff is magic) and mixed up a good batch. see, the GW trees have these weird airborne roots. Even when placed on the base they come with, they just look...off, with places they look like they grew over things, with the things they grew over just...not there. So I sculpted some turf up to the tree roots with the Aves, and then textured it a bit with an old stippling brush. The Aves serves two functions...it acts as a putty to blend the tree into the turf I made, and also acts as a serious adhesive as well.



Finally, airbrushed where the grass flocking will go with a mottled pattern, and placed the chapel down just to see what it looked like:



09-29-2014, 07:39 AM
Next up, some odds and ends from the weekend.

Split the Runtherd arm and the squig (dog) up to better suit the diorama, sculpted up some lost detail after the fact:



Also got my TP thrower completed, he's sure to be one of the focal points if early reaction around the household is any indication. I just cut a tube of styrene to the same width as my TP strips, glued together and heat warped the streamer and glued to the thrower's hand:



09-29-2014, 07:45 AM
I absolutely love the TP'er. Freaking hilarious! :p

09-29-2014, 07:54 AM
Got some turf laid down. I had, and still have, no clue what I'm doing with turf, lol. I should have started with the dirt, but hindsight and all that. Started with the grass, and its a good sight better than the brown and green paint.


Added a small signpost and a buzzard, some extra bits that I had laying around that fit the theme:


Also, sculpted up some dirt for the Carnifex to come bursting out of. Putty was still wet, I'm gonna paint it up later:


And I inexplicably forgot to take a picture with the dirt, but did take a quick mock-up shot for posterity that shows the state of the base right now, looking at this I realized I didn't take close ups of the trees in progress either, need to get some of those. Now that the sloppy stuff is done, the wife is happy to get her kitchen table back while I finish things up on the floor in the hobby room:


09-29-2014, 07:59 AM
Everything is coming together nicely! Looks like you are well on track to meet your deadline too! :D

09-29-2014, 08:42 AM
Thanks. I hedged when making the display as to whether to use this for my Armies on Parade entry, as I've never done one before. Originally I wasn't going to, but the theme and deadline worked really well together, hence I got a larger board to put it all on. The goal at this point is get as much on as I can, then use the subsequent time to get a few other ideas on it as well, whatever I can fit as time allows. So while I might get what I have placed on moderately soon, I won't be done until 10/25.

09-30-2014, 06:18 AM
So after sitting and staring at the task at hand almost all night, I finally broke out of my stupor and started laying paint to things. I got the vulture on the sign post painted up, and the dog that I mentioned last post is now fully painted with a chain leash. I plan to super glue the leash to stiffen the links up, and wash it to dull the look down, but until I know exactly where he goes on the board, its gonna stay cheap link jewelry.




Also finished with the dirt from the emerging tyranid, and got some promised pictures of the TPed trees a little more up close.



Next, I'm trying to come up with a way to do realistic leaves. I'd read about just getting real leaves and crushing/blending them, but I'm left with either WAY too large chunks from crushing, or basically spices when blending. This week will be trying to pin everything to the board and adding subtle variations to the turf like that. Unless I get distracted, which there's a 101% chance of that.

Thanks for looking!

10-01-2014, 08:16 AM
Right as y'all are starting to get bored of this, I'm starting to see light at the end of the tunnel, but its just a pinpoint right now. Keep in mind these aren't final shots. I'll whip out my good camera when all is said and done, and though what's on the board seen here is permanently attached, its not everything, and I'll keep adding as time permits.


I started pinning some of the vignettes to the board. I drilled out some paper clip sized holes and applied some Aves to each foot for extra security. There's not much contact room on these tiny miniatures, and putting them on turf is even shakier, so I'm taking what I can get. First up, the tyranid vignette, where three friends who came dressed as the fearsome foes are goofing off until one of them spots the real threat right behind them!



Next, the owner of the house is giving out his candy to a few arrivals (including a devil, a necron with a skeleton shirt, and someone that is copyright-wise distinct enough from the Joker) but took his eye off his pumpkins...



More to come, but rationed out to not be a pic explosion....

Darren Richardson
10-01-2014, 04:44 PM
heh, it's really coming together now wonderfully.

10-02-2014, 07:39 AM
Thanks Darren! Hopefully it will actually finish up on time. I made a checklist of what needs to be done to finish up, hopefully that will focus me on the home stretch.

10-02-2014, 07:42 AM
I'm loving it! So much character in this piece... it's hard to pick a favorite part of the scene!

10-02-2014, 07:49 AM
OK a bit more finished last night. I'm procrastinating right now by doing updates, but when I"m done typing, hopefully there will be no more distractions and I'll get back to it. Took today and tomorrow off, so hoping that means I can get some headway.

A few more pieces pinned down...

The uruk-hai and his kid, walking up to the door:


The vulture on the signpost and one necron who's done for the night after a huge haul:


I also created a fence by manually breaking up craft sticks in random lengths and using the inherent "puncturability" of the the foam and spackle on the board to push them in place in varying patterns:



Finally, smashed a pumpkin, because that has to happen on Halloween. Just some Aves sculpted in various patterns with lots of yellow and orange to goop it up:


Thanks again for looking!!!

