View Full Version : Can I please get some help?

09-07-2014, 10:57 PM
Hey guys, I'm sure most of you know me by now and also that I have a blog. Here's the thing; while I and my other moderators can view my blog, a number of people have told me that every time they try and access the blog it pops up with a "Under Review" notice or something like that. I've checked the G-Mail and regular e-mail accounts of myself and my moderators but there is nothing to indicate why this might be the case - no mail from Google or anyone like that. Obviously this has panicked me somewhat as the blog could be shut down by Google or another party and I have no idea why.

I don't like to do this - and please don't take this to mean that I am trying to get more "clicks" - but I wanted to ask if you could please take a few seconds of your time and try and go on my blog at Imperator Guides (http://imperatorguides.blogspot.com.au/). I am not sure if this issue is limited to a few people or if it affects everyone and I want to find out what is happening. If you are able to access the blog or unable to, please let me know the result - if this affects some but not all viewers then it could be a server problem. If everyone is affected then maybe something bad has happened, but the problem is that none of my e-mails show anything to that extent. Additionally, if you know of this kind of thing happening - i.e. is it caused by Google server problems? - then please let me know what the cause could be.

Thanks for any help guys, and sorry to bring this up! I don't mean to ask anything of fellow hobbyists unless I feel I really need the help. Thanks again! Hopefully this can all be resolved quickly :)

The Girl
09-07-2014, 11:04 PM
You have a hold due to TOS violation on the account. Email Google about it... also, shoot BigRed an email at [email protected]. He's dealt with this kind of thing before.

09-07-2014, 11:06 PM
Thank you! It just seems so weird that they wouldn't e-mail me or let me know about it in some way, I only found out about this via a Facebook message from a fan. Thanks again!

09-07-2014, 11:29 PM
Ok, I found the issue. It turns out two of my old Space Marine Tactica articles had links to malicious content in them, likely from some of the pictures I had taken off of Google Search and used in the articles. The posts have been reverted to Drafts and any links/photos in the posts removed. I have requested a review from Google and they will apparently review it within 24 hours.

Thanks again! Hopefully it is sorted now :)

The Girl
09-07-2014, 11:36 PM
Good deal… glad you got it figure out. Hope the blog gets reinstated soon :)

09-08-2014, 12:34 AM

Jesper Engström
09-13-2014, 05:27 PM
I can´t get in to the blog yet. What´s happening???

Jesper Engström
09-15-2014, 05:03 AM
I still can´t get into the blog. What´s happening???