View Full Version : Blood Angels Omnibus Campign

09-08-2014, 10:13 PM
Hey all! This is my first post and I'm looking for some creative feedback and ideas to add to a short campaign I'm starting based on ships noted in the Blood Angels Omnibus. If you've read the book you know that there were some very intense battles fought and I thought it would be fun to re-create them based on the specifications in the book. Bear in mind, the rules of engagement will not reflect the exact tactica of either side taken from the book and are as close to replicating the battles as possible given the rule set.
Hopefully over time I will be adding more missions, but for now, here's the first!

-Mission 1-
The Upturning of Cybele

Details: Cybele is a small world located somewhere in the Ultima Segmentum. It is a cemetary world of little tactical value, but that did not stop Iskavan The Hated, Dark Apostle of the Word Bearers legion, from trying to take it as a crushing propaganda victory over the Imperium. Luckily the Blood Angels have arrived just in time to hopefully turn the tides of the war being raged on its surface.

Blood Angels - 1 Space Marine Battle Barge: The Bellus
Word Bearers - 1 Repulsive Class Grand Cruiser: The Ogre Lord
1 Murder Class Cruiser: Dirge Eternia
2 Idolator Class Raiders

This game is based on the Planetary Assault scenario listed on pg.76 of the BFG rulebook with a few exceptions. The Blood Angels will set up as the Defender and the Word Bearers will set up as the Attackers.

Cybele is a small world orbiting a gas giant. It has only one defense laser on the surface.
To set up Cybele, the Defender will place a gas giant (50cm) and add three small moons (5cm) orbiting it that are at least 30cm away from each other and at least 30-40cm from the surface of the gas giant. Then the Defender will use a d3 or other method to randomly determine which is Cybele before marking it as such.

Celestial Phenomena will be rolled for on the Primary Biosphere Generator with the exception that no other planets may be placed. If a planet is rolled on the table, then re-roll until you get a different phenomena. Players will take turns rolling for and placing celestial phenomena.

In this mission, Cybele is in the midst of a tug-of-war between the Blood Angels and the Word Bearers. To reflect this, Cybele is treated as having 2 assault points already, but control of the defense laser is in soul possession of the Blood Angels thanks to the tactical brilliance of one young marine named Arkio and his brother Rafen who led their squad deep into enemy territory to take it back.

Victory Conditions:
Keeping with the lore of the book, I decided that the Blood Angels victory will come if they manage to destroy the Ogre Lord, thus scuttling the rest of the traitors.
The Word Bearers shall achieve victory if they either;
A) Destroy the Bellus
B) Manage to score 8 more Assault Points on the planet to bring the total to 10

This mission is still in the Alpha stage and I'm currently messing around with it. I think I'll end up adding a Turn limit or something to give the Blood Angels a better chance seeing as the points values are not equal (but really in war, who ever heard of a fair fight? :D)



<Like the missions or have a remark? Let me know by leaving a comment below!>

01-13-2016, 11:21 PM
Try adding a strike cruiser? I'm not sure what lore you are making that battle from but as put that is really unbalanced. Perhaps a solution would be for the grand cruiser to start play already somewhelat damaged.