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Crydon Games
08-26-2014, 05:56 AM
Does anyone play 40k with only tanks...? Like use the 40k rules but with lists containing only armored units?

Arkhan Land
08-26-2014, 06:07 AM
I have a few times done essentially a titans and tanks only battle. Its kind of fun to have a big battle that doesnt take forever. checkout the dataslate Contaminated Grounds or the old WD a Tangle of Tanks.

08-26-2014, 06:13 AM
*peaks inside* You rang?

Far as I am aware, I'm one of the only (if not *the* only) player whose posted lists and battle reports on using an only tank army. I personally own thirty Leman Russ tanks of various types and I usually fight a battle using them about once a month. Imperial Armored Battle Group army list is in the Forge World IA One, 2nd Edition book.

But if you're referencing the new ability of Unbound to take whatever you want...no, I refuse to do Unbound because I like structure. Plus there are far more advantages in taking a Bound list (imho) than in taking an Unbound list.

This Dave
08-26-2014, 08:01 AM
I've played several games using the Armored Regiment list from Imperial Armour v1e2 and had fun with it. My current Guard army is almost all tanks with a Tank Commander warlord, two squadrons of Leman Russ variants, and some artillery, though I do have two Veteran squads in Chimeras. It's a Bound list and if the troops never dismount I only have tanks on the table.

08-26-2014, 12:10 PM
Does it count if the list contains also a Vulture and an Avenger?

Arkhan Land
08-27-2014, 07:33 AM
I think so, the main thing about a tanks only battle or vehicle battle is essentially limiting the psychic and assault taking you down to a bare bones shooting/moving game. Sort of like playing a BIG skirmish game. I remember a while back me and my roomate worked on a sort of version of the game like this we called "40k:ACES" basically infantryless 40k, with a strong emphasis on protecting objectives (or transports) while trying to destroy your opponents. dont know if i can still find it. but games were fun and brutal. cool to watch 2k of points vs 2k of points go down in a mass of flames and gunfire in 45 minutes.

found the file, heres a lil gem from the humor section:

Can You Fly Bobby?: In a cunning move of treachery a vehicles crew tosses a less favorable member of their carry onto the front of a passing vehicle befuddling its driver.
Sacrificing one of its “Troop Counters” an open-topped transport may attempt to make a “Can You Fly Bobby” attack against another vehicle within 6”, on a roll of a 3+ the target vehicle suffers a crew stunned result but loses no hull points. This attack happens after the movement phase but before the shooting phase.

08-31-2014, 08:02 AM
*peaks inside* You rang?

Far as I am aware, I'm one of the only (if not *the* only) player whose posted lists and battle reports on using an only tank army. I personally own thirty Leman Russ tanks of various types and I usually fight a battle using them about once a month. Imperial Armored Battle Group army list is in the Forge World IA One, 2nd Edition book.

not the only one using lists like that though

08-31-2014, 09:05 AM
The campaign book, The Red Waagh!, has a Leman russ formation that isn't unbound.

08-31-2014, 09:07 AM
I havn't done it in a while, but I've run tank only armies. Much to my dismay of my opponents.

09-01-2014, 11:56 PM
I started playing using the Armored Company list from white dwarf, It was pretty good at first, but everyone at my store new my game and just brought ALL the melta or just swooped in on bikes and got in assault with them as quick as possible, but then 5th ed rolled around. I've never seen 10 russes pop so fast as 5th ed assault against just about every army in the game rolling in and taking the hits turn one and then punch my armor to death turn two. I learned a lot those days about proper army balance, armor requires a screen of foot sloggers to protect them and give them some extra cover. 7th gives armor much more survivability and I've found that a Baneblade with a cover of Russes and support from a bit of Artillery works wonders! I'm a tread head at heart but I only bring out nothing but armor rarely since a well balanced list is important, and it keeps your opponents from seeing it coming eve

Da Gargoyle
09-15-2014, 11:34 PM
My son has a stack of tanks including some cool conversions. He now has 3 destroyer tank hunters and 3 thunderer siege tanks. He also has a Salamander scout unit and his own version of a Hydra. He also has super heavies but I once made a list out of what he had.

Pask in a Vanquisher
Commissar in an Annihilator TL Las
2 Platoons 3 tanks, 1 x Vanquisher & 2 x normal Russ
3 x Hydras
Infantry Support in Chimeras,
1 x Platoon HQ
1 x Vets with lots of assault weapons
3 x Chimera with guard squads

Very points heavy and not a lot of space to manoeuvre, even on a 4 x 6 board. Fund to run on big boards though.