10-02-2014, 09:44 AM
That poor home owning Ork worked so hard on those pumpkins and now they're being defiled.

10-02-2014, 10:07 PM
Yes, these are the perils of home ownership.

Despite having a few more things to paint, I'm getting to the point where I am embellishing more than I am creating, which is a good place to be at with only 3 weeks to go. Unfortunately, the effect this has on my psyche is that I spent my free time today doing more Playstation than actual modelling. Oh well.

Started the day messing with this little guy. He's supposed to be looting something or other, but he has a pair of pliers, which could also pass for bolt cutters. I drilled a hole (CAREFULLY) through the bolt cutters and out the other side, then strung the squig/dog's leash through it like so:


Then it was fairly easy to pin them both to the table. I created a post to tie the chain around using leftover craft sticks, and super glued the whole works to stiffen the chain up. The dog is pointed at the tyranid to add a bit of congruency to the piece:


I also heat shaped a thin rod to use as a water hose, heat shaping is starting to become second nature at this point:


And finally, added some shrubbery to the fence to break up the harsh transition.


I'm much happier with the shrubs by the fence then by the sign post. I might rip up the sign post shrubbery and start again. Anyways, thanks for looking!

10-03-2014, 08:05 AM
We demand a shrubbery!

10-06-2014, 10:06 AM
Light at the end of the tunnel! This late in the game, all of the updates are small and incremental, and I'm happy about that. What I"m NOT happy about is my airbrush not working, but more on that later. I have a lot of incremental update pics, I'll share the big ones, but link to the extraneous ones that more show the positioning of the figures at this point. Feel free to check them out on my blog or the links I share, but no sense in destroying bandwidth.

A few new trick or treaters, and oddly, my first Tau painted:

Another shot here, in which I knocked the vulture off the sign trying to take it: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-BrKtwU8iGXU/VDK09QWvjEI/AAAAAAAABVg/HlkV4Qaocps/s1600/IMG_0075.JPG

Also got most of the TP vignette finished, still two more orks to paint, but I got the one throwing the TP pinned, and the guy who will hose the works down on standby. This is the ork from the cannon kit with a spool of cable, but repurposed to look like a hose. Scratch built the water pipe coming from the house, and the hose was created by heat bending a thin styrene rod:



More for perspective here:

Got my order of Secret Weapon leaves in, and the orks are loving em:


And another of the leaves scattered about: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-hkJPSZnwGZ4/VDK08MpsVkI/AAAAAAAABVM/t2sFeDUH4wM/s1600/IMG_0064.JPG

At this point, its about 93% done. I have a smaller vignette I want to place on if I have time, but really just touchups remain. After that, I have to find a way to photograph this monstrosity. No clue how to even begin taking pictures of something this big. Thanks for looking!


10-06-2014, 11:08 AM
Looking great! Love all the character this has... so many mini-scenes to explore. :)

10-07-2014, 04:41 AM
Continues to look great.

Darren Richardson
10-07-2014, 04:55 AM
wow that really is shaping up a treat....

10-07-2014, 07:14 AM
Thanks guys. I have a few more odds and ends, and once I figure out how to take large scale photographs, I need to take a picture. I have a week's wait as some skeleton arm bits are being shipped as a last ditch effort to add something, and I have to pick up a night goblin for another vignette in case I have time. I had some tertiary ideas that would come up only once I fully completed everything else. Also the little name plate thing will be ready in a week, and I'll place that on to wrap things up. This is my busiest week personally, so I doubt I'll make much headway, and chances are the next round of pictures will be the final product.

10-13-2014, 07:14 AM
Miss me? Well, given a little extra time, I decided to add a few more extras while I wait on the end of the month.

These guys have been on the board for a bit, but forgot to take pictures of them. They're watching the TPing taking place:

Another shot here. (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-GDHHMZLZMrU/VDvLOqueXdI/AAAAAAAABXk/9jUDLOp-_tM/s1600/IMG_0214.JPG)

Bought a night goblin for a vignette behind the house, and it came with a good amount of wrecking balls that were EASILY converted to jack o lanterns that I didn't know about, so I had to add those, along with this little guy who looked like he was making off with one of them:

And an extra shot of the other side of the fence with one of the extra jack o lanterns here. (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-0yr9UywsWeA/VDvLOY-tGGI/AAAAAAAABXg/zQjCdLELqbQ/s1600/IMG_0213.JPG)

Also, started work on a trash can to make a vignette to fill up space behind the house. I took a regular Tamiya barrel, added some Aves and other bits, and nastied it up a bit:


Then pinned it behind the house, and got my new Night Goblin to knock it over:


10-13-2014, 09:14 AM
Again I weep for the poor house owning ork...

10-13-2014, 12:05 PM
I love this so much.

10-13-2014, 01:21 PM
Then pinned it behind the house, and got my new Night Goblin to knock it over:


Oh man, the character this has put into it just keeps on going strong. Love it mate.

10-14-2014, 06:06 AM
Thank you all!!!

