View Full Version : Okey painting daemons skin with washis what should i use for the other two

08-31-2014, 06:25 AM
Using Skull White Primer

Pink Horrors = Carroburg Crimson
Iridesent horrors = Druchii Violet
Plaguebearers = Athonian Camoshade
Plagueridden = Coelia Greenshade

Bloodletters = ?
Bloodreaper = ?
Daemonetts = Nuln Oil
Alluress = ?

GW wash/shades (http://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/Citadel-Shade?s=99189953003)

Also i know this is a bad idea but i wish to repaint some of my old daemons but instead of striping the paint could i just re-prime them i know it might lower some of the detail but this is the first re-prime so to pass all the hassal of striping there paint off could this be acceptable.