View Full Version : Blood Angels Over Charged Engine

01-27-2010, 07:57 AM
Hi! I'd like a rule precision on OCE.

If i roll 4+ on OCE roll, move 12", can the Baal shoot its Assault Cannon?

If i roll 4+ on OCE roll, move 12", can the rhino disembark its passengers?

does the vehicule count as fast for the movement phase only or all of the turn including shooting phase?

Thanks alot!

01-27-2010, 08:12 AM
never mind, i had the french version of the codex and for one rare time, its more precise in english! :D

01-27-2010, 08:16 AM
OCE only causes the vehicle to move as if a fast vehicle. So:

No assault cannon shot.

You may disembark (you can always disembark after moving 12" from a Rhino, you just can't assault afterwards)

01-27-2010, 08:42 AM
last sentence of OCE description on page 5 states :

"On the roll of 4-6, the boosters work, and the vehicule is treated as a fast vehicule for the entire turn."

So i assume i can shoot
everything after moving 6" or less
1 main and all defensive after moving 12" or less
none if moving more than 12"

Angelus Mortifer
01-27-2010, 08:56 AM
Sorry Dark Link, but you're wrong. On a 4+ it counts as a Fast vehicle and is able to shoot one weapon so yes Lupin, you can move 12" and fire the Assault Cannon. He's right about the other thing - disembarking after moving 12".

01-27-2010, 08:35 PM
Sorry Dark Link, but you're wrong. On a 4+ it counts as a Fast vehicle and is able to shoot one weapon so yes Lupin, you can move 12" and fire the Assault Cannon. He's right about the other thing - disembarking after moving 12".

Oh, huh, must have misread it. Yeah, if it is just treated as a fast vehicle, then you can shoot.