View Full Version : Wraithguard Eldar Wip (pic heavy)

09-04-2014, 10:52 AM
Hello Guys and Gals, I finally decided to post some pics of the current army I'm working on up. Essentially i am using the new wraithguard kit and converting it to suit the different aspects/troops/hq, pretty much everybody except named characters and basic guardians.

so since im not quite sure how to embed pictures i will just give a run down of the thumbnails:

1st and 2nd pics are 2 of my dark reaper exarchs, one with a tempest launcher, the other a reaper launcher, I am still working on the hair and tabard and when i do have a decent looking original sculpt i will probably end up casting it.

3rd and 4th is the exarch with a missile launcher and some of the basic reapers

5th and 6th are my banshees, the one dragging the sword is where this all began, still need to rework the hair on some of them to be a little neater/thinner

next up is the ranger, i ended up greenstuffing the cloak and am using a bright lance for the barrel

after that is the warp spider, I ended up sculpting a back pack and casting it for the squad of them (sadly only one done so far and I can only make 1/ box of WG, same as the reapers. but i do have some bits from previous boxes to work on a couple more soon)

getting to the end we have the striking scorpions. I think the only thing i really need for them is longer chain swords, so if you know of any places that make custom chain swords, if not i will probably just buy some bits and do a hack 'n' glue

finally we have the dire avenger exarch with 2 guns, i went for the arm mounted design due to the fact i like it more than them actually holding the guns :/

Thanks, Nathan

09-16-2014, 10:13 AM
More pictures incoming.

so first off we have the the first of my shadow spectres

http://i1201.photobucket.com/albums/bb344/killee10/IMG_0133_zps961e6a51.jpg (http://s1201.photobucket.com/user/killee10/media/IMG_0133_zps961e6a51.jpg.html)
http://i1201.photobucket.com/albums/bb344/killee10/IMG_0132_zps0dc6fcc9.jpg (http://s1201.photobucket.com/user/killee10/media/IMG_0132_zps0dc6fcc9.jpg.html)

next up is the firedragon exarch with the firepike
http://i1201.photobucket.com/albums/bb344/killee10/IMG_0129_zps6b6a7e43.jpg (http://s1201.photobucket.com/user/killee10/media/IMG_0129_zps6b6a7e43.jpg.html)

and the basic fire dragon, (i have a full squad of 5 done up almost, just need to greenstuff the guns
http://i1201.photobucket.com/albums/bb344/killee10/IMG_0131_zpscf390f82.jpg (http://s1201.photobucket.com/user/killee10/media/IMG_0131_zpscf390f82.jpg.html)

for the harlequins we have the troup master, Death jester and shadowseer, (sorry if some pics are blurry, i will retake them later, also ignore the sparkles on the master, it was a failed attempt at stuff)

http://i1201.photobucket.com/albums/bb344/killee10/IMG_0122_zps59135526.jpg (http://s1201.photobucket.com/user/killee10/media/IMG_0122_zps59135526.jpg.html)
http://i1201.photobucket.com/albums/bb344/killee10/IMG_0126_zps02f3621d.jpg (http://s1201.photobucket.com/user/killee10/media/IMG_0126_zps02f3621d.jpg.html)
http://i1201.photobucket.com/albums/bb344/killee10/IMG_0124_zpsf95e9c8f.jpg (http://s1201.photobucket.com/user/killee10/media/IMG_0124_zpsf95e9c8f.jpg.html)

and last but not least we have the hawks. I ended up using the Scourge wings from dark eldar, and if anyone is interested in trading the feather ones for some bat ones, pm please
http://i1201.photobucket.com/albums/bb344/killee10/IMG_0118_zps29773d7c.jpg (http://s1201.photobucket.com/user/killee10/media/IMG_0118_zps29773d7c.jpg.html)
http://i1201.photobucket.com/albums/bb344/killee10/IMG_0120_zps711e741a.jpg (http://s1201.photobucket.com/user/killee10/media/IMG_0120_zps711e741a.jpg.html)

not sure when i will get the net post up, it will most likely be of some of the rework I'm doing plus maybe some army wide shots, as always C&C welcome.

Thanks, Nathan