View Full Version : 2k Imperial Guard Heavy Armor

09-06-2014, 02:58 PM
Tank Commander (Command Vanquisher with a Hull-mounted Lascannon & Camo Netting, Battle Tank with Hull-Mounted Lascannon, Camo Netting) – 365

Veterans (Veteran Sergeant, 9 Veterans, Autocannon, Forward Sentries) – 80
Veterans (Veteran Sergeant, 9 Veterans, Autocannon, Forward Sentries) – 80

Vendetta Squadron (Vendetta) – 170

Leman Russ Squadron (2 Leman Russ Exterminators, Hull-mounted Heavy Bolter, Heavy Bolter Sponsors, Camo Netting) – 330
Leman Russ Squadron (2 Leman Russ Exterminators, Hull-mounted Heavy Bolter, Heavy Bolter Sponsors, Camo Netting) – 330

Baneblade (2 Lascannon and 2 Heavy Bolter Sponsors) – 575

Aegis Defense Line – 50

= 1980

Baneblade and Command Tanks hold the center of the ADL, on each flank a squad of Leman Russ hold up, the Vets hold backfield objectives. I threw the Vendetta in the list since I already have the kit for one …. I wouldn’t be opposed to dropping it for something else.

Anyone have any thoughts on the list and what to do with the last 20 points?

09-06-2014, 06:15 PM
I'd recommend keeping the Vendetta, if only for the air cover. Possibly go with Sniper Rifles on the Vets; not an amazing weapon, but better than lasguns. 6 sniper rifles (3 per squad) would fill up 12 of the spare points.]

Also, I know they're not a favored variant, but I'd possibly suggest swapping in at least 1 Eradicator Russ; otherwise if you have dug-in infantry to worry about, your only option is trying to force saves by weight of fire, which might soak up a disproportional amount of shots.