The last little bit finally arrived! Placed it on last night, finished just in the nick of time. Added a few skeleton arms to "hold" the nameplate up, and a few more coming out of the ground. Not sure what they're from (other than my bits box). I have a commission piece I'm finishing up at the same time, so I should be able to get the SLR out and take "real" pictures soon of both to save time. Thanks again to everyone who's stopped by, looked, commented, etc...it has certainly helped to keep this project going!


Darren Richardson
10-14-2014, 08:05 AM
well all the little photo's have this looking to be a great display peice, I'm sure when you get the full shot it will really do this beast justice...

11-07-2014, 12:43 PM
Bumping this thread to get some sweet pics of the fully finished board.

11-10-2014, 08:11 AM
Thanks for the reminder...here's a bit of an update.

The reason there haven't been full on finished pictures...two excuses. One, I had a horrible experience submitting this to the GW Armies on Parade entry, and two, I'm very lazy, and this thing is huge.

So I entered this into AoP. The local GW here has undergone a bit of a change in management, and the new guy completely botched the contest. I had to turn this piece in exceptionally early, then judging was to be on Satruday the 25th of October. I popped by Sunday to see how it did and pick the piece up to take home, only to find he had decided to change the rules and allow voting on it throughout the rest of the weekend. The problem with that is that the store doesn't open back up until Wednesday, so this piece ended up sitting on my local GW table for almost two weeks, while policies and rules changed fluidly as the days went on. The good news is that I placed first. However, I STILL have yet to get my medal. This guy doesn't want to give them out until November 15 for some unknown reason. Total cluster. So, between busting my tail to get it ready for the contest, and having the worst contest experience of my life (despite finishing in first), I honestly had a bit of burnout on the whole thing. I was going to come back and post a picture of the medal and final shots of it, but obviously its still all up in the air at this point. :/

So, the GOOD news is, yes, I actually placed on this piece in a contest. The other good news is that its safe back in my hands, no damage or anything from the time spent there. The bad news is I have no real place to keep it long term, which has led to me having to brainstorm how to photograph it. I ended up bringing it up to my office for the time being, as its the safest place I know of for something this big.

So my plan at this point is to find a way to photograph this here at work, and then hopefully find a way to sell it to somebody that can appreciate the tongue in cheek-ness of it and can easily keep it stored somewhere. Any takers? LOL.

Thanks again to all of you again for taking the time to look at it, and say kind things about the piece. You all make it worthwhile, and get me energized to take on big stuff like this. You haven't heard the last of me.

Darren Richardson
11-10-2014, 09:27 AM
Thanks for the reminder...here's a bit of an update.

The reason there haven't been full on finished pictures...two excuses. One, I had a horrible experience submitting this to the GW Armies on Parade entry, and two, I'm very lazy, and this thing is huge.

So I entered this into AoP. The local GW here has undergone a bit of a change in management, and the new guy completely botched the contest. I had to turn this piece in exceptionally early, then judging was to be on Satruday the 25th of October. I popped by Sunday to see how it did and pick the piece up to take home, only to find he had decided to change the rules and allow voting on it throughout the rest of the weekend. The problem with that is that the store doesn't open back up until Wednesday, so this piece ended up sitting on my local GW table for almost two weeks, while policies and rules changed fluidly as the days went on. The good news is that I placed first. However, I STILL have yet to get my medal. This guy doesn't want to give them out until November 15 for some unknown reason. Total cluster. So, between busting my tail to get it ready for the contest, and having the worst contest experience of my life (despite finishing in first), I honestly had a bit of burnout on the whole thing. I was going to come back and post a picture of the medal and final shots of it, but obviously its still all up in the air at this point. :/

So, the GOOD news is, yes, I actually placed on this piece in a contest. The other good news is that its safe back in my hands, no damage or anything from the time spent there. The bad news is I have no real place to keep it long term, which has led to me having to brainstorm how to photograph it. I ended up bringing it up to my office for the time being, as its the safest place I know of for something this big.

So my plan at this point is to find a way to photograph this here at work, and then hopefully find a way to sell it to somebody that can appreciate the tongue in cheek-ness of it and can easily keep it stored somewhere. Any takers? LOL.

Thanks again to all of you again for taking the time to look at it, and say kind things about the piece. You all make it worthwhile, and get me energized to take on big stuff like this. You haven't heard the last of me.

Sorry to hear about the mucking around you've been given, but congrats on coming first (hopefully still stands)

Why don't you have a word with Big Red and maybe auctioning it off for charity?

I'm sure BolS has done something like that in the past.

03-30-2016, 12:21 AM
Well, looks like I'm going to dredge this back up one last time!

I last posted a promise for some final pictures...Problem was, the diorama was so big, I didn't have a proper way to photograph it. Until I started doing my Youtube channel, didn't realize the real proper way to showcase it is in video form! I brought it home to enter into another contest this weekend, so while its here, I took full advantage and filmed it.

Thanks for bearing with me for one last post here, but while I had it, I thought I'd take the time and actually show it off properly. Thanks to everyone who commented! Much appreciated! Here's the video, pardon my hoarseness due to allergies:
