View Full Version : Militarum Tempestus w/ Imperial Knights Allie

08-29-2014, 07:42 PM
I'm looking to jump into 40K (for like the 4th time) and I think I found the army I'd like to do that isn't Marines or 3 Riptide Tau. I saw the Tempestus models and they caught my eye. I know they are formally Storm Troopers but the Taurox Prime just jumps out at me. I was thinking of pairing them with the Imperial Knights. Just wondering if that is just over bearing or too weak or just right. I'm not looking to be that guy who feels a need to lay models down and crush everyone and throw my viking helmet in celebration (though it might be funny). I just like to have fun and be competitive. But how does implementing IK into Tempestus (or any other army) work with only 3 models in the mini dex? What are some common traps too look out for in this kind of set up? Or am I just setting myself up for failure? Also note I accidently posted this topic in the wrong section and rewrote to the correct one.

08-29-2014, 11:53 PM
IK are not as overbearing as most claim to be the weakness to a knight is being attacked from two sides as they can only ever use the shield on 1 facing. as for the MT they are in the AM book but as a elite choice but with thease two armys they compliment each others weakness so they are very viable the key weakness to a knight is air units wile most things with the MT is they get twin-linked also have access to a air unit wile the MT weakness is anti armoured units because they are mosly weak armoured to troop killers.

For Set up use a knight errent as a anti tank and use the air formation in the MT book :).

08-30-2014, 02:31 AM
By win percentage of games reported on Torrent of Fire, Imperial Knights are second only to Eldar, and they are extremely common as allies in competitive lists as well. They'll perform fine for you. As for Militarum Tempestus, if you like the look go for it, but I would plan on expanding out into regular Imperial Guard eventually. Most of the good competitive stuff is in the Astra Militarum book, and the MT are pretty limited.

08-30-2014, 03:55 AM
Running alongside an Imperial Knight is a fun list. When the MilTemp codex first came out I was running both formations in the same list with little 5 man squads in all the vehicles. The Taurox is the AM equivalent of a DE venom. Very fragile, but fun to zip around. But what I found was that one or two would die during turns 1 & 2, then the Valks would come on. I would suicide drop troops out, they'd die, one or two Valks would get shot down while hovering to claim objectives, and I would be left with 2 or 3 flyers & two very fragile vehicles, with squads in them, trying to rush around claiming objectives. So it was fun and fast, but by turn 4 I was out of gas. In short the lessons I learned were:
-Valks need to hover to claim objectives.
-Valks need the heavy bolter upgrade in addition to the template missiles in order to really have an impact.
-But then they are too expensive.
-5 man teams die. Fast.
-The Formation bonuses are good, but encourage you to get out of the vehicles. Where you die.

Now, I only run the ground assault formation, with an Imperial Knight and some Grey Knight termies plus dread knight. The GKs move around assaulting what I want while the Imperial Knight scares away anything with its Stomp attacks. Opponents ignore the Tauroxes now while they try to deal with the 3xknights. You could easily switch out the GKs for something you prefer as long as it has mobility.

Oh yeah, and look out for outflanking bikers.