View Full Version : Hardback codices that are still missing models

08-26-2014, 10:41 AM
What models and/or weapons options are still missing from the armies that have a hardback codex?
And I'm talking about GW models, 3rd party doesn't count.

I'll start with the armies I have.

Farseer on jetbike
Farseer with Witchblade (you could just use the one with the staff...but still)
Warlock on jetbike

Howling Banshee Exarch w/Triskele
Warp Spider Exarch w/Spinneret Rifle
Warp Spider Exarch without powerblades

Space Marines
I don't have many SM, so please help me complete this list.

Dreadnought Multi-Melta (how the heck have they not made this?! Forgeworld does have one)

08-26-2014, 10:50 AM
Space Marines

Honour Guard Squad. That finecast squad that comes with Terminator armour Marneus is great if you play Ultramarines, but a plastic squad box for everyone else would be very nice and is currently missing from the line.

Heavy flamer turret for the Razorback. you can now get the Assault Cannon and Las/Plas turrets from Forgeworld but the twin Heavy Flamer turret is still missing.

08-26-2014, 10:54 AM
There is a Farseer with Witchblade, it comes in a box with three Warlocks.

08-26-2014, 12:17 PM
Chaos Lord on Bike
Chaos Lord on Juggernaut
Chaos Lord on Steed
Chaos Lord on Disc
Chaos lord on Palanquin
Chaos Sorcerer on.... you know the list.
Chaos Cultists
Thousand Sons (Conversion kit mailorder only)
Noise Marines (Conversion kit mailorder only)

08-26-2014, 12:51 PM
Chaos Lord on Bike
Chaos Lord on Juggernaut
Chaos Lord on Steed
Chaos Lord on Disc
Chaos lord on Palanquin
Chaos Sorcerer on.... you know the list.
Chaos Cultists
Thousand Sons (Conversion kit mailorder only)
Noise Marines (Conversion kit mailorder only)

Everything on this list can be made from the various kits. It just requires a little conversion work. GW isn't going to sell *everything* in its own kit -- that would raise their production and shipping costs. Much more money to be made in players buying multiple kits.

08-26-2014, 12:54 PM

08-26-2014, 01:02 PM
Everything on this list can be made from the various kits. It just requires a little conversion work. GW isn't going to sell *everything* in its own kit -- that would raise their production and shipping costs. Much more money to be made in players buying multiple kits.

The Question was: What is still missing?
And that is a list. Following your line of argument you can build EVERYTHING by scratchbuilding, converting combining multiple kits. But this is not the point of this Topic.

08-26-2014, 01:05 PM
The Question was: What is still missing?
And that is a list. Following your line of argument you can build EVERYTHING by scratchbuilding, converting combining multiple kits. But this is not the point of this Topic.

And I answered it. The models are there, but are in a jigsaw puzzle dispersal. If you're looking for whole new sprues with exact equipment then you're better off throwing pennies in a wishing well. It's not going to happen.

Ergo, this entire thread is kind of superfluous beyond showing what we wish would happen, but never will.

Also, they have Cultists, Chosen, and I'm confused as to why you reference the conversion kits.

08-26-2014, 01:10 PM
Space Marines

Honour Guard Squad. That finecast squad that comes with Terminator armour Marneus is great if you play Ultramarines, but a plastic squad box for everyone else would be very nice and is currently missing from the line.

Heavy flamer turret for the Razorback. you can now get the Assault Cannon and Las/Plas turrets from Forgeworld but the twin Heavy Flamer turret is still missing.

Master of the Forge with conversion beamer.
Bike mounted Chaplain, Techmarine, and Librarian.
Space Wolf generic Wolf Priest (Ulric doesn't count as he's a SC)

08-26-2014, 01:28 PM
And I answered it. The models are there, but are in a jigsaw puzzle dispersal. If you're looking for whole new sprues with exact equipment then you're better off throwing pennies in a wishing well. It's not going to happen.

Ergo, this entire thread is kind of superfluous beyond showing what we wish would happen, but never will.

Also, they have Cultists, Chosen, and I'm confused as to why you reference the conversion kits.

"Nothing goes over my head. My reflexes are too fast. I would catch it." ~ Drax the Destroyer, Guardians of the Galaxy.

08-26-2014, 01:40 PM
Dreadnought Multi-Melta (how the heck have they not made this?! Forgeworld does have one)

Ignoring kits that are no longer available, you can now get a multi-melta in the Space Wolf Dreadnought kit that's completely interchangeable with the Assault / Plasma / Las Cannon in the Venerable Dreadnought. I'd expect to see a lot of those on eBay.

Heavy flamer turret for the Razorback. you can now get the Assault Cannon and Las/Plas turrets from Forgeworld but the twin Heavy Flamer turret is still missing.

Pfaugh, they should have removed the heavy flamer option when the 6th Edition codex rolled around, or, better yet, never have come up with it in the first place. It turns the Immolator into just a Razorback with different iconography, which is sad.

Chaos Cultists
What, you mean these Cultists (http://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/Chaos-Space-Marines-Cultists)?


Anyway. Orks need a megaboss who ain't Ghaz. Dark Eldar need some more Grotesques, especially since the Finecast one has what looks suspiciously like a flesh gauntlet on its non-swappable arm and is therefore a squad leader without a squad. They also need Vect, Malys, Sliscus and the Voidraven Bomber (though I would expect those last three to just quietly vanish in the next codex).

08-26-2014, 01:46 PM
What, you mean these Cultists?

Yes I mean these cultists, as the one pose snap fit placeholder is hopefully not the end of the line...

