View Full Version : 2000 Pts: Skyblight, Endless Swarm, and Some Trygons

08-29-2014, 02:48 PM

Hive Tyrant: 230
Wings, 2x Brainleech

3x 10 Gargoyles: 180

Crone: 155

Harpy: 135

Harpy: 140
Venom Cannon

Endless Swarm:

5 Warriors: 200
Deathspitters , Rending claws

3x 10 Termagants: 120

3x 10 Hormagaunts: 150


Hive Tyrant: 230
Wings, 2x Brainleech

2x Trygon Prime: 460

The primes deep strike so that respawning gaunts can enter in the backfield and the gargoyles claim objectives using objective secured. I'm worried about synapse, however.

08-29-2014, 03:47 PM
I could be wrong, but as I understand it, if any part of your army is unbound you don't receive any ObSec benefits :/

08-29-2014, 04:43 PM
The Skyblight formation is what gives the gargoyles objective secured.