The are about the same level as these guys (http://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/Chaos-Space-Marines-3-models)

08-26-2014, 05:00 PM
Keep dreaming. Spider riders have been one-pose snap-fit for the last eight years...

08-26-2014, 08:38 PM
Space Wolves
Iron Priest on a Thunderwolf - what makes it worse is that they could've included an Iron Priest torso in the Wolf Lord Thunderwolf kit, instead of the decorative 1ksons bit. Swap the axe for a hammer, find space for a servo-arm, and that'd give the range a dual-purpose kit right there (and you could've put whichever torso was left over onto a bike).
Wolf Priest is absent as well.

08-26-2014, 09:36 PM
SM Dreadnought Autocannon arms (both sides), Twin-Linked Heavy Flamer and Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter arms
SM Librarian with Jump Pack
SM Librarian and Techmarine on bike (but I think I saw someone post that already)
SM Land Speeder Heavy Flamer in top mount and Heavy Bolter & Multi-Melta in bottom mounts
SM Land Raider dozer blade - yes i know that GW cant decide whether to keep them or get rid of them since they keep changing up if they're allowed or not with each new marine codex that comes out - take the webs ideas and make it something that attaches to the sides and swings up for troop disembarking.
SM Scout Sergeants actual weapon options

Path Walker
08-27-2014, 03:48 PM
Yes I mean these cultists, as the one pose snap fit placeholder is hopefully not the end of the line...

The are about the same level as these guys (http://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/Chaos-Space-Marines-3-models)

They're much, much nicer than any of the previous generation of snap fit models, those Chaos Space Marines don't even come close to the level of detail on the Cultists

- - - Updated - - -

But yeah, if you're going to say that anything requiring a conversion is a missing model, this is going to be a long and pointless list.

Its a hobby, converting is part of the hobby, don't like it, use the wargear the model comes with.

08-27-2014, 04:39 PM
Is it wrong of me to say sometimes i like the fact they dont provide a model atleast then you can use your immagination to come up with a great model using what you have :)

08-28-2014, 07:41 AM
Striking Scorpion Exarch with Chainsabres and twin shuriken pistols.

08-28-2014, 09:08 AM
Striking Scorpion Exarch with Chainsabres and twin shuriken pistols.

They had a model for that in the 3rd edition line (which is probably why its been a wargear option for the past 2 books)

08-28-2014, 09:19 AM
They had a model for that in the 3rd edition line (which is probably why its been a wargear option for the past 2 books)

I own all scorpion ranges from 2nd edition on to now, they never had an exarch with these weapons.
2nd Edition had a chainsword-katar and a shuriken pistol, 3rd Edition had the Claw and a shurikan pistol, recent ones come with Claw or 2handed Chainsword.
The only twin sabre exarch in existence is the female scorpion exarch from CHS.

08-28-2014, 09:30 AM
I own all scorpion ranges from 2nd edition on to now, they never had an exarch with these weapons.
2nd Edition had a chainsword-katar and a shuriken pistol, 3rd Edition had the Claw and a shurikan pistol, recent ones come with Claw or 2handed Chainsword.
The only twin sabre exarch in existence is the female scorpion exarch from CHS.

Ugh - you're gonna make me dig through my huge rubbermaid container of ancient bits to find that model- aren't you.

(PS - I recently accidently dumped a bunch of exacto blades in the same container)


08-28-2014, 09:38 AM
You really dont have to do that :D
Maybe confusing it with the Banshee Exarch which had twinblades?

08-28-2014, 09:55 AM
You really dont have to do that :D
Maybe confusing it with the Banshee Exarch which had twinblades?

Its in here somewhere. If you zoom in you might be able to find it. I call this bin "the eye of terror".


08-28-2014, 10:25 AM

This list (most of them with pictures) is complete. No twin sabres exarch.

08-28-2014, 10:37 AM

This list (most of them with pictures) is complete. No twin sabres exarch.


For whatever reason, I thought this model had small sabres attached to the forearms (And I think mine does, but must be a conversion)

I stand corrected.

08-28-2014, 12:34 PM
These are not units missing models; they are models with missing options. It's not the same as the Baron, Ork Character on the bike, they are units missing models. Need to change the title of this thread.

08-28-2014, 03:00 PM
Most of this is just a lack of mounts it seems, all of which can be easily converted. The hardest by far are jetbike Warlocks, the others are fairly easy.

Also some rather useless Exarch weapons except for the spinneret rifle which didn't exist when the models were made. That said, they damned well should have made new Warp Spider models. I'm going to convert some from Shadow Spectres.

Jose A. Fabian
08-28-2014, 03:02 PM
How about we make this thread more useful, just a suggestion, of course-

1. The OP ammends his first post in this thread so that it compiles a list of all the models missing for each codex.

2. For each model we find 2 things- 3rd party alternatives and the easiest possible source of conversion parts from GW model kits.

Bonus points- sources of conversion parts for single models that can only be bought as finecast or as part of a set.

08-28-2014, 04:17 PM
How about we make this thread more useful, just a suggestion, of course-

1. The OP ammends his first post in this thread so that it compiles a list of all the models missing for each codex.

2. For each model we find 2 things- 3rd party alternatives and the easiest possible source of conversion parts from GW model kits.

Bonus points- sources of conversion parts for single models that can only be bought as finecast or as part of a set.

Good idea. Gives some use to the thread.

Shawn Hankinson
08-29-2014, 04:25 PM
Vect has a model. It is sorely outdated and good luck getting a hold of one these days. I have a feeling we will see the voidraven bomber with the new codex